# These are expected to be called by a developer. They are part of the datatables DSL. module EffectiveDatatablesHelper def render_datatable(datatable, input_js: {}, buttons: true, charts: true, entries: true, filters: true, inline: false, pagination: true, search: true, simple: false, sort: true) raise 'expected datatable to be present' unless datatable raise 'expected input_js to be a Hash' unless input_js.kind_of?(Hash) if simple buttons = charts = entries = filters = pagination = search = sort = false end datatable.attributes[:inline] = true if inline datatable.attributes[:sortable] = false unless sort datatable.view ||= self unless EffectiveDatatables.authorized?(controller, :index, datatable.collection_class) return content_tag(:p, "You are not authorized to view this datatable. (cannot :index, #{datatable.collection_class})") end charts = charts && datatable._charts.present? filters = filters && (datatable._scopes.present? || datatable._filters.present?) html_class = ['effective-datatable', datatable.html_class, ('hide-sort' unless sort), ('hide-search' unless search), ('hide-buttons' unless buttons)].compact.join(' ') if datatable.reorder? && !buttons buttons = true; input_js[:buttons] = false end # Build the datatables DOM option input_js[:dom] ||= [ ("<'row'<'col-sm-12 dataTables_buttons'B>>" if buttons), "<'row'<'col-sm-12'tr>>", ("<'row'" if entries || pagination), ("<'col-sm-6 dataTables_entries'il>" if entries), ("<'col-sm-6'p>" if pagination), (">" if entries || pagination) ].compact.join effective_datatable_params = { id: datatable.to_param, class: html_class, data: { 'attributes' => EffectiveDatatables.encrypt(datatable.attributes), 'authenticity-token' => form_authenticity_token, 'bulk-actions' => datatable_bulk_actions(datatable), 'columns' => datatable_columns(datatable), 'display-length' => datatable.display_length, 'display-order' => datatable_display_order(datatable), 'display-records' => datatable.to_json[:recordsFiltered], 'display-start' => datatable.display_start, 'inline' => inline.to_s, 'language' => EffectiveDatatables.language(I18n.locale), 'options' => input_js.to_json, 'reset' => (datatable_reset(datatable) if search), 'reorder' => datatable_reorder(datatable), 'reorder-index' => (datatable.columns[:_reorder][:index] if datatable.reorder?).to_s, 'simple' => simple.to_s, 'spinner' => '', # effective_bootstrap 'source' => effective_datatables.datatable_path(datatable, {format: 'json'}), 'total-records' => datatable.to_json[:recordsTotal] } } if (charts || filters) output = ''.html_safe if charts datatable._charts.each { |name, _| output << render_datatable_chart(datatable, name) } end if filters output << render_datatable_filters(datatable) end output << render(partial: 'effective/datatables/datatable', locals: { datatable: datatable, effective_datatable_params: effective_datatable_params } ) output else render(partial: 'effective/datatables/datatable', locals: { datatable: datatable, effective_datatable_params: effective_datatable_params } ) end end def render_inline_datatable(datatable) render_datatable(datatable, inline: true) end def render_simple_datatable(datatable) render_datatable(datatable, simple: true) end def inline_datatable? params[:_datatable_id].present? && params[:_datatable_attributes].present? end def inline_datatable return nil unless inline_datatable? return @_inline_datatable if @_inline_datatable datatable = EffectiveDatatables.find(params[:_datatable_id], params[:_datatable_attributes]) datatable.view = self EffectiveDatatables.authorize!(self, :index, datatable.collection_class) @_inline_datatable ||= datatable end end