# `test`
The `test` executable runs various tests and displays the eventual errors that have occurred.
Errors are being displayed at the end of the execution, along with a summary of the failed tests and nodes.
This `test` executable is using [test plugins](../plugins.md#test) to be able to validate various tests (at global level, on each node, or on the check-node output), and uses [test report plugins](../plugins.md#test_report) to publish test reports on various mediums.
This executable is perfectly suited to be integrated in a continuous integration workflow.
## Process
![Mermaid diagram](/docs/gen/mermaid/docs/executables/test.md-0.png)
Diagram code
participant Main as ./bin/test --all
participant CMDB as CMDB
participant PlatformHandler as Platform Handler
participant Connector as Connector
participant Node as Node
participant GlobalTest as Global Test
participant PlatformTest as Platform Test
participant NodeTest as Node Test
participant CheckNodeTest as Deployment Test
participant TestReport as Test Report
Main->>+CMDB: Get the list of platforms, services and nodes
CMDB-->>-Main: List of platforms, services and nodes
Main->>+PlatformHandler: Get actions to check services on nodes
PlatformHandler-->>-Main: Actions to check services on nodes
Main->>+NodeTest: Get actions to be executed on each node
NodeTest-->>-Main: Test actions to be executed
Main->>+Connector: Connect to nodes to execute node and deployment tests
Connector->>+Node: Execute node test actions
Node-->>-Connector: Node test logs
Connector->>+Node: Execute deployment check actions
Node-->>-Connector: Deployment check logs
Connector-->>-Main: Node and deployment test logs
Main->>+GlobalTest: Run each global test
GlobalTest-->>-Main: Global tests results
Main->>+PlatformTest: Run each platform test per platform
PlatformTest-->>-Main: Platform tests results
Main->>+NodeTest: Validate node tests based on test logs
NodeTest-->>-Main: Node tests results
Main->>+CheckNodeTest: Validate deployment tests based on deployment check logs
CheckNodeTest-->>-Main: Deployment tests results
Main->>+TestReport: Send all tests results to the Test Report
TestReport-->>-Main: Test report published
## Usage
Usage: ./bin/test [options]
Main options:
-d, --debug Activate debug mode
-h, --help Display help and exit
Nodes handler options:
-o, --show-nodes Display the list of possible nodes and exit
Nodes selection options:
-a, --all-nodes Select all nodes
-b, --nodes-platform PLATFORM Select nodes belonging to a given platform name. Available platforms are: ansible-repo, chef-repo (can be used several times)
-l, --nodes-list LIST Select nodes defined in a nodes list (can be used several times)
-n, --node NODE Select a specific node. Can be a regular expression to select several nodes if used with enclosing "/" characters. (can be used several times).
--nodes-service SERVICE Select nodes implementing a given service (can be used several times)
--nodes-git-impact GIT_IMPACT
Select nodes impacted by a git diff from a platform (can be used several times).
* PLATFORM: Name of the platform to check git diff from. Available platforms are: ansible-repo, chef-repo
* FROM_COMMIT: Commit ID or refspec from which we perform the diff. If ommitted, defaults to master
* TO_COMMIT: Commit ID ot refspec to which we perform the diff. If ommitted, defaults to the currently checked-out files
* FLAGS: Extra comma-separated flags. The following flags are supported:
- min: If specified then each impacted service will select only 1 node implementing this service. If not specified then all nodes implementing the impacted services will be selected.
Command runner options:
-s, --show-commands Display the commands that would be run instead of running them
Connector ssh options:
-g, --ssh-gateway-user USER Name of the gateway user to be used by the gateways. Can also be set from environment variable hpc_ssh_gateway_user. Defaults to ubradm.
-j, --ssh-no-control-master If used, don't create SSH control masters for connections.
-q, --ssh-no-host-key-checking If used, don't check for SSH host keys.
-u, --ssh-user USER Name of user to be used in SSH connections (defaults to hpc_ssh_user or USER environment variables)
-w, --password If used, then expect SSH connections to ask for a password.
-y GATEWAYS_CONF, Name of the gateways configuration to be used. Can also be set from environment variable hpc_ssh_gateways_conf.
Deployer options:
--retries-on-error NBR Number of retries in case of non-deterministic errors (defaults to 0)
Secrets reader cli options:
-e, --secrets JSON_FILE Specify a secrets location from a local JSON file. Can be specified several times.
Tests runner options:
-i, --tests-list FILE_NAME Specify a tests file name. The file should contain a list of tests name (1 per line). Can be used several times.
-k, --skip-run Skip running the check-node commands for real, and just analyze existing run logs.
