require 'active_support/core_ext/string/inflections' require 'active_support/backtrace_cleaner' # External Tasks are the task entity for camunda. We can query the topic and lock the task. After the task # is locked, the external task of the process instance can be worked and completed. Below is an excerpt from the Camunda # documentation regarding the ExternalTask process. # @see # "When the process engine encounters a service task that is configured to be externally handled, it creates an external task # instance and adds it to a list of external tasks(step 1). The task instance receives a topic that identifies the nature of # the work to be performed. At a time in the future, an external worker may fetch and lock tasks for a specific set of # topics (step 2). To prevent one task being fetched by multiple workers at the same time, a task has a timestamp-based lock # that is set when the task is acquired. Only when the lock expires, another worker can fetch the task again. When an external # worker has completed the desired work, it can signal the process engine to continue process execution after the service # task (step 3)." class Camunda::ExternalTask < Camunda::Model # Camunda engine doesn't searching on snake_case variables. include Camunda::VariableSerialization uri 'external-task/(:id)' %i[fetchAndLock unlock].each do |name| define_singleton_method(name) do |hash| with("external-task/#{name}").where(hash).post end end # @note long_polling_duration is defaulted to 30 seconds in Camunda::Workflow.configuration. # @return [Integer] default polling duration from Camunda::Workflow configuration def self.long_polling_duration Camunda::Workflow.configuration.long_polling_duration.in_milliseconds end # @note Max polling tasks is defaulted to 2 in Camunda::Workflow.configuration. # @return [Integer] sets the max polling tasks def self.max_polling_tasks Camunda::Workflow.configuration.max_polling_tasks end # Default lock duration time is set to 14 days in Camunda::Workflow.configuration. # @return [Integer] default lock duration time def self.lock_duration Camunda::Workflow.configuration.lock_duration.in_milliseconds end # Reports a failure to Camunda process definition and creates an incident for a process instance. # @param input_variables [Hash] process variables def failure(exception, input_variables={}) variables_information = "Input variables are #{input_variables.inspect}\n\n" if input_variables.present? self.class.request(:post, "external-task/#{id}/failure", workerId: worker_id, errorMessage: exception.message, errorDetails: variables_information.to_s + exception.message + backtrace_cleaner.clean(exception.backtrace).join("\n")) end # Reports the error to Camunda and creates an incident for the process instance. # @param bpmn_exception [Camunda::BpmnError] def bpmn_error(bpmn_exception) self.class.request(:post, "external-task/#{id}/bpmnError", workerId: worker_id, variables: serialize_variables(bpmn_exception.variables), errorCode: bpmn_exception.error_code, errorMessage: bpmn_exception.message) end # Completes the process instance of a fetched task # @param variables [Hash] submitted when starting the process definition # @raise [Camunda::ExternalTask::SubmissionError] if Camunda does not accept the task submission def complete(variables={}) self.class.request(:post, "external-task/#{id}/complete", workerId: worker_id, variables: serialize_variables(variables)).tap do |response| raise SubmissionError, response.errors["message"] unless response.errors.blank? end end # Returns the worker id for an external task # @note default is set to '0' in Camunda::Workflow.configuration # @return [String] def worker_id self.class.worker_id end # deserializes JSON attributes from variables returned by Camunda API def variables super.transform_values do |details| if details['type'] == 'Json' JSON.parse(details['value']) else details['value'] end end end # Queues the task to run at a specific time via ActiveJob # @example # # Below will retrieve current running process instances with the definition key "CamundaWorkflow" # # and queues the instances to be run at a specific time. # task = Camunda::ExternalTask.fetch_and_lock("CamundaWorkflow") # task.each(&:queue_task) # @return [Camunda::ExternalTask] def queue_task task_class.perform_later(id, variables) end # Runs the task using ActiveJob based on the classes created by bpmn_classes_generator. Before an external task # can be run, you must #fetch_and_lock the task. # @see fetch_and_lock # @example # # Below will retrieve current running process instances with the definition key "CamundaWorkflow" # # and run the instances. # task = Camunda::ExternalTask.fetch_and_lock("CamundaWorkflow") # task.each(&:run_now) # @return [Camunda::ExternalTask] def run_now task_class_name.safe_constantize.perform_now id, variables end # Locking means that the task is reserved for this worker for a certain duration beginning with the time of fetching and # prevents that another worker can fetch the same task while the lock is valid. Locking duration is set in the the # Camunda::Workflow configuration. Before an external task can be completed, it must be locked. # @example # task = Camunda::ExternalTask.fetch_and_lock("CamundaWorkflow") # @param topics [Array<String>] definition keys # @param lock_duration [Integer] # @param long_polling_duration [Integer] # @return [Camunda::ExternalTask] def self.fetch_and_lock(topics, lock_duration: nil, long_polling_duration: nil) long_polling_duration ||= long_polling_duration() lock_duration ||= lock_duration() topic_details = Array(topics).map do |topic| { topicName: topic, lockDuration: lock_duration } end fetchAndLock workerId: worker_id, maxTasks: max_polling_tasks, asyncResponseTimeout: long_polling_duration, topics: topic_details end # Locking means that the task is reserved for this worker for a certain duration beginning with the time of fetching and # prevents that another worker can fetch the same task while the lock is valid. Locking duration is set in the the # Camunda::Workflow configuration. Before an external task can be completed, it must be locked. # # This method calls fetch_and_lock and then queues the jobs that were retrieved # @example # task = Camunda::ExternalTask.fetch_and_queue("CamundaWorkflow") # @param topics [Array<String>] definition keys # @param lock_duration [Integer] # @param long_polling_duration [Integer] # @return [Camunda::ExternalTask] def self.fetch_and_queue(topics, lock_duration: nil, long_polling_duration: nil) response = fetch_and_lock(topics, lock_duration: lock_duration, long_polling_duration: long_polling_duration) response.each do |task| task.queue_task rescue Camunda::MissingImplementationClass => e task.failure(e) end end # Returns the class name which is supposed to implement this task # @return [String] modularized class name of bpmn task implementation def task_class_name "#{process_definition_key}::#{activity_id}" end # Checks to make sure an implementation class is available # @return [Module] return class name # @raise [Camunda::MissingImplementationClass] if the class does not exist def task_class task_class_name.safe_constantize.tap do |klass| raise Camunda::MissingImplementationClass, task_class_name unless klass end end private def backtrace_cleaner @backtrace_cleaner ||= do |bc| Camunda::Workflow.configuration.backtrace_silencer_lines.each do |line| bc.add_silencer { |exception_line| exception_line =~ /#{line}/ } end end end # If the BPMN file expects a variable and the variable isn't supplied with an SubmissionError will be raised # indicating that the variable does not exist. class SubmissionError < StandardError end end