=begin ASF-REST-Adapter Copyright 2010 Raymond Gao @ http://are4.us Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. =end require 'net/https' require 'net/http' require 'active_resource' require 'httparty' module Salesforce module Rest # This is the mother class of all Salesforce REST objects # all subclasses need to set the collection name. In ActiveResource convention, # pluralized elements has the ending 's'; whereas, in Force.com REST, that 's' # is not there. # e.g. # set_collection_name "User" # # TODO cannot do "SObject.find(:all)" due to a defect in the ActiveResource framework, # see -> ActiveResource::Base line # 885 # def instantiate_collection(collection, prefix_options = {}) # collection.collect! { |record| instantiate_record(record, prefix_options) } # end # As Ruby Hash has not collect! method, only Array, # We we get back from Salesforce is a hash # <.....>... class AsfRest < ActiveResource::Base include HTTParty # default REST API server for HTTParty base_uri "https://na7.salesforce.com" default_params :output => 'json' format :json #ActiveResource setting self.site = "https://na7.salesforce.com/services/data/v21.0/sobjects" # set header for httparty def self.set_headers (auth_setting) headers (auth_setting) end # Loading the Authenticate module require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/asf_rest_authenticate.rb' include Authenticate # Loading the Call Remote module require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/asf_rest_call_rest_svr.rb' include CallRemote # Loading the OrgModel module require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/asf_rest_org_model.rb' include OrgModel # Loading the CachedCalls module require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/asf_rest_cached_calls.rb' include CachedCalls # We are mocking OAuth type authentication. In our case, we use the # SessionID obtained from the initial SOAP Web Services call - 'login()' # OAuth2 is geared toward website to website authentication. # In our case, we are the background data interchange between RoR app and # Force.com database. Therefore, we use security id. # example: # connection.set_header("Authorization", 'OAuth 00DA0000000XwIQ!AQIAQD_BX.pdxMz0YBKdkz45PijY0gMxH65JwvV6Yj4.hf44WJYqO9ug7DfhNbnxuO9buhbftiX9Qv5DyBLHauaJhqTh79vi') # # self.abstract_class = true # # Setup the adapter def self.setup(oauth_token, rest_svr, api_version) @@oauth_token = oauth_token @@rest_svr = rest_svr @@api_version = api_version ? api_version : "v21.0" #take a dynamic api server version @@rest_svr_url = rest_svr + "/services/data/#{api_version}/sobjects" @@ssl_port = 443 # TODO, right SF use port 443 for all HTTPS traffic. #ActiveResource setting #self.site = "https://" + @@rest_svr_url self.site = @@rest_svr_url connection.set_header("Authorization", "OAuth " + @@oauth_token) # To be used by HTTParty @@auth_header = { "Authorization" => "OAuth " + @@oauth_token, "content-Type" => 'application/json' } # either application/xml or application/json base_uri rest_svr self.format = :json return self end #Save the Object, Note: there is an inconsistency between the Salesforce REST #JSON create object, which is just {"Name1":"value1","Name2":"value2"} #where as the 'save' method of the ActiveResource produces a JSON of #{"Object Name":{"Name1":"value1","Name2":"value2"}}. #The Extra/missing 'Object Name' causes this to break. #When this consistency is resolved, this method should be removed. # header = { # "Authorization" => "OAuth " + @@oauth_token, # "content-Type" => 'application/json' # } # rest_svr = 'https://na7.salesforce.com' # api_version = 'v21.0' with v prefix def save(header=Salesforce::Rest::AsfRest.send(:class_variable_get, "@@auth_header"), rest_svr=Salesforce::Rest::AsfRest.send(:class_variable_get, "@@rest_svr"), api_version=Salesforce::Rest::AsfRest.send(:class_variable_get, "@@api_version")) class_name = self.class.name.gsub(/\S+::/mi, "") path = "/services/data/#{api_version}/sobjects/#{class_name}/" target = rest_svr + path data = ActiveSupport::JSON::encode(attributes) resp = call_rest_svr("POST", target, header, data) # HTTP code 201 means it was successfully saved. if resp.code != 201 message = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(resp.body)[0]["message"] Salesforce::Rest::ErrorManager.raise_error("HTTP code " + resp.code.to_s + ": " + message, resp.code.to_s) else return resp end end #Again the delete feature from ActiveResource does not work out of the box. #Using custom delete function def self.delete(id, header=Salesforce::Rest::AsfRest.send(:class_variable_get, "@@auth_header"), rest_svr=Salesforce::Rest::AsfRest.send(:class_variable_get, "@@rest_svr"), api_version=Salesforce::Rest::AsfRest.send(:class_variable_get, "@@api_version")) class_name = self.name.gsub(/\S+::/mi, "") path = "/services/data/#{api_version}/sobjects/#{class_name}/#{id}" target = rest_svr + path resp = call_rest_svr("DELETE", target, header) # HTTP code 204 means it was successfully deleted. if resp.code != 204 message = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(resp.body)[0]["message"] Salesforce::Rest::ErrorManager.raise_error("HTTP code " + resp.code.to_s + ": " + message, resp.code.to_s) else return resp end end #Custom object with PATCH method class TrackRequest < Net::HTTPRequest METHOD = 