require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/helper') require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/fixtures/markup_app/app') describe "FormHelpers" do include Padrino::Helpers::FormHelpers def app MarkupDemo end class UnprotectedApp def protect_from_csrf; false; end end context 'for #form_tag method' do should "display correct forms in ruby" do actual_html = form_tag('/register', :"accept-charset" => "UTF-8", :class => 'test', :method => "post") { "Demo" } assert_has_tag(:form, :"accept-charset" => "UTF-8", :class => "test") { actual_html } assert_has_tag('form input', :type => 'hidden', :name => '_method', :count => 0) { actual_html } end should "display correct text inputs within form_tag" do actual_html = form_tag('/register', :"accept-charset" => "UTF-8", :class => 'test') { text_field_tag(:username) } assert_has_tag('form input', :type => 'text', :name => "username") { actual_html } end should "display correct form with remote" do actual_html = form_tag('/update', :"accept-charset" => "UTF-8", :class => 'put-form', :remote => true) { "Demo" } assert_has_tag(:form, :class => "put-form", :"accept-charset" => "UTF-8", :"data-remote" => 'true') { actual_html } assert_has_no_tag(:form, "data-method" => 'post') { actual_html } end should "display correct form with remote and method is put" do actual_html = form_tag('/update', :"accept-charset" => "UTF-8", :method => 'put', :remote => true) { "Demo" } assert_has_tag(:form, "data-remote" => 'true', :"accept-charset" => "UTF-8") { actual_html } assert_has_tag('form input', :type => 'hidden', :name => "_method", :value => 'put') { actual_html } end should "display correct form with method :put" do actual_html = form_tag('/update', :"accept-charset" => "UTF-8", :class => 'put-form', :method => "put") { "Demo" } assert_has_tag(:form, :class => "put-form", :"accept-charset" => "UTF-8", :method => 'post') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('form input', :type => 'hidden', :name => "_method", :value => 'put') { actual_html } end should "display correct form with method :delete and charset" do actual_html = form_tag('/remove', :"accept-charset" => "UTF-8", :class => 'delete-form', :method => "delete") { "Demo" } assert_has_tag(:form, :class => "delete-form", :"accept-charset" => "UTF-8", :method => 'post') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('form input', :type => 'hidden', :name => "_method", :value => 'delete') { actual_html } end should "display correct form with charset" do actual_html = form_tag('/charset', :"accept-charset" => "UTF-8", :class => 'charset-form') { "Demo" } assert_has_tag(:form, :class => "charset-form", :"accept-charset" => "UTF-8", :method => 'post') { actual_html } end should "display correct form with multipart encoding" do actual_html = form_tag('/remove', :"accept-charset" => "UTF-8", :multipart => true) { "Demo" } assert_has_tag(:form, :enctype => "multipart/form-data") { actual_html } end should "have an authenticity_token for method :post, :put or :delete" do %w(post put delete).each do |method| actual_html = form_tag('/modify', :method => method) { "Demo" } assert_has_tag(:input, :name => 'authenticity_token') { actual_html } end end should "not have an authenticity_token if method: :get" do actual_html = form_tag('/get', :method => :get) { "Demo" } assert_has_no_tag(:input, :name => 'authenticity_token') { actual_html } end should "have an authenticity_token by default" do actual_html = form_tag('/superadmindelete') { "Demo" } assert_has_tag(:input, :name => 'authenticity_token') { actual_html } end should "create csrf meta tags with token and param - #csrf_meta_tags" do actual_html = csrf_meta_tags assert_has_tag(:meta, :name => 'csrf-param') { actual_html } assert_has_tag(:meta, :name => 'csrf-token') { actual_html } end should "have an authenticity_token by default" do actual_html = form_tag('/superadmindelete') { "Demo" } assert_has_tag(:input, :name => 'authenticity_token') { actual_html } end should "not have an authenticity_token if passing protect_from_csrf: false" do actual_html = form_tag('/superadmindelete', :protect_from_csrf => false) { "Demo" } assert_has_no_tag(:input, :name => 'authenticity_token') { actual_html } end should "not have an authenticity_token if protect_from_csrf is false on app settings" do self.expects(:settings).returns( actual_html = form_tag('/superadmindelete') { "Demo" } assert_has_no_tag(:input, :name => 'authenticity_token') { actual_html } end should "display correct forms in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form', :action => '/simple' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form', :action => '/advanced', :id => 'advanced', :method => 'get' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input', :name => 'authenticity_token' assert_have_no_selector ' input', :name => 'authenticity_token' end should "display correct forms in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form', :action => '/simple' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form', :action => '/advanced', :id => 'advanced', :method => 'get' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input', :name => 'authenticity_token' assert_have_no_selector ' input', :name => 'authenticity_token' end should "display correct forms in slim" do visit '/slim/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form', :action => '/simple' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form', :action => '/advanced', :id => 'advanced', :method => 'get' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input', :name => 'authenticity_token' assert_have_no_selector ' input', :name => 'authenticity_token' end end context 'for #field_set_tag method' do should "display correct field_sets in ruby" do actual_html = field_set_tag("Basic", :class => 'basic') { "Demo" } assert_has_tag(:fieldset, :class => 'basic') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('fieldset legend', :content => "Basic") { actual_html } end should "display correct field_sets in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form fieldset', :count => 1 assert_have_no_selector 'form.simple-form fieldset legend' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form fieldset', :count => 1, :class => 