require "houston/adapters/version_control/git_adapter/diff_changes" module Houston module Adapters module VersionControl class GitAdapter class Repo def initialize(connection) @connection = connection @branch_location = :local end # Public API for a VersionControl::Adapter Repo # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def all_commit_times `git --git-dir=#{git_dir} log --all --pretty='%at'`.split(/\n/).uniq end def all_commits `git --git-dir=#{git_dir} log --all --pretty='%H'`.split(/\n/).uniq end def ancestors(sha, options={}) ancestor_walker(sha, options, &method(:to_commit)) end def ancestors_until(sha, options={}) commits = [] ancestor_walker(sha, options) do |commit| commit = to_commit(commit) commits << commit return commits if yield commit end raise CommitNotFound, "No matching ancestor of \"#{sha}\" was found" end def branches Hash[connection.branches .each(branch_location) .map { |branch| [name_of_branch(branch),] }] ensure release end def branches_at(sha) connection.branches .each(branch_location) .select { |branch| } .map { |branch| name_of_branch(branch) } ensure release end def commits_between(sha1, sha2) sha1 = sha1.sha if sha1.respond_to?(:sha) sha2 = sha2.sha if sha2.respond_to?(:sha) sha1 = nil if sha1 == Houston::NULL_GIT_COMMIT ancestors(sha2, including_self: true, hide: sha1).reverse rescue $!.additional_information[:repo] = to_s $!.additional_information[:commit_range] = "#{sha1}...#{sha2}" raise end def location connection.path end def native_commit(sha) return if sha == Houston::NULL_GIT_COMMIT to_commit find_commit(sha) ensure release end def read_file(file_path, options={}) blob = find_file(file_path, options={}) blob && blob.content ensure release end def refresh!(async: false) end def exists? File.exists?(connection.path) end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def branch(branch) ref("refs/remotes/origin/#{branch}") || ref("refs/heads/#{branch}") end def ref(ref) ref = connection.ref(ref) if ref end def find_file(file_path, options={}) commit = options[:commit] || head = find_commit(commit) tree = head.tree file_path.split("/").each do |segment| object = tree[segment] return nil unless object tree = connection.lookup object[:oid] end tree rescue Rugged::OdbError, Rugged::ReferenceError raise FileNotFound, "\"#{file_path}\" is not in the repo #{to_s}" ensure release end def changes(old_sha, new_sha) find_commit old_sha find_commit new_sha `git --git-dir=#{git_dir} diff --name-status #{old_sha} #{new_sha}` end def to_s location end # !todo: Does this need to be a public method? protected def close # Before `ancestors` had `ensure close` in it, I tried the following: # # members = Project["members"] # # a) 5.times { members.repo.ancestors("8db64ad", including_self: true, hide: "50f0046") } # b) 5.times { members.repo.ancestors("8db64ad", including_self: true, hide: "50f0046"); # members.repo.send(:connection).close } # c) 5.times { members.repo.ancestors("8db64ad", including_self: true, hide: "50f0046"); # GC.start; # members.repo.send(:connection).close } # # The first two raised exceptions but the last one didn't. # We have to call the GC.start (I think) to clean up # the objects hanging on to file descriptors. GC.start # We have to call connection.close to actually release # those file descriptors. connection.close end alias :release :close protected attr_reader :connection, :branch_location def find_commit(sha) normalize_sha!(sha) object = connection.lookup(sha) object = if object.is_a? Rugged::Tag::Annotation object rescue Rugged::OdbError raise CommitNotFound, "\"#{sha}\" is not a commit" rescue Rugged::InvalidError raise CommitNotFound, "\"#{sha}\" is not a valid commit" rescue Rugged::ObjectError raise CommitNotFound, "\"#{sha}\" is too short" end def name_of_branch(branch) end private def normalize_sha!(sha) return unless sha return if sha == Houston::NULL_GIT_COMMIT sha.strip! sha.slice!(40) validate_sha!(sha) end def validate_sha!(sha) unless sha =~ /^[0-9a-f]+$/i raise InvalidShaError, "\"#{sha}\" is not a valid SHA" end end def git_dir connection.path.chomp("/") end def to_commit(rugged_commit){ original: rugged_commit, sha: rugged_commit.oid, parent_sha: rugged_commit.parent_oids[0], message: rugged_commit.message, authored_at:[:time], author_name:[:name], author_email:[:email], committed_at: rugged_commit.committer[:time], committer_name: rugged_commit.committer[:name], committer_email: rugged_commit.committer[:email] }) end def ancestor_walker(sha, options={}) commit = find_commit(sha) push_shas = [commit.oid] # by default, start with the commit's parent push_shas = unless options[:including_self] hide_shas = Array(options.fetch(:hide, [])) .map { |sha| find_commit(sha).oid } # ensure that each of these exists in the repo # start by releasing any files we've got open release walker = push_shas.each { |sha| walker.push(sha) } hide_shas.each { |sha| walker.hide(sha) } results = [] walker.each_with_index do |commit, i| release if i > 0 && i % 200 == 0 results.push yield commit break if options[:limit] && (i + 1) >= options[:limit] end results ensure release end end end end end end