'PATCH' REQUEST_HAS_BODY = true RESPONSE_HAS_BODY = true end #Update an object # TODO to use the call_rest_svr method def self.update(id, serialized_data_json, header=Salesforce::Rest::AsfRest.send(:class_variable_get, "@@auth_header"), rest_svr=Salesforce::Rest::AsfRest.send(:class_variable_get, "@@rest_svr"), api_version=Salesforce::Rest::AsfRest.send(:class_variable_get, "@@api_version")) #Again the delete feature from ActiveResource does not work out of the box. #Providing a custom update function svr_url_4_http = rest_svr.gsub(/https:\/\//mi, "" ) #strip http:// prefix from the url. Otherwise, it will fail. http = Net::HTTP.new(svr_url_4_http, @@ssl_port) http.use_ssl = true class_name = self.name.gsub(/\S+::/mi, "") path = "/services/data/#{api_version}/sobjects/#{class_name}/#{id}" code = serialized_data_json # format -> Net::HTTPGenericRequest.new(m, reqbody, resbody, path, initheader) req = Net::HTTPGenericRequest.new("PATCH", true, true, path, header) resp = http.request(req, code) { |response| } # HTTP code 204 means it was successfully updated. 204 for httparty, '204' for Net::HTTP if resp.code != '204' message = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(resp.body)[0]["message"] Salesforce::Rest::ErrorManager.raise_error("HTTP code " + resp.code.to_s + ": " + message, resp.code.to_s) else return resp end end # Run SOQL, automatically CGI::escape the query for you. def self.run_soql(query, header=Salesforce::Rest::AsfRest.send(:class_variable_get, "@@auth_header"), rest_svr=Salesforce::Rest::AsfRest.send(:class_variable_get, "@@rest_svr"), api_version=Salesforce::Rest::AsfRest.send(:class_variable_get, "@@api_version")) class_name = self.name.gsub(/\S+::/mi, "") safe_query = CGI::escape(query) path = "/services/data/#{api_version}/query?q=#{safe_query}" target = rest_svr+path resp = call_rest_svr("GET", target, header) #resp = get(path, options) if (resp.code != 200) || !resp.success? message = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(resp.body)[0]["message"] Salesforce::Rest::ErrorManager.raise_error("HTTP code " + resp.code.to_s + ": " + message, resp.code.to_s) end return resp end # Run SOQL, automatically CGI::escape the query for you. # This is with given credentials -> query, security_token, rest_svr, version # the path with appropriate api_version, CGI escaping the query string is # included in this method. def self.run_soql_with_credential(query, security_token, rest_svr, api_version) header = { "Authorization" => "OAuth " + security_token, "content-Type" => 'application/json' } #set the path with appropriate api_version, include CGI escaping the query string safe_query = CGI::escape(query) path = "/services/data/#{api_version}/query?q=#{safe_query}" target = rest_svr + path #get the result resp = call_rest_svr("GET", target, header) if (resp.code != 200) || !resp.success? message = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(resp.body)[0]["message"] Salesforce::Rest::ErrorManager.raise_error("HTTP code " + resp.code.to_s + ": " + message, resp.code.to_s) end return resp end # Run SOSL, do not use CGI::escape -> SF will complain about missing {braces} def self.run_sosl(search, header=Salesforce::Rest::AsfRest.send(:class_variable_get, "@@auth_header"), rest_svr=Salesforce::Rest::AsfRest.send(:class_variable_get, "@@rest_svr"), api_version=Salesforce::Rest::AsfRest.send(:class_variable_get, "@@api_version")) options = { :query => {:q => search}} class_name = self.name.gsub(/\S+::/mi, "") path = URI.escape("/services/data/#{api_version}/search/?q=#{search}") target = rest_svr + path resp = call_rest_svr("GET", target, header) if (resp.code != 200) || !resp.success? message = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(resp.body)[0]["message"] Salesforce::Rest::ErrorManager.raise_error("HTTP code " + resp.code.to_s + ": " + message, resp.code.to_s) end return resp end # Run SOSL, do not use CGI::escape -> SF will complain about missing {braces} # This is with given credentials -> Search_query, security_token, rest_svr, version def self.run_sosl_with_credential(search, security_token, rest_svr, api_version) header = { "Authorization" => "OAuth " + security_token, "content-Type" => 'application/json' } #set the path with appropriate api_version, with the search string path = URI.escape("/services/data/#{api_version}/search/?q=#{search}") target = rest_svr + path #get the result resp = call_rest_svr("GET", target, header) if (resp.code != 200) || !resp.success? message = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(resp.body)[0]["message"] Salesforce::Rest::ErrorManager.raise_error("HTTP code " + resp.code.to_s + ": " + message, resp.code.to_s) end return resp end # Used for removing the .xml and .json extensions at the end of the URL link. class << self # removing http://....../UID.xml def element_path(id, prefix_options = {}, query_options = nil) prefix_options, query_options = split_options(prefix_options) if query_options.nil? "#{prefix(prefix_options)}#{collection_name}/#{id}#{query_string(query_options)}" end # removing http://....../UID.json def collection_path(prefix_options = {}, query_options = nil) prefix_options, query_options = split_options(prefix_options) if query_options.nil? "#{prefix(prefix_options)}#{collection_name}#{query_string(query_options)}" end end end end end