'advanced-field-set' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form fieldset legend', :content => "Advanced" end should "display correct field_sets in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form fieldset', :count => 1 assert_have_no_selector 'form.simple-form fieldset legend' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form fieldset', :count => 1, :class => 'advanced-field-set' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form fieldset legend', :content => "Advanced" end should "display correct field_sets in slim" do visit '/slim/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form fieldset', :count => 1 assert_have_no_selector 'form.simple-form fieldset legend' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form fieldset', :count => 1, :class => 'advanced-field-set' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form fieldset legend', :content => "Advanced" end end context 'for #error_messages_for method' do should "display correct error messages list in ruby" do user = mock_model("User", :errors => { :a => "1", :b => "2" }, :blank? => false) actual_html = error_messages_for(user) assert_has_tag('div.field-errors') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('div.field-errors h2', :content => "2 errors prohibited this User from being saved") { actual_html } assert_has_tag('div.field-errors p', :content => "There were problems with the following fields:") { actual_html } assert_has_tag('div.field-errors ul') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('div.field-errors ul li', :count => 2) { actual_html } end should "display correct error messages list in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_no_selector 'form.simple-form .field-errors' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors h2', :content => "There are problems with saving user!" assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors p', :content => "There were problems with the following fields:" assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors ul' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors ul li', :count => 4 assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors ul li', :content => "Email must be an email" assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors ul li', :content => "Fake must be valid" assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors ul li', :content => "Second must be present" assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors ul li', :content => "Third must be a number" end should "display correct error messages list in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_no_selector 'form.simple-form .field-errors' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors h2', :content => "There are problems with saving user!" assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors p', :content => "There were problems with the following fields:" assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors ul' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors ul li', :count => 4 assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors ul li', :content => "Email must be an email" assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors ul li', :content => "Fake must be valid" assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors ul li', :content => "Second must be present" assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors ul li', :content => "Third must be a number" end should "display correct error messages list in slim" do visit '/slim/form_tag' assert_have_no_selector 'form.simple-form .field-errors' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors h2', :content => "There are problems with saving user!" assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors p', :content => "There were problems with the following fields:" assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors ul' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors ul li', :count => 4 assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors ul li', :content => "Email must be an email" assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors ul li', :content => "Fake must be valid" assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors ul li', :content => "Second must be present" assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors ul li', :content => "Third must be a number" end end context 'for #error_message_on method' do should "display correct error message on specified model name in ruby" do @user = mock_model("User", :errors => { :a => "1", :b => "2" }, :blank? => false) actual_html = error_message_on(:user, :a, :prepend => "foo", :append => "bar") assert_has_tag('span.error', :content => "foo 1 bar") { actual_html } end should "display correct error message on specified object in ruby" do @bob = mock_model("User", :errors => { :a => "1", :b => "2" }, :blank? => false) actual_html = error_message_on(@bob, :a, :prepend => "foo", :append => "bar") assert_has_tag('span.error', :content => "foo 1 bar") { actual_html } end should "display no message when error isn't present" do @user = mock_model("User", :errors => { :a => "1", :b => "2" }, :blank? => false) actual_html = error_message_on(:user, :fake, :prepend => "foo", :append => "bar") assert actual_html.blank? end should "display no message when error isn't present in an Array" do @user = mock_model("User", :errors => { :a => [], :b => "2" }, :blank? => false) actual_html = error_message_on(:user, :a, :prepend => "foo", :append => "bar") assert actual_html.blank? end end context 'for #label_tag method' do should "display label tag in ruby" do actual_html = label_tag(:username, :class => 'long-label', :caption => "Nickname") assert_has_tag(:label, :for => 'username', :class => 'long-label', :content => "Nickname") { actual_html } end should "display label tag in ruby with required" do actual_html = label_tag(:username, :caption => "Nickname", :required => true) assert_has_tag(:label, :for => 'username', :content => 'Nickname') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('label[for=username] span.required', :content => "*") { actual_html } end should "display label tag in ruby with a block" do actual_html = label_tag(:admin, :class => 'long-label') { input_tag :checkbox } assert_has_tag(:label, :for => 