# frozen_string_literal: true require 'cucumber/gherkin/formatter/ansi_escapes' require 'cucumber/core/test/data_table' require 'cucumber/deprecate' require 'mini_mime' module Cucumber module Glue # Defines the basic API methods availlable in all Cucumber step definitions. # # You can, and probably should, extend this API with your own methods that # make sense in your domain. For more on that, see {Cucumber::Glue::Dsl#World} module ProtoWorld # Run a single Gherkin step # @example Call another step # step "I am logged in" # @example Call a step with quotes in the name # step %{the user "Dave" is logged in} # @example Passing a table # step "the following users exist:", table(%{ # | name | email | # | Matt | matt@matt.com | # | Aslak | aslak@aslak.com | # }) # @example Passing a multiline string # step "the email should contain:", "Dear sir,\nYou've won a prize!\n" # @param [String] name The name of the step # @param [String, Cucumber::Test::DocString, Cucumber::Ast::Table] multiline_argument def step(name, raw_multiline_arg = nil) super end # Run a snippet of Gherkin # @example # steps %{ # Given the user "Susan" exists # And I am logged in as "Susan" # } # @param [String] steps_text The Gherkin snippet to run def steps(steps_text) super end # Parse Gherkin into a {Cucumber::Ast::Table} object. # # Useful in conjunction with the #step method. # @example Create a table # users = table(%{ # | name | email | # | Matt | matt@matt.com | # | Aslak | aslak@aslak.com | # }) # @param [String] text_or_table The Gherkin string that represents the table # Returns a Cucumber::MultilineArgument::DataTable for +text_or_table+, which can either # be a String: # # table(%{ # | account | description | amount | # | INT-100 | Taxi | 114 | # | CUC-101 | Peeler | 22 | # }) # # or a 2D Array: # # table([ # %w{ account description amount }, # %w{ INT-100 Taxi 114 }, # %w{ CUC-101 Peeler 22 } # ]) # def table(text_or_table) MultilineArgument::DataTable.from(text_or_table) end # Pause the tests and ask the operator for input def ask(question, timeout_seconds = 60) super end def log(*messages) messages.each { |message| attach(message.to_s.dup, 'text/x.cucumber.log+plain') } end # Attach a file to the output # @param file [string|io] the file to attach. # It can be a string containing the file content itself, # the file path, or an IO ready to be read. # @param media_type [string] the media type. If file is a valid path, # media_type can be ommitted, it will then be inferred from the file name. def attach(file, media_type = nil) return super unless File.file?(file) content = File.read(file, mode: 'rb') media_type = MiniMime.lookup_by_filename(file)&.content_type if media_type.nil? super(content, media_type.to_s) rescue StandardError super end # Mark the matched step as pending. def pending(message = 'TODO') raise Pending, message unless block_given? begin yield rescue Exception # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException raise Pending, message end raise Pending, "Expected pending '#{message}' to fail. No Error was raised. No longer pending?" end # Skips this step and the remaining steps in the scenario def skip_this_scenario(message = 'Scenario skipped') raise Core::Test::Result::Skipped, message end # Prints the list of modules that are included in the World def inspect super end # see {#inspect} def to_s inspect end # Dynamially generate the API module, closuring the dependencies def self.for(runtime, language) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength,Metrics/AbcSize Module.new do def self.extended(object) # wrap the dynamically generated module so that we can document the methods # for yardoc, which doesn't like define_method. object.extend(ProtoWorld) end # TODO: pass these in when building the module, instead of mutating them later # Extend the World with user-defined modules def add_modules!(world_modules, namespaced_world_modules) add_world_modules!(world_modules) if world_modules.any? add_namespaced_modules!(namespaced_world_modules) if namespaced_world_modules.any? end define_method(:step) do |name, raw_multiline_arg = nil| location = Core::Test::Location.of_caller runtime.invoke_dynamic_step(name, MultilineArgument.from(raw_multiline_arg, location)) end define_method(:steps) do |steps_text| location = Core::Test::Location.of_caller runtime.invoke_dynamic_steps(steps_text, language, location) end define_method(:ask) do |question, timeout_seconds = 60| runtime.ask(question, timeout_seconds) end define_method(:attach) do |file, media_type| runtime.attach(file, media_type) end # Prints the list of modules that are included in the World def inspect modules = [self.class] (class << self; self; end).instance_eval do modules += included_modules end modules << stringify_namespaced_modules format('#<%s:0x%x>', modules: modules.join('+'), object_id: object_id) end private # @private def add_world_modules!(modules) modules.each do |world_module| extend(world_module) end end # @private def add_namespaced_modules!(modules) @__namespaced_modules = modules modules.each do |namespace, world_modules| world_modules.each do |world_module| variable_name = "@__#{namespace}_world" inner_world = instance_variable_get(variable_name) || Object.new instance_variable_set( variable_name, inner_world.extend(world_module) ) self.class.send(:define_method, namespace) do instance_variable_get(variable_name) end end end end # @private def stringify_namespaced_modules return '' if @__namespaced_modules.nil? @__namespaced_modules.map { |k, v| "#{v.join(',')} (as #{k})" }.join('+') end end end # @private AnsiEscapes = Cucumber::Gherkin::Formatter::AnsiEscapes end end end