require 'pathname' module OpenstudioStandards module Weather class StatFile attr_accessor :text, :path, :valid, :lat, :lon, :elevation, :gmt, :monthly_dry_bulb, :monthly_lagged_dry_bulb, :delta_dry_bulb, :mean_dry_bulb, :hdd18, :cdd18, :hdd10, :cdd10, :heating_design_info, :cooling_design_info, :extremes_design_info, :climate_zone, :standard, :summer_wet_months, :winter_dry_months, :autumn_months, :spring_months, :typical_summer_wet_week, :typical_winter_dry_week, :typical_autumn_week, :typical_spring_week, :monthly_undis_ground_temps_0p5m, :monthly_undis_ground_temps_4p0m def initialize(path) @text = '' @path = @valid = false @lat = nil @lon = nil @gmt = nil @elevation = nil @hdd18 = nil @cdd18 = nil @hdd10 = nil @cdd10 = nil @monthly_dry_bulb = [] @monthly_lagged_dry_bulb = [] @delta_dry_bulb = nil @mean_dry_bulb = nil @heating_design_info = [] @cooling_design_info = [] @extremes_design_info = [] @climate_zone = [] @standard = [] @summer_wet_months = [] @winter_dry_months = [] @autumn_months = [] @spring_months = [] @typical_summer_wet_week = [] @typical_winter_dry_week = [] @typical_autumn_week = [] @typical_spring_week = [] @monthly_undis_ground_temps_0p5m = [] @monthly_undis_ground_temps_4p0m = [] init end # load a Stat file as an instance of OpenstudioStandards::Weather::StatFile # # @param filename [String] full path to Stat file def self.load(filename) raise "Stat file does not exist: #{filename}" unless File.file?(filename) f = end # Output for debugging stat routines. def output line = '' line << "#{@path} , " line << "#{@lat} ," line << "#{@lon} ," line << "#{@gmt} ," line << "#{@elevation} ," line << "#{@hdd18} ," line << "#{@cdd18} ," line << "#{@hdd10} ," line << "#{@cdd10} ," line << "#{monthly_dry_bulb} ," line << "#{monthly_lagged_dry_bulb} ," line << "#{delta_dry_bulb} ," line << "#{mean_dry_bulb} ," line << "#{@heating_design_info} ," line << "#{@cooling_design_info} ," line << "#{@extremes_design_info} ," line << "#{@climate_zone} ," line << "#{@standard} ," line << "#{@summer_wet_months} ," line << "#{@winter_dry_months} ," line << "#{@autumn_months} ," line << "#{@spring_months} ," line << "#{@typical_summer_wet_week} ," line << "#{@typical_winter_dry_week} ," line << "#{@typical_autumn_week} ," line << "#{@typical_spring_week} ," line << "#{@monthly_undis_ground_temps_0p5m} ," line << "#{@monthly_undis_ground_temps_4p0m} ," line << @valid.to_s end # returns the stat data as a JSON string # # @param options [Hash] options to pass to as_json # @return [String] JSON-formatted string def to_json(*options) as_json(*options).to_json(*options) end def valid? return @valid end # ground temps as monthly dry bulb tempreature lagged 3 months def monthly_lagged_dry_bulb_calc if @monthly_dry_bulb.empty? lagged_temperatures = [] else lagged_temperatures = @monthly_dry_bulb.rotate(-3) end lagged_temperatures end # the mean of the mean monthly dry bulbs def mean_dry_bulb_calc if @monthly_dry_bulb.empty? mean = '' else sum = @monthly_dry_bulb.inject(:+) mean = sum / @monthly_dry_bulb.size end mean.to_f end # max - min of the mean monthly dry bulbs def delta_dry_bulb_calc if @monthly_dry_bulb.empty? delta_t = '' else delta_t = @monthly_dry_bulb.max - @monthly_dry_bulb.min end delta_t.to_f end private def as_json(options = {}) { 'path' => @path, 'valid' => @valid, 'lat' => @lat, 'lon' => @lon, 'gmt' => @gmt, 'elevation' => @elevation, 'hdd18' => @hdd18, 'cdd18' => @cdd18, 'hdd10' => @hdd10, 'cdd10' => @cdd10, 'monthly_dry_bulb' => @monthly_dry_bulb, 'monthly_lagged_dry_bulb' => @monthly_lagged_dry_bulb, 'delta_dry_bulb' => @delta_dry_bulb, 'mean_dry_bulb' => @mean_dry_bulb, 'heating_design_info' => @heating_design_info, 'cooling_design_info' => @cooling_design_info, 'extremes_design_info' => @extremes_design_info, 'climate_zone' => @climate_zone, 'standard' => @standard, 'summer_wet_months' => @summer_wet_months, 'winter_dry_months' => @winter_dry_months, 'autumn_months' => @autumn_months, 'spring_months' => @spring_months, 'typical_summer_wet_week' => @typical_summer_wet_week, 'typical_winter_dry_week' => @typical_winter_dry_week, 'typical_autumn_week' => @typical_autumn_week, 'typical_spring_week' => @typical_spring_week, 'monthly_undis_ground_temps_0p5m' => @monthly_undis_ground_temps_0p5m, 'monthly_undis_ground_temps_4p0m' => @monthly_undis_ground_temps_4p0m } end # initialize def init unless @path.exist? