#enconding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe Comparator do cache_klass = Class.new do def success? true end def initialize(sample=nil) end end it "let you add check to check for" do testrun = Comparator.new data = %w{ a b c d} keyword = %w{ a } expect { testrun.add_check data , :contains_all , keyword }.to_not raise_error end it "fails if an unknown check is given" do testrun = Comparator.new data = %w{ a b c d} keyword = %w{ a } expect { testrun.add_check data , :contains_all_abc , keyword }.to raise_error Exceptions::UnknownCheckType end it "support some comparators by default" do testrun = Comparator.new data = %w{ a b c d} keyword = %w{ a } expect { testrun.add_check data , :contains_all , keyword testrun.add_check data , :contains_any , keyword testrun.add_check data , :not_contains , keyword testrun.add_check data , :contains_all_as_substring , keyword testrun.add_check data , :contains_any_as_substring , keyword testrun.add_check data , :not_contains_substring , keyword testrun.add_check data , :is_equal , keyword testrun.add_check data , :is_not_equal , keyword }.to_not raise_error end it "is successfull if all subtests are successfull" do comparator = Comparator.new data = %w{ a b c d } keyword_overlap = %w{ a b } keyword_no_overlap = %w{ e } comparator.add_check data , :contains_all , keyword_overlap comparator.add_check data , :not_contains , keyword_no_overlap result = comparator.success? expect(result).to eq(true) end it "fails if a least one subtest fails" do comparator = Comparator.new data = %w{ a b c d } keyword_overlap = %w{ a } keyword_no_overlap = %w{ e } comparator.add_check data , :contains_all , keyword_overlap #should not fail comparator.add_check data , :not_contains , keyword_overlap #should fail result = comparator.success? expect(result).to eq(false) end it "supports the addition of exceptions as well" do comparator = Comparator.new data = %w{ ab c d} keyword_overlap = %w{ a } exceptions = %w{ ab } comparator.add_check data , :contains_any_as_substring , keyword_overlap comparator.add_check data , :not_contains_substring , keyword_overlap, :exceptions => exceptions result = comparator.success? expect(result).to eq(true) end it "list all added check" do comparator = Comparator.new data = [] keywords = [] check = comparator.add_check data , :contains_any, keywords list = comparator.list_checks.first expect(list).to eq(check) end it "deletes the n-th check" do comparator = Comparator.new data = [] keywords = [] test_comps = [] test_comps << comparator.add_check(data , :contains_any, keywords) comparator.add_check(data , :contains_any, keywords) test_comps << comparator.add_check(data , :contains_any, keywords) comparator.delete_check(1) list = comparator.list_checks expect(list).to eq(test_comps) end it "raises an error if a user tries to delete an unexisting check" do comparator = Comparator.new expect { comparator.delete_last_check }.to raise_error Exceptions::CheckDoesNotExist end it "deletes the last check" do comparator = Comparator.new data = [] keywords = [] test_comps = [] test_comps << comparator.add_check(data , :contains_any, keywords) test_comps << comparator.add_check(data , :contains_any, keywords) comparator.add_check(data , :contains_any, keywords) comparator.delete_last_check list = comparator.list_checks expect(list).to eq(test_comps) end it "tells you the result of the check" do comparator = Comparator.new data = %w{ a b c d } keyword_overlap = %w{ a b } keyword_no_overlap = %w{ e } comparator.add_check data , :contains_all , keyword_overlap comparator.add_check data , :not_contains , keyword_no_overlap comparator.success? result = comparator.result expect(result.of_checks).to eq(true) end it "tells you which check has failed and made the whole thing failed" do comparator = Comparator.new data = %w{ a b c d } keyword_successfull = %w{ a b } keyword_failed = %w{ e } comparator.add_check data , :contains_all , keyword_successfull c = comparator.add_check data , :contains_all , keyword_failed, tag: 'this is a failed sample' comparator.success? result = comparator.result expect(result.failed_sample).to eq(c.sample) end end