module Gorillib
module Hashlike
module ReverseMerge
# Allows for reverse merging two hashes where the keys in the calling hash take precedence over those
# in the other_hash. This is particularly useful for initializing an option hash with default values:
# def setup(options = {})
# options.reverse_merge! :size => 25, :velocity => 10
# end
# Using merge, the above example would look as follows:
# def setup(options = {})
# { :size => 25, :velocity => 10 }.merge(options)
# end
# The default :size and :velocity are only set if the +options+ hash passed in doesn't already
# have the respective key.
def reverse_merge(other_hash)
end unless method_defined?(:reverse_merge)
# Performs the opposite of merge, with the keys and values from the first hash taking precedence over the second.
# Modifies the receiver in place.
def reverse_merge!(other_hash)
merge!( other_hash ){|k,o,n| o }
end unless method_defined?(:reverse_merge!)