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Weather.StatFile', "Can't find #{@path}") raise end do |f| @text ='iso-8859-1').encode('UTF-8') parse @monthly_lagged_dry_bulb = monthly_lagged_dry_bulb_calc @mean_dry_bulb = mean_dry_bulb_calc @delta_dry_bulb = delta_dry_bulb_calc end end # helper function to parse cooling and heating degree days # # @param dd_info [Hash] :name, :regex, :container def parse_dd_info(dd_info) match_data = @text.match(dd_info[:regex]) if match_data.nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Weather.StatFile', "Can't find degree day information for #{dd_info[:name]} in the .stat file.") else instance_variable_set("@#{dd_info[:container]}", match_data[1].to_f) end end # helper function to parse monthly design conditions # # @param temp_info [Hash] :name, :size, :regex, :container def parse_design_temp_info(temp_info) match_data = @text.match(temp_info[:regex]) if match_data.nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Weather.StatFile', "Can't find design temperatures #{temp_info[:name]}. They may not be available in the .stat file.") else match_info_raw = match_data[1].strip.split(/\s+/) match_info_raw = # check info size if match_info_raw.size != temp_info[:size] OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Weather.StatFile', "Expected to find #{temp_info[:size]} #{temp_info[:name]} but found #{match_info_raw.size}. Check data source.") end match_info_raw.each do |val| temp_info[:container] << val end end end # helper function to parse seasons # # @param season_info [Hash] :name, :container, :regex def parse_season_info(season_info) match_data = @text.match(season_info[:regex]) if match_data.nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Weather.StatFile', "Can't find #{season_info[:name]}. Data source may not have that season, or it may not be available in the .stat file.") else if ['Summer', 'Winter'].include?(season_info[:name].split[0]) instance_variable_set("@#{season_info[:container]}", match_data[2].to_s.strip) else instance_variable_set("@#{season_info[:container]}", match_data[1].to_s.strip) end end end def parse # parse lat, lon, gmt regex = /\{(N|S)\s*([0-9]*).\s*([0-9]*)'\}\s*\{(E|W)\s*([0-9]*).\s*([0-9]*)'\}\s*\{GMT\s*(.*)\s*Hours\}/ match_data = @text.match(regex) if match_data.nil? regex = /\{(N|S)\s*([0-9]*).\s*([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)'\}\s*\{(E|W)\s*([0-9]*).\s*([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)'\}\s*\{GMT\s*(.*)\s*Hours\}/ match_data = @text.match(regex) end if match_data.nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Weather.StatFile', "Can't find lat/lon/gmt in .stat file.") else @lat = match_data[2].to_f + (match_data[3].to_f / 60.0) if match_data[1] == 'S' @lat = -@lat end @lon = match_data[5].to_f + (match_data[6].to_f / 60.0) if match_data[4] == 'W' @lon = -@lon end @gmt = match_data[7].to_f end # parse elevation regex = /Elevation --\s*(.*)m (above|below) sea level/ match_data = @text.match(regex) if match_data.nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Weather.StatFile', "Can't find elevation in .stat file.") else @elevation = match_data[1].to_f if match_data[2] == 'below' @elevation = -@elevation end end # parse degree day info degree_day_info = [ { dd_name: 'CDD 10', container: 'cdd10', regex: /-\s*(.*) annual \((standard|wthr file)\) cooling degree-days \(10.?C baseline\)/ }, { dd_name: 'HDD 10', container: 'hdd10', regex: /-\s*(.*) annual \((wthr file)\) heating degree-days \(10.?C baseline\)/ }, { dd_name: 'CDD 18', container: 'cdd18', regex: /-\s*(.*) annual \((wthr file)\) cooling degree-days \(18.*C baseline\)/ }, { dd_name: 'HDD 18', container: 'hdd18', regex: /-\s*(.*) annual \((wthr file)\) heating degree-days \(18.*C baseline\)/ } ] degree_day_info.each { |dd_info| parse_dd_info(dd_info) } # parse design temperatures temperature_info = [ { name: 'Heating Design Temperatures', regex: /Heating(\s*\d+.