module Cmor module Core module Frontend # Usage: # # # # app/controllers/application_controller.rb # class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base # view_helper Cmor::Core::Frontend::BreadcrumbsViewHelper, as: :breadcrumbs_helper # end # class BreadcrumbsViewHelper < Rao::ViewHelper::Base include Cmor::Core::Frontend::Breadcrumb::I18nConcern # Usage: # # # app/views/layouts/application.html.erb # %html # %body # = breadcrumbs_helper(self).render_breadcrumbs # # Excluding elements: # # You can exclude breadcrumbs by passing the exclude option by index or :last or :first: # # = breadcrumbs_helper(self).render_breadcrumbs(exclude: :first) # # You can configure the first breadcrumb in the initializer by setting the first_breadcrumb options. # def render_breadcrumbs(options = {}) options.reverse_merge!(exclude: []) exclude = options.delete(:exclude) breadcrumbs = [].tap do |b| # Add breadcrumb to home page b.push(instance_exec(&Cmor::Core::Frontend::Configuration.first_breadcrumb)) # Are custom breadcrumbs defined? if custom_breadcrumbs.any? b.push << custom_breadcrumbs exclude = [] next end # Are we showing a cms page? if == 'Cmor::Cms::PageController' && c.action_name == 'respond' && c.params[:page] != 'home' # Add breadcrumb for this page b.push( c.content_for(:title), url: c.url_for())) end # Are we inside a resources controller? if c.controller.class.respond_to?(:resource_class) # Add a text breadcrumb for the current engine b.push(breadcrumb_for_current_engine) # Add a breadrumb for collection page b.push( c.controller.class.resource_class.model_name.human(count: :other), url: c.url_for(action: :index, page: nil))) # Are we showing a single resource? if r = c.instance_variable_get(:@resource).presence # Is it persisted? if r.persisted? # Add breadcrumb to this specific resource b.push( label_for(r), url: c.url_for(action: :show, id: r.to_param))) end end # Are we showing the collection (index) page? if r = c.instance_variable_get(:@collection).presence # Are we paginating? if c.params.has_key?(:page) # Ass breadcrumb for this page b.push( c.controller.class.resource_class.model_name.human(count: :other), url: c.url_for())) end end end # Are we inside a service controller? if c.controller.class.respond_to?(:service_class) # Add a text breadcrumb for the engine b.push(breadcrumb_for_current_engine) # Add a text breadcrumb for the service name b.push( c.controller.class.service_class.model_name.human)) end end breadcrumbs.flatten! breadcrumbs.last.url = nil if exclude.any? if exclude.include?(:last) breadcrumbs.pop end exclude.keep_if{ |e| e.is_a?(Integer) }.sort.reverse.each { |index| breadcrumbs.delete_at(index) } if exclude.include?(:first) breadcrumbs.shift end end render breadcrumbs: breadcrumbs end private def custom_breadcrumbs klass = custom_breadcrumb_path_class if klass.present? c).breadcrumbs else [] end end def custom_breadcrumb_path_class klass_name = "#{}::#{c.action_name.camelize}BreadcrumbPath" # Are we eager loading? if Rails.application.config.eager_load # If so we can ask const_defined? if klass_name.split("::")[0...-1].join("::").constantize.const_defined?(klass_name.split("::").last) klass_name.constantize end else # Else we have to try to constantize the klass name to see if it lazy loads. begin klass_name.constantize rescue NameError => e Rails.logger.debug "No custom breadcrumb path class found. Define #{klass_name} to customize breadcrumbs. Continuing with default breadcrumbs." nil end end end def breadcrumb_for_current_engine return if current_engine.nil? breadcrumb_for_engine(current_engine) end def breadcrumb_for_engine(engine) I18n.t("classes.#{}")) end def current_engine klass_name_parts ="::") klass_name_parts.size.downto(1).each do |i| if klass_name_parts.take(i).join("::").constantize.const_defined?("Engine") break [klass_name_parts.take(i), ['Engine']].flatten.join("::").constantize end end end private def label_for(resource) Cmor::Core::Frontend::Configuration.resource_label_methods.each do |method_name| next unless resource.respond_to?(method_name) return resource.send(method_name) end end end end end end