'admin', :class => 'long-label', :content => "Admin") { actual_html } assert_has_tag('label input[type=checkbox]') { actual_html } end should "display label tag in erb for simple form" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form label', :count => 9 assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form label', :content => "Username", :for => 'username' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form label', :content => "Password", :for => 'password' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form label', :content => "Gender", :for => 'gender' end should "display label tag in erb for advanced form" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form label', :count => 11 assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form label.first', :content => "Nickname", :for => 'username' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form label.first', :content => "Password", :for => 'password' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form label.about', :content => "About Me", :for => 'about' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form', :content => "Photo" , :for => 'photo' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form label.gender', :content => "Gender" , :for => 'gender' end should "display label tag in haml for simple form" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form label', :count => 9 assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form label', :content => "Username", :for => 'username' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form label', :content => "Password", :for => 'password' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form label', :content => "Gender", :for => 'gender' end should "display label tag in haml for advanced form" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form label', :count => 11 assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form label.first', :content => "Nickname", :for => 'username' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form label.first', :content => "Password", :for => 'password' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form label.about', :content => "About Me", :for => 'about' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form', :content => "Photo" , :for => 'photo' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form label.gender', :content => "Gender" , :for => 'gender' end should "display label tag in slim for simple form" do visit '/slim/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form label', :count => 9 assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form label', :content => "Username", :for => 'username' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form label', :content => "Password", :for => 'password' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form label', :content => "Gender", :for => 'gender' end should "display label tag in slim for advanced form" do visit '/slim/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form label', :count => 11 assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form label.first', :content => "Nickname", :for => 'username' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form label.first', :content => "Password", :for => 'password' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form label.about', :content => "About Me", :for => 'about' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form', :content => "Photo" , :for => 'photo' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form label.gender', :content => "Gender" , :for => 'gender' end end context 'for #hidden_field_tag method' do should "display hidden field in ruby" do actual_html = hidden_field_tag(:session_key, :id => 'session_id', :value => '56768') assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'hidden', :id => "session_id", :name => 'session_key', :value => '56768') { actual_html } end should "display hidden field in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=hidden]', :count => 1, :name => 'session_id', :value => "__secret__" assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=hidden]', :count => 1, :name => 'session_id', :value => "__secret__" end should "display hidden field in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=hidden]', :count => 1, :name => 'session_id', :value => "__secret__" assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=hidden]', :count => 1, :name => 'session_id', :value => "__secret__" end should "display hidden field in slim" do visit '/slim/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=hidden]', :count => 1, :name => 'session_id', :value => "__secret__" assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=hidden]', :count => 1, :name => 'session_id', :value => "__secret__" end end context 'for #text_field_tag method' do should "display text field in ruby" do actual_html = text_field_tag(:username, :class => 'long') assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'text', :class => "long", :name => 'username') { actual_html } end should "display text field in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=text]', :count => 1, :name => 'username' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form fieldset input[type=text]', :count => 1, :name => 'username', :id => 'the_username' end should "display text field in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=text]', :count => 1, :name => 'username' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form fieldset input[type=text]', :count => 1, :name => 'username', :id => 'the_username' end should "display text field in slim" do visit '/slim/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=text]', :count => 1, :name => 'username' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form fieldset input[type=text]', :count => 1, :name => 'username', :id => 'the_username' end end context 'for #number_field_tag method' do should "display number field in ruby" do actual_html = number_field_tag(:age, :class => 'numeric') assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'number', :class => 'numeric', :name => 'age') { actual_html } end should "display number field in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=number]', :count => 1, :name => 'age' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form