*)\n/, container: @heating_design_info, size: 15 }, { name: 'Cooling Design Temperatures', regex: /Cooling(\s*\d+.*)\n/, container: @cooling_design_info, size: 32 }, { name: 'Extreme Design Temperatures', regex: /\s*Extremes\s*(.*)\n/, container: @extremes_design_info, size: 16 }, { name: 'Monthly Dry Bulb Temperatures', regex: /Daily Avg(.*)\n/, container: @monthly_dry_bulb, size: 12 } ] temperature_info.each { |temp_info| parse_design_temp_info(temp_info) } # parse undisturbed ground temps at 0.5 and 4.0 m depth regex = /Monthly.*Calculated.*undisturbed*.*Ground.*Temperatures.*\n.*Jan.*Feb.*Mar.*Apr.*May.*Jun.*Jul.*Aug.*Sep.*Oct.*Nov.*Dec.*\n(.*)\n(.*)\n(.*)/ match_data = @text.match(regex) if match_data.nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Weather.StatFile', "Can't find undisturbed ground temperatures in .stat file.") else # first match is undisturbed ground temperature at 0.5 m and 4.0 m depth monthly_undis_ground_temps_0p5m = match_data[1].strip.split(/\s+/) monthly_undis_ground_temps_0p5m.shift monthly_undis_ground_temps_0p5m.shift monthly_undis_ground_temps_4p0m = match_data[3].strip.split(/\s+/) monthly_undis_ground_temps_4p0m.shift monthly_undis_ground_temps_4p0m.shift # have to be 12 months if monthly_undis_ground_temps_0p5m.size == 12 monthly_undis_ground_temps_0p5m.each { |temp| @monthly_undis_ground_temps_0p5m << temp.to_f } else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Weather.StatFile', "Can't find undisturbed ground temps at 0.5m in the .stat file.") end if monthly_undis_ground_temps_4p0m.size == 12 monthly_undis_ground_temps_4p0m.each { |temp| @monthly_undis_ground_temps_4p0m << temp.to_f } else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Weather.StatFile', "Can't find undisturbed ground temps at 4.0m in the .stat file.") end end # parse 2004 climate zone and standard # regex = /Climate (\btype\b|\bZone\b) \"(.*?)\" \(ASHRAE Standards?(.*)\)\*?\*?/ regex = /Climate (\btype\b|\bZone\b) \"(.*?)\" \(ASHRAE Standards?\s?(\d*-\d*)/ match_data = @text.match(regex) if match_data.nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Weather.StatFile', "Can't find climate zone") @climate_zone = 'NA' else @climate_zone = match_data[2].to_s.strip @standard = match_data[3].to_s.strip end # parse season months season_infos = [ { name: 'Summer Wet Months', container: 'summer_wet_months', regex: /(Summer is |Wet Period=)(.*)/ }, { name: 'Winter Dry Months', container: 'winter_dry_months', regex: /(Winter is |Dry Period=)(.*)/ }, { name: 'Autumn Months', container: 'autumn_months', regex: /Autumn is (.*)/ }, { name: 'Spring Months', container: 'spring_months', regex: /Spring is (.*)/ } ] season_infos.each { |season_info| parse_season_info(season_info) } # week periods regex = /Typical Week Period selected:(.*?)C/ match_data = @text.scan(regex) if match_data.nil? || match_data.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.Weather.stat_file', "Can't find typical weather weeks in the .stat file.") else @typical_summer_wet_week = Date.parse("#{match_data[0][0].split(':')[0]} 2000") @typical_winter_dry_week = Date.parse("#{match_data[1][0].split(':')[0]} 2000") if match_data[2].nil? @typical_autumn_week = 'NA' @typical_spring_week = 'NA' else @typical_autumn_week = Date.parse("#{match_data[2][0].split(':')[0]} 2000") @typical_spring_week = Date.parse("#{match_data[3][0].split(':')[0]} 2000") end end regex = /Extreme Hot Week Period selected:(.*?)C/ match_data = @text.match(regex) if match_data.nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.Weather.stat_file', "Can't find extreme hot weather week in the .stat file.") else @extreme_hot_week = Date.parse((match_data[1].split(':')[0]).to_s) end regex = /Extreme Cold Week Period selected:(.*?)C/ match_data = @text.match(regex) if match_data.nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.Weather.stat_file', "Can't find extreme cold weather week in the .stat file.") else @extreme_cold_week = Date.parse((match_data[1].split(':')[0]).to_s) end # now we are valid @valid = true end end end end