# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- class Card module Set mattr_accessor :modules, :traits @@modules = { :base=>[], :base_format=>{}, :nonbase=>{}, :nonbase_format=>{} } =begin A "Set" is a group of cards to which "Rules" may be applied. Sets can be as specific as a single card, as general as all cards, or anywhere in between. Rules take two main forms: card rules and code rules. "Card rules" are defined in card content. These are generally configured via the web interface and are thus documented at http://wagn.org/rules. "Code rules" can be defined in a "set file" within any "Mod" (short for both "module" and "modification"). In accordance with Wagn's "MoVE" architecture, there are two main kinds of code rules you can create in a set file: Views, and Events. Events are associated with the Card class, and Views are associated with a Format class. You can also use set files to add or override Card and/or Format methods directly. The majority of Wagn code is contained in these files. (FIXME - define mod, add generator) Whenever you fetch or instantiate a card, it will automatically include all the set modules defined in set files associated with sets of which it is a member. This entails both simple model methods and "events", which are special methods explored in greater detail below. For example, say you have a Plaintext card named "Philipp+address", and you have set files for the following sets: * all cards * all Plaintext cards * all cards ending in +address When you run this: mycard = Card.fetch 'Philipp+address' ...then mycard will include the set modules associated with each of those sets in the above order. (The order is determined by the set pattern; see lib/card/set_pattern.rb for more information about set_ptterns and mod/core/set/all/fetch.rb for more about fetching.) Similarly, whenever a Format object is instantiated for a card, it includes all views associated with BOTH (a) sets of which the card is a member and (b) the current format or its ancestors. More on defining views below. In order to have a set file associated with "all cards ending in +address", you could create a file in mywagn/mod/mymod/set/right/address.rb. The recommended mechanism for doing so is running `wagn generate set modname set_pattern set_anchor`. In the current example, this would translate to `wagn generate set mymod right address`. Note that both the set_pattern and the set_anchor must correspond to the codename of a card in the database to function correctly but you can add arbitrary subdirectories to organize your code rules. The rule above for example could be saved in mywagn/mod/mymod/set/right/address/america/north/canada.rb. When Wagn loads, it uses these files to autogenerate a tmp_file that uses this set file to createa Card::Set::Right::Address module which itself is extended with Card::Set. A set file is "just ruby" but is generally quite concise because Wagn uses its file location to autogenerate ruby module names and then uses Card::Set module to provide additional API. View definitions When you declare: view :view_name do |args| #...your code here end Methods are defined on the format The external api with checks: render(:viewname, args) =end module Format mattr_accessor :views @@views = {} def view view, *args, &block view = view.to_name.key.to_sym views[self] ||= {} view_block = views[self][view] = if block_given? Card::Format.extract_class_vars view, args[0] block else alias_block view, args end define_method "_view_#{ view }", view_block end def alias_block view, args opts = Hash===args[0] ? args.shift : { :view => args.shift } opts[:mod] ||= self opts[:view] ||= view views[ opts[:mod] ][ opts[:view] ] or fail rescue raise "cannot find #{ opts[:view] } view in #{ opts[:mod] }; failed to alias #{view} in #{self}" end end def format *format_names, &block if format_names.empty? format_names = [:base] elsif format_names.first == :all format_names = Card::Format.registered.reject {|f| Card::Format.aliases[f]} end format_names.each do |f| define_on_format f, &block end end def define_on_format format_name=:base, &block klass = Card::Format.format_class_name format_name # format class name, eg. HtmlFormat mod = const_get_or_set klass do # called on current set module, eg Card::Set::Type::Pointer m = Module.new # yielding set format module, eg Card::Set::Type::Pointer::HtmlFormat register_set_format Card.const_get(klass), m m.extend Card::Set::Format m end mod.class_eval &block end def view *args, &block format do view *args, &block end end def event event, opts={}, &final opts[:on] = [:create, :update ] if opts[:on] == :save Card.define_callbacks event class_eval do final_method = "#{event}_without_callbacks" #should be private? define_method final_method, &final define_method event do run_callbacks event do Wagn.with_logging :event, :message=>event, :context=>self.name, :details=>opts do send final_method end end end end set_event_callbacks event, opts end # # ActiveCard support: accessing plus cards as attributes # def card_accessor *args options = args.extract_options! add_traits args, options.merge( :reader=>true, :writer=>true ) end def card_reader *args options = args.extract_options! add_traits args, options.merge( :reader=>true ) end def card_writer *args options = args.extract_options! add_traits args, options.merge( :writer=>true ) end # the set loading process has two main phases: # 1. Definition: interpret each set file, creating/defining set and set_format modules # 2. Organization: have base classes include modules associated with the "all" set, and # clean up the other modules class << self #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Definition Phase # each set file calls `extend Card::Set` when loaded def extended mod register_set mod end def register_set set_module if set_module.all_set? modules[ :base ] << set_module else modules[ :nonbase ][ set_module.shortname ] ||= [] modules[ :nonbase ][ set_module.shortname ] << set_module end end def write_tmp_file set_pattern, anchors, from_file, seq # FIXME - this does not properly handle anchorless sets # There are special hacks for *all, but others (like *rstar) will not be found by # include_set_modules, which will look for Card::Set::Rstar, not Card::Set::Rstar::Blah # This issue appears to be addressed by making the entries, in modules arrays. # If yes remove this comment. to_file = "#{Wagn.paths['tmp/set'].first}/#{set_pattern}/#{seq}-#{anchors.join '-'}.rb" anchor_modules = anchors.map { |a| "module #{a.camelize};" }.join # use explicit '', not $, file_content = <true, :if=> proc { |c| c.singleton_class.include?( this_set_module ) and c.event_applies? opts } end end end end def get_traits mod Card::Set.traits ||= {} Card::Set.traits[mod] or Card::Set.traits[mod] = {} end def add_traits args, options mod = self # raise "Can't define card traits on all set" if mod == Card mod_traits = get_traits mod new_opts = options[:type] ? {:type=>options[:type]} : {} new_opts.merge!( {:content => options[:default]} ) if options[:default] args.each do |trait| define_trait_card trait, new_opts define_trait_reader trait if options[:reader] define_trait_writer trait if options[:writer] mod_traits[trait.to_sym] = options end end def define_trait_card trait, opts define_method "#{trait}_card" do trait_var "@#{trait}_card" do fetch :trait=>trait.to_sym, :new=>opts.clone end end end def define_trait_reader trait define_method trait do trait_var "@#{trait}" do send( "#{trait}_card" ).content end end end def define_trait_writer trait define_method "#{trait}=" do |value| card = send "#{trait}_card" self.subcards ||= {} self.subcards[card.name] = {:type_id => card.type_id, :content=>value } instance_variable_set "@#{trait}", value end end end end