require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') module ICU describe Federation do let(:total) { 181 } context "#find using codes" do it "should find a federation given a valid code" do fed = Federation.find('IRL') expect(fed.code).to eq('IRL') expect( eq('Ireland') end it "should find a federation from code case insensitively" do fed = Federation.find('rUs') expect(fed.code).to eq('RUS') expect( eq('Russia') end it "should find a federation despite irrelevant whitespace" do fed = Federation.find(' mex ') expect(fed.code).to eq('MEX') expect( eq('Mexico') end it "should return nil for an invalid code" do expect(Federation.find('XYZ')).to be_nil end end context "#find using names" do it "should find a federation given a valid name" do fed = Federation.find('England') expect(fed.code).to eq('ENG') expect( eq('England') end it "should find a federation from name case insensitively" do fed = Federation.find('franCE') expect(fed.code).to eq('FRA') expect( eq('France') end it "should not be fooled by irrelevant whitespace" do fed = Federation.find(' united states of america ') expect(fed.code).to eq('USA') expect( eq('United States of America') end it "should return nil for an invalid name" do expect(Federation.find('Mordor')).to be_nil end end context "#find using parts of names" do it "should find a federation given a substring which is unique and at least 4 characters" do fed = Federation.find('bosni') expect(fed.code).to eq('BIH') expect( eq('Bosnia and Herzegovina') end it "should not be fooled by irrelevant whitespace" do fed = Federation.find(' arab EMIRATES ') expect(fed.code).to eq('UAE') expect( eq('United Arab Emirates') end it "should not find a federation if the substring matches more than one" do expect(Federation.find('land')).to be_nil end it "should return nil for any string smaller in length than 3" do expect(Federation.find('ze')).to be_nil end end context "#find federations with alternative names" do it "should find Macedonia multiple ways" do expect(Federation.find('MKD').name).to eq('Macedonia') expect(Federation.find('FYROM').name).to eq('Macedonia') expect(Federation.find('macedoni').name).to eq('Macedonia') expect(Federation.find('Macedonia').name).to eq('Macedonia') expect(Federation.find('former YUG Rep').name).to eq('Macedonia') expect(Federation.find('Republic of Macedonia').name).to eq('Macedonia') expect(Federation.find('former yugoslav republic').name).to eq('Macedonia') end end context "#find from common code errors" do it "should find IRL from ICU" do expect(Federation.find('ICU').code).to eq('IRL') expect(Federation.find('SPA').code).to eq('ESP') expect(Federation.find('WAL').code).to eq('WLS') end end context "#find with alternative inputs" do it "should behave robustly with completely invalid inputs" do expect(Federation.find()).to be_nil expect(Federation.find(nil)).to be_nil expect(Federation.find('')).to be_nil expect(Federation.find(1)).to be_nil end end context "#new is private" do it "#new cannot be called directly" do expect {'IRL', 'Ireland') }.to raise_error(/private method/) end end context "documentation examples" do it "should all be correct for valid input" do expect(Federation.find('IRL').name).to eq('Ireland') expect(Federation.find('IRL').code).to eq('IRL') expect(Federation.find('rUs').code).to eq('RUS') expect(Federation.find('ongoli').name).to eq('Mongolia') expect(Federation.find(' united states ').code).to eq('USA') end it "should return nil for invalid input" do expect(Federation.find('ZYX')).to be_nil expect(Federation.find('land')).to be_nil end end context "#menu" do it "should return array of name-code pairs in order of name by default" do menu = expect(menu.size).to eq(total) names ={|m| m.first}.join(',') codes ={|m| m.last}.join(',') expect(names.index('Afghanistan')).to eq(0) expect(names.index('Iraq,Ireland,Israel')).not_to be_nil expect(codes.index('AFG')).to eq(0) expect(codes.index('IRQ,IRL,ISR')).not_to be_nil end it "should be configuarble to order the list by codes" do menu = => "code") expect(menu.size).to eq(total) names ={|m| m.first}.join(',') codes ={|m| m.last}.join(',') expect(names.index('Afghanistan')).to eq(0) expect(names.index('Ireland,Iraq,Iceland')).not_to be_nil expect(codes.index('AFG')).to eq(0) expect(codes.index('IRL,IRQ,ISL')).not_to be_nil end it "should be configuarble to have a selected country at the top" do menu = => 'IRL') expect(menu.size).to eq(total) names ={|m| m.first}.join(',') codes ={|m| m.last}.join(',') expect(names.index('Ireland,Afghanistan')).to eq(0) expect(names.index('Iraq,Israel')).not_to be_nil expect(codes.index('IRL,AFG')).to eq(0) expect(codes.index('IRQ,ISR')).not_to be_nil end it "should be configuarble to have 'None' entry at the top" do menu = => 'None') expect(menu.size).to eq(total + 1) names ={|m| m.first}.join(',') codes ={|m| m.last}.join(',') expect(names.index('None,Afghanistan')).to eq(0) expect(codes.index(',AFG')).to eq(0) end it "should be able to handle multiple configuarations" do menu = => 'IRL', :order => 'code', :none => 'None') expect(menu.size).to eq(total + 1) names ={|m| m.first}.join(',') codes ={|m| m.last}.join(',') expect(names.index('None,Ireland,Afghanistan')).to eq(0) expect(names.index('Iraq,Iceland')).not_to be_nil expect(codes.index(',IRL,AFG')).to eq(0) expect(codes.index('IRQ,ISL')).not_to be_nil end end context "#codes" do it "should return array of codes ordered alphabetically" do codes = expect(codes.size).to eq(total) all = codes.join(',') expect(all.index('AFG')).to eq(0) expect(all.index('INA,IND,IRI,IRL,IRQ,ISL,ISR,ISV,ITA,IVB')).not_to be_nil end end context "IOC codes" do before(:all) do ioc_and_fide = # from in November 2013 { "AFG" => "Afghanistan", "AHO" => "Netherlands Antilles", "ALB" => "Albania", "ALG" => "Algeria", "AND" => "Andorra", "ANG" => "Angola", "ANT" => "Antigua and Barbuda", "ARG" => "Argentina", "ARM" => "Armenia", "ARU" => "Aruba", "AUS" => "Australia", "AUT" => "Austria", "AZE" => "Azerbaijan", "BAH" => "Bahamas", "BAN" => "Bangladesh", "BAR" => "Barbados", "BDI" => "Burundi", "BEL" => "Belgium", "BEN" => "Benin", "BER" => "Bermuda", "BHU" => "Bhutan", "BIH" => "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "BIZ" => "Belize", "BLR" => "Belarus", "BOL" => "Bolivia", "BOT" => "Botswana", "BRA" => "Brazil", "BRN" => "Bahrain", "BRU" => "Brunei", "BUL" => "Bulgaria", "CAM" => "Cambodia", "CAN" => "Canada", "CGO" => "Congo", "CHA" => "Chad", "CHI" => "Chile", "CHN" => "China", "CIV" => "Ivory Coast", "CMR" => "Cameroon", "COL" => "Colombia", "CRC" => "Costa Rica", "CRO" => "Croatia", "CUB" => "Cuba", "CYP" => "Cyprus", "CZE" => "Czech Republic", "DEN" => "Denmark", "DJI" => "Djibouti", "DOM" => "Dominican Republic", "ECU" => "Ecuador", "EGY" => "Egypt", "ESA" => "El Salvador", "ESP" => "Spain", "EST" => "Estonia", "ETH" => "Ethiopia", "FIJ" => "Fiji", "FIN" => "Finland", "FRA" => "France", "FRO" => "Faroe Islands", "GAB" => "Gabon", "GAM" => "The Gambia", "GEO" => "Georgia", "GER" => "Germany", "GHA" => "Ghana", "GRE" => "Greece", "GUA" => "Guatemala", "GUM" => "Guam", "GUY" => "Guyana", "HAI" => "Haiti", "HKG" => "Hong Kong", "HON" => "Honduras", "HUN" => "Hungary", "INA" => "Indonesia", "IND" => "India", "IRI" => "Iran", "IRL" => "Ireland", "IRQ" => "Iraq", "ISL" => "Iceland", "ISR" => "Israel", "ISV" => "Virgin Islands", "ITA" => "Italy", "IVB" => "British Virgin