fieldset input[type=number]', :count => 1, :name => 'age', :class => 'numeric' end should "display number field in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=number]', :count => 1, :name => 'age' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form fieldset input[type=number]', :count => 1, :name => 'age', :class => 'numeric' end should "display number field in slim" do visit '/slim/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=number]', :count => 1, :name => 'age' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form fieldset input[type=number]', :count => 1, :name => 'age', :class => 'numeric' end end context 'for #telephone_field_tag method' do should "display number field in ruby" do actual_html = telephone_field_tag(:telephone, :class => 'numeric') assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'tel', :class => 'numeric', :name => 'telephone') { actual_html } end should "display telephone field in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=tel]', :count => 1, :name => 'telephone' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form fieldset input[type=tel]', :count => 1, :name => 'telephone', :class => 'numeric' end should "display telephone field in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=tel]', :count => 1, :name => 'telephone' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form fieldset input[type=tel]', :count => 1, :name => 'telephone', :class => 'numeric' end should "display telephone field in slim" do visit '/slim/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=tel]', :count => 1, :name => 'telephone' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form fieldset input[type=tel]', :count => 1, :name => 'telephone', :class => 'numeric' end end context 'for #search_field_tag method' do should "display search field in ruby" do actual_html = search_field_tag(:search, :class => 'string') assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'search', :class => 'string', :name => 'search') { actual_html } end should "display search field in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=search]', :count => 1, :name => 'search' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form fieldset input[type=search]', :count => 1, :name => 'search', :class => 'string' end should "display search field in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=search]', :count => 1, :name => 'search' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form fieldset input[type=search]', :count => 1, :name => 'search', :class => 'string' end should "display search field in slim" do visit '/slim/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=search]', :count => 1, :name => 'search' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form fieldset input[type=search]', :count => 1, :name => 'search', :class => 'string' end end context 'for #email_field_tag method' do should "display email field in ruby" do actual_html = email_field_tag(:email, :class => 'string') assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'email', :class => 'string', :name => 'email') { actual_html } end should "display email field in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=email]', :count => 1, :name => 'email' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form fieldset input[type=email]', :count => 1, :name => 'email', :class => 'string' end should "display email field in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=email]', :count => 1, :name => 'email' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form fieldset input[type=email]', :count => 1, :name => 'email', :class => 'string' end should "display email field in slim" do visit '/slim/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=email]', :count => 1, :name => 'email' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form fieldset input[type=email]', :count => 1, :name => 'email', :class => 'string' end end context 'for #url_field_tag method' do should "display url field in ruby" do actual_html = url_field_tag(:webpage, :class => 'string') assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'url', :class => 'string', :name => 'webpage') { actual_html } end should "display url field in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=url]', :count => 1, :name => 'webpage' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form fieldset input[type=url]', :count => 1, :name => 'webpage', :class => 'string' end should "display url field in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=url]', :count => 1, :name => 'webpage' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form fieldset input[type=url]', :count => 1, :name => 'webpage', :class => 'string' end should "display url field in slim" do visit '/slim/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=url]', :count => 1, :name => 'webpage' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form fieldset input[type=url]', :count => 1, :name => 'webpage', :class => 'string' end end context 'for #text_area_tag method' do should "display text area in ruby" do actual_html = text_area_tag(:about, :class => 'long') assert_has_tag(:textarea, :class => "long", :name => 'about') { actual_html } end should "display text area in ruby with specified content" do actual_html = text_area_tag(:about, :value => "a test", :rows => 5, :cols => 6) assert_has_tag(:textarea, :content => "a test", :name => 'about', :rows => "5", :cols => "6") { actual_html } end should "display text area in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form textarea', :count => 1, :name => 'about', :class => 'large' end should "display text area in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form textarea', :count => 1, :name => 'about', :class => 'large' end should "display text area in slim" do visit '/slim/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form textarea', :count => 1, :name => 'about', :class => 'large' end end context 'for #password_field_tag method' do should "display password field in ruby" do actual_html = password_field_tag(:password, :class => 'long') assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'password', :class => "long", :name => 'password') { actual_html } end should "display password field in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=password]', :count => 1, :name => 'password' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=password]', :count => 1, :name => 'password' end should "display password field in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=password]', :count => 1, :name => 'password' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=password]', :count => 1, :name => 'password' end should "display password field in slim" do visit '/slim/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=password]', :count => 1, :name => 'password' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=password]', :count => 1, :name => 'password' end end context 'for #file_field_tag method' do should "display file field in ruby" do actual_html = file_field_tag(:photo, :class => 'photo') assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'file', :class => "photo", :name => 'photo') { actual_html } end should "have an array name with multiple option" do actual_html = file_field_tag(:photos, :multiple => true) assert_has_tag(:input, :name => 'photos[]') { actual_html } end should "display file field in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=file]', :count => 1, :name => 'photo', :class => 'upload' end should "display file field in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=file]', :count => 1, :name => 'photo', :class => 'upload' end should "display file field in slim" do visit '/slim/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=file]', :count => 1, :name => 'photo', :class => 'upload' end end context "for #check_box_tag method" do should "display check_box tag in ruby" do actual_html = check_box_tag("clear_session") assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'checkbox', :value => '1', :name => 'clear_session') { actual_html } assert_has_no_tag(:input, :type => 'hidden') { actual_html } end should "display check_box tag in ruby with extended attributes" do actual_html = check_box_tag("clear_session", :disabled => true, :checked => true) assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'checkbox', :disabled => 'disabled', :checked => 'checked') { actual_html } end should "display check_box tag in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=checkbox]', :count => 1 assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=checkbox]', :value => "1", :checked => 'checked' end should "display check_box tag in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=checkbox]', :count => 1 assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=checkbox]', :value => "1", :checked => 'checked' end should "display check_box tag in slim" do visit '/slim/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=checkbox]', :count => 1 assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=checkbox]', :value => "1", :checked => 'checked' end end context "for #radio_button_tag method" do should "display radio_button tag in ruby" do actual_html = radio_button_tag("gender", :value => 'male') assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'radio', :value => 'male', :name => 'gender') { actual_html } end should "display radio_button tag in ruby with extended attributes" do actual_html = radio_button_tag("gender", :disabled => true, :checked => true) assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'radio', :disabled => 'disabled', :checked => 'checked') { actual_html } end should "display radio_button tag in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=radio]', :count => 1, :value => 'male' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=radio]', :count => 1, :value => 'female' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=radio]', :value => "male", :checked => 'checked' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=radio]', :value => "female" end should "display radio_button tag in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=radio]', :count => 1, :value => 'male' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=radio]', :count => 1, :value => 'female' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=radio]', :value => "male", :checked => 'checked' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=radio]', :value => "female" end should "display radio_button tag in slim" do visit '/slim/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=radio]', :count => 1, :value => 'male' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=radio]', :count => 1, :value => 'female' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=radio]', :value => "male", :checked => 'checked' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=radio]', :value => "female" end end context "for #select_tag method" do should "display select tag in ruby" do actual_html = select_tag(:favorite_color, :options => ['green', 'blue', 'black'], :include_blank => true) assert_has_tag(:select, :name => 'favorite_color') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option:first-child', :content => '') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :content => 'green', :value => 'green') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :content => 'blue', :value => 'blue') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :content => 'black', :value => 'black') { actual_html } end should "display select tag in ruby with extended attributes" do actual_html = select_tag(:favorite_color, :disabled => true, :options => ['only', 'option']) assert_has_tag(:select, :disabled => 'disabled') { actual_html } end should "take a range as a collection for options" do actual_html = select_tag(:favorite_color, :options => (1..3)) assert_has_tag(:select) { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :value => '1') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :value => '2') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :value => '3') { actual_html } end should "include blank for grouped options" do opts = { "Red" => ["Rose","Fire"], "Blue" => ["Sky","Sea"] } actual_html = select_tag( 'color', :grouped_options => opts, :include_blank => true ) assert_has_tag('select option:first-child', :value => "", :content => "") { actual_html } end should "display select tag with grouped options for a nested array" do opts = [ ["Friends",["Yoda",["Obiwan",2]]], ["Enemies", ["Palpatine",['Darth Vader',3]]] ] actual_html = select_tag( 