# Highrise (3.0.0) [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/tapajos/highrise.png)](http://travis-ci.org/tapajos/highrise) ## What is it? This gem provides a set of classes to access information on [Highrise][h] via the published [API][api]: Account, Comment, Company, Deal, DealCategory, Email, Group, Case, Membership, Note, Party, Person, Recording, Subject, Tag, Task, TaskCategory and User. All these classes are inherited from ActiveResouce::Base. Refer to the [ActiveResouce][ar] documentation for more information. ## Installing gem install highrise ### Dependencies (see highrise.gemspec or run bundle check) ### Documentation I'm on [rdoc.info][rdoc] ### Configure your key require 'highrise' Highrise::Base.site = 'https://your_site.highrisehq.com' Highrise::Base.user = 'api-auth-token' If you are using this in a Rails application, putting this code in a config/initializers/highrise.rb file is recommended. See config_initializers_highrise.rb in the examples/ directory. ## Usage @tags = Highrise::Tag.find(:all) @people = Highrise::Person.find_all_across_pages(:params => {:tag_id => 12345}) @person.tag!("VIP") ## License This code is free to be used under the terms of the [MIT license][mit]. ## Bugs, Issues, Kudos and Catcalls Comments are welcome. Send your feedback through the [issue tracker on GitHub][i] If you have fixes: Submit via pull requests. Do not include version changes to the version file. ## Authors * [Marcos Tapajós][tapajos] * [Ken Mayer][kmayer] ## Contributors * [Nicolas Bianco][slainer86] * [Luis Gustavo][luisbebop] * [Thiago Lelis][ThiagoLelis] * [Denis Odorcic][odorcicd] [api]: http://developer.37signals.com/highrise [ar]: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveResource/Base.html [c]: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveSupport/Cache [h]: http://www.highrisehq.com/ [i]: https://github.com/tapajos/highrise/issues [kmayer]: https://github.com/kmayer [luisbebop]: https://github.com/luisbebop [mit]:http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php [slainer86]: https://github.com/slainer86 [odorcicd]: https://github.com/odorcicd [rdoc]: http://rdoc.info/projects/tapajos/highrise [tapajos]: http://www.improveit.com.br/en/company/tapajos [ThiagoLelis]: https://github.com/ThiagoLelis