Islands", "JAM" => "Jamaica", "JOR" => "Jordan", "JPN" => "Japan", "KAZ" => "Kazakhstan", "KEN" => "Kenya", "KGZ" => "Kyrgyzstan", "KOR" => "South Korea", "KSA" => "Saudi Arabia", "KUW" => "Kuwait", "LAO" => "Laos", "LAT" => "Latvia", "LBA" => "Libya", "LES" => "Lesotho", "LIB" => "Lebanon", "LIE" => "Liechtenstein", "LTU" => "Lithuania", "LUX" => "Luxembourg", "MAC" => "Macau", "MAD" => "Madagascar", "MAR" => "Morocco", "MAS" => "Malaysia", "MAW" => "Malawi", "MDA" => "Moldova", "MDV" => "Maldives", "MEX" => "Mexico", "MGL" => "Mongolia", "MKD" => "Macedonia", "MLI" => "Mali", "MLT" => "Malta", "MNE" => "Montenegro", "MON" => "Monaco", "MOZ" => "Mozambique", "MRI" => "Mauritius", "MTN" => "Mauritania", "MYA" => "Myanmar", "NAM" => "Namibia", "NCA" => "Nicaragua", "NED" => "Netherlands", "NEP" => "Nepal", "NGR" => "Nigeria", "NOR" => "Norway", "NZL" => "New Zealand", "PAK" => "Pakistan", "PAN" => "Panama", "PAR" => "Paraguay", "PER" => "Peru", "PHI" => "Philippines", "PLE" => "Palestine", "PLW" => "Palau", "PNG" => "Papua New Guinea", "POL" => "Poland", "POR" => "Portugal", "PUR" => "Puerto Rico", "QAT" => "Qatar", "ROU" => "Romania", "RSA" => "South Africa", "RUS" => "Russia", "RWA" => "Rwanda", "SEN" => "Senegal", "SEY" => "Seychelles", "SIN" => "Singapore", "SLE" => "Sierra Leone", "SLO" => "Slovenia", "SMR" => "San Marino", "SOL" => "Solomon Islands", "SOM" => "Somalia", "SRB" => "Serbia", "SRI" => "Sri Lanka", "STP" => "Sao Tome and Principe", "SUD" => "Sudan", "SUI" => "Switzerland", "SUR" => "Suriname", "SVK" => "Slovakia", "SWE" => "Sweden", "SWZ" => "Swaziland", "SYR" => "Syria", "TAN" => "Tanzania", "THA" => "Thailand", "TJK" => "Tajikistan", "TKM" => "Turkmenistan", "TOG" => "Togo", "TPE" => "Chinese Taipei", "TRI" => "Trinidad and Tobago", "TUN" => "Tunisia", "TUR" => "Turkey", "UAE" => "United Arab Emirates", "UGA" => "Uganda", "UKR" => "Ukraine", "URU" => "Uruguay", "USA" => "United States", "UZB" => "Uzbekistan", "VEN" => "Venezuela", "VIE" => "Vietnam", "YEM" => "Yemen", "ZAM" => "Zambia", "ZIM" => "Zimbabwe", } ioc_but_not_fide = { "ASA" => "American Samoa", "BUR" => "Burkina Faso", "CAF" => "Central African Republic", "CAY" => "Cayman Islands", "COD" => "DR Congo", "COK" => "Cook Islands", "COM" => "Comoros", "CPV" => "Cape Verde", "DMA" => "Dominica", "ERI" => "Eritrea", "FSM" => "Federated States of Micronesia", "GBR" => "Great Britain", "GBS" => "Guinea-Bissau", "GEQ" => "Equatorial Guinea", "GRN" => "Grenada", "GUI" => "Guinea", "KIR" => "Kiribati", "LBR" => "Liberia", "LCA" => "Saint Lucia", "MHL" => "Marshall Islands", "NIG" => "Niger", "NRU" => "Nauru", "OMA" => "Oman", "PRK" => "North Korea", "SAM" => "Samoa", "SKN" => "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "TGA" => "Tonga", "TLS" => "Timor-Leste", "TUV" => "Tuvalu", "VAN" => "Vanuatu", "VIN" => "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", } @missing = [] @badname = [] british = %w[ENG SCO WLS GCI JCI] exceptions = # FIDE => IOC { "FAI" => "FRO", # Faroe Islands "MNC" => "MON", # Monaco } got = {} do |name, code| if ioc_and_fide[code] @badname << "#{code} #{name} #{ioc_and_fide[code]}" unless ioc_and_fide[code].include?(name) || name.include?(ioc_and_fide[code]) else @missing << code unless british.include?(code) || exceptions.keys.include?(code) end got[code] = true end @not_included = ioc_and_fide.keys.reject { |code| got[code] || exceptions.values.include?(code) } end it "codes should be all IOC with some exceptions" do expect(@missing.join("|")).to eq "" end it "country names should be similar to the IOC name" do expect(@badname.join("|")).to eq "" end it "all IOC codes that are FIDE members should be present" do expect(@not_included.join("|")).to eq "" end end end end