'name', :grouped_options => opts ) assert_has_tag(:select, :name => "name") { actual_html } assert_has_tag(:optgroup, :label => "Friends") { actual_html } assert_has_tag(:option, :value => "Yoda", :content => "Yoda") { actual_html } assert_has_tag(:option, :value => "2", :content => "Obiwan") { actual_html } assert_has_tag(:optgroup, :label => "Enemies") { actual_html } assert_has_tag(:option, :value => "Palpatine", :content => "Palpatine") { actual_html } assert_has_tag(:option, :value => "3", :content => "Darth Vader") { actual_html } end should "display select tag with grouped options for a nested array and accept disabled groups" do opts = [ ["Friends",["Yoda",["Obiwan",2]]], ["Enemies", ["Palpatine",['Darth Vader',3]], {:disabled => true}] ] actual_html = select_tag( 'name', :grouped_options => opts ) assert_has_tag(:select, :name => "name") { actual_html } assert_has_tag(:option, :disabled => 'disabled', :count => 0) { actual_html } assert_has_tag(:optgroup, :disabled => 'disabled', :count => 1) { actual_html } assert_has_tag(:optgroup, :label => "Enemies", :disabled => 'disabled') { actual_html } end should "display select tag with grouped options for a nested array and accept disabled groups and/or with disabled options" do opts = [ ["Friends",["Yoda",["Obiwan",2, {:disabled => true}]]], ["Enemies", [["Palpatine", "Palpatine", {:disabled => true}],['Darth Vader',3]], {:disabled => true}] ] actual_html = select_tag( 'name', :grouped_options => opts ) assert_has_tag(:select, :name => "name") { actual_html } assert_has_tag(:option, :disabled => 'disabled', :count => 2) { actual_html } assert_has_tag(:optgroup, :disabled => 'disabled', :count => 1) { actual_html } assert_has_tag(:option, :content => "Obiwan", :disabled => 'disabled') { actual_html } assert_has_tag(:optgroup, :label => "Enemies", :disabled => 'disabled') { actual_html } assert_has_tag(:option, :value => "Palpatine", :content => "Palpatine", :disabled => 'disabled') { actual_html } end should "display select tag with grouped options for a hash" do opts = { "Friends" => ["Yoda",["Obiwan",2]], "Enemies" => ["Palpatine",['Darth Vader',3]] } actual_html = select_tag( 'name', :grouped_options => opts ) assert_has_tag(:select, :name => "name") { actual_html } assert_has_tag(:optgroup, :label => "Friends") { actual_html } assert_has_tag(:option, :value => "Yoda", :content => "Yoda") { actual_html } assert_has_tag(:option, :value => "2", :content => "Obiwan") { actual_html } assert_has_tag(:optgroup, :label => "Enemies") { actual_html } assert_has_tag(:option, :value => "Palpatine", :content => "Palpatine") { actual_html } assert_has_tag(:option, :value => "3", :content => "Darth Vader") { actual_html } end should "display select tag with grouped options for a hash and accept disabled groups and/or with disabled options" do opts = { "Friends" => ["Yoda",["Obiwan",2,{:disabled => true}]], "Enemies" => [["Palpatine","Palpatine",{:disabled => true}],["Darth Vader",3], {:disabled => true}] } actual_html = select_tag( 'name', :grouped_options => opts ) assert_has_tag(:select, :name => "name") { actual_html } assert_has_tag(:option, :disabled => 'disabled', :count => 2) { actual_html } assert_has_tag(:optgroup, :disabled => 'disabled', :count => 1) { actual_html } assert_has_tag(:option, :content => "Obiwan", :disabled => 'disabled') { actual_html } assert_has_tag(:optgroup, :label => "Enemies", :disabled => 'disabled') { actual_html } assert_has_tag(:option, :value => "Palpatine", :content => "Palpatine", :disabled => 'disabled') { actual_html } end should "display select tag with grouped options for a rails-style attribute hash" do opts = { "Friends" => ["Yoda",["Obiwan",2,{:magister=>'no'}],{:lame=>'yes'}], "Enemies" => [["Palpatine","Palpatine",{:scary=>'yes',:old=>'yes'}],["Darth Vader",3,{:disabled=>true}]] } actual_html = select_tag( 'name', :grouped_options => opts, :disabled_options => [2], :selected => ['Yoda'] ) assert_has_tag(:optgroup, :label => "Friends", :lame => 'yes') { actual_html } assert_has_tag(:option, :value => "Palpatine", :content => "Palpatine", :scary => 'yes', :old => 'yes') { actual_html } assert_has_tag(:option, :content => "Darth Vader", :disabled => 'disabled') { actual_html } assert_has_tag(:option, :content => "Obiwan", :disabled => 'disabled') { actual_html } assert_has_tag(:option, :content => "Yoda", :selected => 'selected') { actual_html } end should "display select tag in ruby with multiple attribute" do actual_html = select_tag(:favorite_color, :multiple => true, :options => ['only', 'option']) assert_has_tag(:select, :multiple => 'multiple', :name => 'favorite_color[]') { actual_html } end should "display options with values and single selected" do options = [['Green', 'green1'], ['Blue', 'blue1'], ['Black', "black1"]] actual_html = select_tag(:favorite_color, :options => options, :selected => 'green1') assert_has_tag(:select, :name => 'favorite_color') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :selected => 'selected', :count => 1) { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :content => 'Green', :value => 'green1', :selected => 'selected') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :content => 'Blue', :value => 'blue1') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :content => 'Black', :value => 'black1') { actual_html } end should "display options with values and accept disabled options" do options = [['Green', 'green1', {:disabled => true}], ['Blue', 'blue1'], ['Black', "black1"]] actual_html = select_tag(:favorite_color, :options => options) assert_has_tag(:select, :name => 'favorite_color') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :disabled => 'disabled', :count => 1) { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :content => 'Green', :value => 'green1', :disabled => 'disabled') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :content => 'Blue', :value => 'blue1') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :content => 'Black', :value => 'black1') { actual_html } end should "display option with values and multiple selected" do options = [['Green', 'green1'], ['Blue', 'blue1'], ['Black', "black1"]] actual_html = select_tag(:favorite_color, :options => options, :selected => ['green1', 'Black']) assert_has_tag(:select, :name => 