module Medea class JasonBase #meta-programming interface for lists include ClassLevelInheritableAttributes inheritable_attributes :owned @owned = false #returns the JasonObject by directly querying the URL #if mode is :lazy, we return a GHOST, if mode is :eager, we return a STALE JasonObject def self.get_by_key(key, mode=:eager) return key, mode end #the resolve method takes a key and returns the JasonObject that has that key #This is useful when you have the key, but not the class def self.resolve(key, mode=:lazy) q = :filters => {:VERSION0 => nil, :FILTER => {:HTTP_X_KEY => key, :HTTP_X_ACTION => :POST}} q.filters[:FILTER] ||= {} q.filters[:FILTER][:HTTP_X_KEY] = key resp = JSON.parse(RestClient.get(q.to_url)) if resp.has_key? "1" #this is the object, figure out its class resp["1"]["POST_TO"] =~ /([^\/]+)\/#{key}/ begin result = Kernel.const_get($1).get_by_key key, :lazy if result["1"].has_key? "CONTENT" result.instance_variable_set(:@__jason_data, result["1"]["CONTENT"]) result.instance_variable_set(:@__jason_state, :stale) end if mode == :eager result.send(:load) end rescue nil end end end def ==(other) return false if not other.is_a? JasonBase jason_key == other.jason_key end def jason_key #Generate a random UUID for this object. #since jason urls must start with a letter, we'll use the first letter of the class name @__id ||= "#{[0].chr.downcase}#{UUIDTools::UUID::random_create.to_s}" end def jason_state @__jason_state end def jason_etag @__jason_etag ||= "" end def jason_parent @__jason_parent ||= nil if @__jason_parent == nil && @__jason_parent_key #key is set but parent not? load the parent @__jason_parent = JasonObject.resolve @__jason_parent_key end @__jason_parent end def jason_parent= parent @__jason_parent = parent @__jason_parent_key = parent.jason_key end def jason_parent_key @__jason_parent_key ||= nil end def jason_parent_key= value @__jason_parent_key = value #reset the parent here? @__jason_parent = nil end def jason_parent_list @__jason_parent_list ||= nil end def jason_parent_list= value @__jason_parent_list = value end def delete! cascade=false #TODO: Put this into some kind of async method or have JasonDB able to set flags on many records at once #This will be REALLY REALLY slowww! if cascade && (self.class.class_variable_defined? :@@lists) @@lists.keys.each do |list_name| #for each list that I have list = send(list_name) list.each do |item| #remove each item from the list, deleting it if possible list.remove! item, true end end end persist_changes :delete end def build_url url = "#{JasonDB::db_auth_url}@0.content?" params = [ "VERSION0", "FILTER=HTTP_X_KEY:#{self.jason_key}", "FILTER=HTTP_X_CLASS:#{}" ] url << params.join("&") url end #fetches the data from the JasonDB def load_from_jasondb #because this object might be owned by another, we need to search by key. #not passing a format to the query is a shortcut to getting just the object. url = build_url() response = RestClient.get url @__jason_data = JSON.parse response @__jason_etag = response.headers[:etag] @__jason_state = :stale end end end