-r, --report REPORT Specify a report name. Can be used several times. Can be all for all reports. Possible values: confluence, stdout (defaults to stdout).
-t, --test TEST Specify a test name. Can be used several times. Can be all for all tests. Possible values: ansible_repo_molecule_cdh_admins, ansible_repo_molecule_cdh_datanodes, ansible_repo_molecule_cdh_db, ansible_repo_molecule_cdh_gateways, ansible_repo_molecule_cdh_services, ansible_repo_molecule_common, ansible_repo_molecule_data_gateway, ansible_repo_molecule_dev_servers, ansible_repo_molecule_ds_servers, ansible_repo_molecule_dsnodes, ansible_repo_molecule_import_gateway, ansible_repo_molecule_notebooks, ansible_repo_molecule_tnz_data_gateway, bitbucket_conf, can_be_checked, check_from_scratch, chef_executables, chef_success, chef_woulds, connection, deploy_freshness, deploy_from_scratch, deploy_removes_root_access, executables, food_critic, group_ids, hostname, idempotence, ip, jenkins_ci_conf, jenkins_ci_masters_ok, linear_strategy, obsolete_home_dirs, obsolete_users, orphan_files, private_ips, public_ips, rubocop, spectre, unused_files, unused_node_attributes, unused_recipes, unused_templates, unused_roles, unused_users, user_ids, users_without_roles, veids (defaults to all).
--max-threads-connections NBR_THREADS
Specify the max number of threads to parallelize tests connecting on nodes (defaults to 64).
--max-threads-nodes NBR_THREADS
Specify the max number of threads to parallelize tests at node level (defaults to 8).
--max-threads-platforms NBR_THREADS
Specify the max number of threads to parallelize tests at platform level (defaults to 8).
## Examples
# Execute all tests on all nodes
./bin/test --all-nodes
# Execute only the tests named hostname and ip on all nodes whose names contain xae
./bin/test --test hostname --test ip --node /xae/
# Execute all tests on all nodes, but reuse the content of run_logs instead of why-run deployments
./bin/test --all-nodes --skip-run
# Execute the check_from_scratch test on all nodes impacted by changes made on the branch my_branch
./bin/test --test check_from_scratch --nodes-git-impact chef-repo::my_branch
Here is an example of output:
========== Error report of 6 tests run on 694 nodes
======= By test:
===== configuration_test found 2 nodes having errors:
* [ nodehst-nn3 ] - 3 errors:
- Failed to execute command "hostname -I"
- Failed to execute command "hostname -s"
- Failed to execute command "echo 'Test connection - ok'"
* [ project-pinger ] - 1 errors:
- Private IP outside
======= By node:
===== [ node45 ] - 1 failing tests:
* Test configuration_test - 3 errors:
- Failed to execute command "hostname -I"
- Failed to execute command "hostname -s"
- Failed to execute command "echo 'Test connection - ok'"
===== [ node12had41 ] - 1 failing tests:
* Test configuration_test - 1 errors:
- Failed to connect
===== [ node237 ] - 1 failing tests:
* Test configuration_test - 1 errors:
- Not handled by Chef
===== [ project-pinger ] - 1 failing tests:
* Test configuration_test - 1 errors:
- Private IP outside
========== Stats by hosts list:
| List name | % tested | % success |
| hosts_with_secrets | 100 % | 71 % |
| node12had | 100 % | 1 % |
| xaebhs5had | 100 % | 90 % |
| xaebhsone | 100 % | 0 % |
| xaerbx5had | 100 % | 0 % |
| xaerbxcas | 100 % | 0 % |
| xaerbxhad | 100 % | 0 % |
| xaesbg1cas | 100 % | 66 % |
| xaesbg1had | 100 % | 0 % |
| xaesbg2had | 100 % | 0 % |
| xaesbghad | 100 % | 0 % |
| xaesbgkfk | 100 % | 100 % |
| xaesbgzk | 100 % | 100 % |
| xaetirb1pdnc | 100 % | 0 % |
| xaetirb6tdnc | 100 % | 0 % |
| xaetisb3sdnc | 100 % | 0 % |
| No list | 100 % | 18 % |
===== Some errors were found. Check output. =====
## Used credentials
| Credential | Usage
| --- | --- |
## Used Metadata
| Metadata | Type | Usage
| --- | --- | --- |
| `host_ip` | `String` | IP address on which a node can be reachable |
| `image` | `String` | OS image to be used for tests |
| `services` | `Array` | List of services to check for in tests |
## Used environment variables
| Variable | Usage
| --- | --- |
## External tools dependencies