'favorite_color') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :selected => 'selected', :count => 2) { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :content => 'Green', :value => 'green1', :selected => 'selected') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :content => 'Blue', :value => 'blue1') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :content => 'Black', :value => 'black1', :selected => 'selected') { actual_html } end should "display options selected only for exact match" do options = [['One', '1'], ['1', '10'], ['Two', "-1"]] actual_html = select_tag(:range, :options => options, :selected => '-1') assert_has_tag(:select, :name => 'range') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :selected => 'selected', :count => 1) { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :content => 'Two', :value => '-1', :selected => 'selected') { actual_html } end should "display select tag in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form select', :count => 1, :name => 'color' assert_have_selector('select option', :content => 'green', :value => 'green') assert_have_selector('select option', :content => 'orange', :value => 'orange') assert_have_selector('select option', :content => 'purple', :value => 'purple') assert_have_selector('form.advanced-form select', :name => 'fav_color') assert_have_selector('select option', :content => 'green', :value => '1') assert_have_selector('select option', :content => 'orange', :value => '2', :selected => 'selected') assert_have_selector('select option', :content => 'purple', :value => '3') assert_have_selector('select optgroup', :label => 'foo') assert_have_selector('select optgroup', :label => 'bar') assert_have_selector('select optgroup option', :content => 'foo', :value => 'foo') assert_have_selector('select optgroup option', :content => 'bar', :value => 'bar') assert_have_selector('select optgroup', :label => 'Friends') assert_have_selector('select optgroup', :label => 'Enemies') assert_have_selector('select optgroup option', :content => 'Yoda', :value => 'Yoda') assert_have_selector('select optgroup option', :content => 'Obiwan', :value => '1') assert_have_selector('select optgroup option', :content => 'Palpatine', :value => 'Palpatine') assert_have_selector('select optgroup option', :content => 'Darth Vader', :value => '3') end should "display select tag in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form select', :count => 1, :name => 'color' assert_have_selector('select option', :content => 'green', :value => 'green') assert_have_selector('select option', :content => 'orange', :value => 'orange') assert_have_selector('select option', :content => 'purple', :value => 'purple') assert_have_selector('form.advanced-form select', :name => 'fav_color') assert_have_selector('select option', :content => 'green', :value => '1') assert_have_selector('select option', :content => 'orange', :value => '2', :selected => 'selected') assert_have_selector('select option', :content => 'purple', :value => '3') assert_have_selector('select optgroup', :label => 'foo') assert_have_selector('select optgroup', :label => 'bar') assert_have_selector('select optgroup option', :content => 'foo', :value => 'foo') assert_have_selector('select optgroup option', :content => 'bar', :value => 'bar') assert_have_selector('select optgroup', :label => 'Friends') assert_have_selector('select optgroup', :label => 'Enemies') assert_have_selector('select optgroup option', :content => 'Yoda', :value => 'Yoda') assert_have_selector('select optgroup option', :content => 'Obiwan', :value => '1') assert_have_selector('select optgroup option', :content => 'Palpatine', :value => 'Palpatine') assert_have_selector('select optgroup option', :content => 'Darth Vader', :value => '3') end should "display select tag in slim" do visit '/slim/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form select', :count => 1, :name => 'color' assert_have_selector('select option', :content => 'green', :value => 'green') assert_have_selector('select option', :content => 'orange', :value => 'orange') assert_have_selector('select option', :content => 'purple', :value => 'purple') assert_have_selector('form.advanced-form select', :name => 'fav_color') assert_have_selector('select option', :content => 'green', :value => '1') assert_have_selector('select option', :content => 'orange', :value => '2', :selected => 'selected') assert_have_selector('select option', :content => 'purple', :value => '3') assert_have_selector('select optgroup', :label => 'foo') assert_have_selector('select optgroup', :label => 'bar') assert_have_selector('select optgroup option', :content => 'foo', :value => 'foo') assert_have_selector('select optgroup option', :content => 'bar', :value => 'bar') assert_have_selector('select optgroup', :label => 'Friends') assert_have_selector('select optgroup', :label => 'Enemies') assert_have_selector('select optgroup option', :content => 'Yoda', :value => 'Yoda') assert_have_selector('select optgroup option', :content => 'Obiwan', :value => '1') assert_have_selector('select optgroup option', :content => 'Palpatine', :value => 'Palpatine') assert_have_selector('select optgroup option', :content => 'Darth Vader', :value => '3') end end context 'for #submit_tag method' do should "display submit tag in ruby" do actual_html = submit_tag("Update", :class => 'success') assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'submit', :class => "success", :value => 'Update') { actual_html } end should "display submit tag in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=submit]', :count => 1, :value => "Submit" assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=submit]', :count => 1, :value => "Login" end should "display submit tag in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=submit]', :count => 1, :value => "Submit" assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=submit]', :count => 1, :value => "Login" end should "display submit tag in slim" do visit '/slim/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=submit]', :count => 1, :value => "Submit" assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=submit]', :count => 1, :value => "Login" end context 'for omitted args' do should "display submit tag with default caption" do actual_html = submit_tag() assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'submit', :value => 'Submit') { actual_html } end end context 'for omitted caption arg' do should "display submit tag with default caption" do actual_html = submit_tag(:class => 'success') assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'submit', :class => 'success', :value => 'Submit') { actual_html } end should "display submit tag without caption value when nil" do actual_html = submit_tag(nil, :class => 'success') assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'submit', :class => 'success') { actual_html } assert_has_no_tag(:input, :type => 'submit', :class => 'success', :value => 'Submit') { actual_html } end end end context 'for #button_tag method' do should "display submit tag in ruby" do actual_html = button_tag("Cancel", :class => 'clear') assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'button', :class => "clear", :value => 'Cancel') { actual_html } end should "display submit tag in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=button]', :count => 1, :value => "Cancel" end should "display submit tag in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=button]', :count => 1, :value => "Cancel" end should "display submit tag in slim" do visit '/slim/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=button]', :count => 1, :value => "Cancel" end end context 'for #image_submit_tag method' do setup do @stamp = stop_time_for_test.to_i end should "display image submit tag in ruby with relative path" do actual_html = image_submit_tag('buttons/ok.png', :class => 'success') assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'image', :class => "success", :src => "/images/buttons/ok.png?#{@stamp}") { actual_html } end should "display image submit tag in ruby with absolute path" do actual_html = image_submit_tag('/system/ok.png', :class => 'success') assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'image', :class => "success", :src => "/system/ok.png") { actual_html } end should "display image submit tag in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=image]', :count => 1, :src => "/images/buttons/submit.png?#{@stamp}" end should "display image submit tag in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=image]', :count => 1, :src => "/images/buttons/submit.png?#{@stamp}" end should "display image submit tag in slim" do visit '/slim/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=image]', :count => 1, :src => "/images/buttons/submit.png?#{@stamp}" end end context 'for #button_to method' do should "have a form and set the method properly" do actual_html = button_to('Delete', '/users/1', :method => :delete) assert_has_tag('form', :action => '/users/1') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('form input', :type => 'hidden', :name => "_method", :value => 'delete') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('form input', :type => 'hidden', :name => "authenticity_token") { actual_html } end should "add a submit button by default if no content is specified" do actual_html = button_to('My Delete Button', '/users/1', :method => :delete) assert_has_tag('form input', :type => 'submit', :value => 'My Delete Button') { actual_html } end should "set specific content inside the form if a block was sent" do actual_html = button_to('My Delete Button', '/users/1', :method => :delete) do content_tag :button, "My button's content", :type => :submit, :title => "My button" end assert_has_tag('form button', :type => 'submit', :content => "My button's content", :title => "My button") { actual_html } end should "pass options on submit button when submit_options are given" do actual_html = button_to("Fancy button", '/users/1', :submit_options => { :class => :fancy }) assert_has_tag('form input', :type => 'submit', :value => 'Fancy button', :class => 'fancy') { actual_html } end should 'display correct button_to in erb' do visit '/erb/button_to' assert_have_selector('form', :action => '/foo') assert_have_selector('form label', :for => 'username', :content => 'Username: ') assert_have_selector('form', :action => '/bar') assert_have_selector('#test-point ~ form > input[type=submit]', :value => 'Bar button') end should 'display correct button_to in haml' do visit '/haml/button_to' assert_have_selector('form', :action => '/foo') assert_have_selector('form label', :for => 'username', :content => 'Username: ') assert_have_selector('form', :action => '/bar') assert_have_selector('#test-point ~ form > input[type=submit]', :value => 'Bar button') end should 'display correct button_to in slim' do visit '/slim/button_to' assert_have_selector('form', :action => '/foo') assert_have_selector('form label', :for => 'username', :content => 'Username: ') assert_have_selector('form', :action => '/bar') assert_have_selector('#test-point ~ form > input[type=submit]', :value => 'Bar button') end end context 'for #range_field_tag' do should "create an input tag with min and max options" do actual_html = range_field_tag('ranger', :min => 20, :max => 50) assert_has_tag('input', :type => 'range', :name => 'ranger', :min => '20', :max => '50') { actual_html } end should "create an input tag with range" do actual_html = range_field_tag('ranger', :range => 1..20) assert_has_tag('input', :min => '1', :max => '20') { actual_html } end should "display correct range_field_tag in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'input', :type => 'range', :name => 'ranger_with_min_max', :min => '1', :max => '50', :count => 1 assert_have_selector 'input', :type => 'range', :name => 'ranger_with_range', :min => '1', :max => '5', :count => 1 end should "display correct range_field_tag in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'input', :type => 'range', :name => 'ranger_with_min_max', :min => '1', :max => '50', :count => 1 assert_have_selector 'input', :type => 'range', :name => 'ranger_with_range', :min => '1', :max => '5', :count => 1 end should "display correct range_field_tag in slim" do visit '/slim/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'input', :type => 'range', :name => 'ranger_with_min_max', :min => '1', :max => '50', :count => 1 assert_have_selector 'input', :type => 'range', :name => 'ranger_with_range', :min => '1', :max => '5', :count => 1 end end end