module Hominid
  module List
    # Get all the lists for this account.
    def lists
    # Find a mailing list by name
    def find_list_by_name(list_name)
      call("lists").find {|list| list["name"] == list_name}
    # Find a mailing list ID by name
    def find_list_id_by_name(list_name)
      call("lists").find {|list| list["name"] == list_name}["id"]
    # Find a mailing list by ID
    def find_list_by_id(list_id)
      call("lists").find {|list| list["id"] == list_id}
    # Find a mailing list by web_id
    def find_list_by_web_id(list_web_id)
      call("lists").find {|list| list["web_id"] == list_web_id}
    # Find a mailing list ID by web_id
    def find_list_id_by_web_id(list_web_id)
      call("lists").find {|list| list["web_id"] == list_web_id}["id"]
    # Find all the mailing lists IDs that an email address is subscribed to
    def find_list_ids_by_email(email)
      call("listForEmail", email)

    # Get all email addresses that complained about a given list.
    # Parameters:
    # * list_id (String)  = The mailing list ID value.
    # * list_id (String)  = The mailing list ID value.
    # * start (Integer)   = Page number to start at. Defaults to 0.
    # * limit (Integer)   = Number of results to return. Defaults to 500. Upper limit is 1000.
    # * since (DateTime)  = Only return email reports since this date. Must be in YYYY-MM-DD HH:II:SS format (GMT).
    # Returns:
    # An array of abuse reports for this list including:
    # * date        (String) = Date/time the abuse report was received and processed.
    # * email       (String) = The email address that reported abuse.
    # * campaign_id (String) = The unique id for the campaign that report was made against.
    # * type        (String) = An internal type generally specifying the orginating mail provider - may not be useful outside of filling report views.
    def list_abuse_reports(list_id, start = 0, limit = 500, since = "2000-01-01 00:00:00")
      call("listAbuseReports", list_id, start, limit, since)
    # Add a single Interest Group - if interest groups for the List are not yet
    # enabled, adding the first group will automatically turn them on.
    # Parameters:
    # * list_id (String)  = The mailing list ID value.
    # * group (String) = The interest group to add.
    # Returns:
    # True if successful, error code if not.
    def create_group(list_id, group)
      call("listInterestGroupAdd", list_id, group)
    alias :interest_group_add :create_group
    # Add a new merge tag to a given list
    # Parameters:
    # * list_id (String)  = The mailing list ID value.
    # * tag       (String)  = The merge tag to add. Ex: FNAME
    # * name      (String)  = The long description of the tag being added, used for user displays.
    # * required  (Boolean) = TODO: set this up to accept the options available.
    # Returns:
    # True if successful, error code if not.
    def create_tag(list_id, tag, name, required = false)
      call("listMergeVarAdd", list_id, tag, name, required)
    alias :merge_var_add :create_tag
    # Add a new Webhook URL for the given list
    # Parameters:
    # * list_id (String)  = The mailing list ID value.
    # * url     (String)  = A valid URL for the Webhook - it will be validated.
    # * actions (Hash)    = A hash of actions to fire this Webhook for including:
    #   * :subscribe (Boolean) - defaults to true.
    #   * :unsubscribe (Boolean) - defaults to true.
    #   * :profile (Boolean) - defaults to true.
    #   * :cleaned (Boolean) - defaults to true.
    #   * :upemail (Boolean) - defaults to true.
    # * sources (Hash)    = A hash of sources to fire this Webhook for including:
    #   * :user (Boolean) - defaults to true.
    #   * :admin (Boolean) - defaults to true.
    #   * :api (Boolean) - defaults to false.
    # See the Mailchimp API documentation for more information.
    # Returns:
    # True if successful, error code if not.
    def create_webhook(list_id, url, actions = {}, sources = {})
      call("listWebhookAdd", list_id, url, actions, sources)
    alias :webhook_add :create_webhook
    # Delete a single Interest Group - if the last group for a list
    # is deleted, this will also turn groups for the list off.
    # Parameters:
    # * list_id (String) = The mailing list ID value.
    # * group   (String) = The interest group to delete.
    # Returns:
    # True if successful, error code if not.
    def delete_group(list_id, group)
      call("listInterestGroupDel", list_id, group)
    alias :interest_group_del :delete_group

    # Delete a merge tag from a given list and all its members.
    # Seriously - the data is removed from all members as well!
    # Note that on large lists this method may seem a bit slower
    # than calls you typically make.
    # Parameters:
    # * list_id (String) = The mailing list ID value.
    # * tag     (String) = 	The merge tag to delete.
    # Returns:
    # True if successful, error code if not.
    def delete_tag(list_id, tag)
      call("listMergeVarDel", list_id, tag)
    alias :merge_var_del :delete_tag
    # Delete an existing Webhook URL from a given list.
    # Parameters:
    # * list_id (String) = The mailing list ID value.
    # * url     (String) = The URL of a Webhook on this list.
    # Returns:
    # True if successful, error code if not.
    def delete_webhook(list_id, url)
      call("listWebhookDel", list_id, url)
    alias :webhook_del :delete_webhook
    # Get the list of interest groups for a given list, including
    # the label and form information.
    # Parameters:
    # * list_id (String)  = The mailing list ID value.
    # Returns:
    # A struct of interest groups for this list:
    # * name        (String)  = Name for the Interest group.
    # * form_field  (String)  = Gives the type of interest group: checkbox, radio, select, etc.
    # * groups      (Array)   = Array of the group names
    def groups(list_id)
      call("listInterestGroups", list_id)
    alias :interest_groups :groups
    # Access the Growth History by Month for a given list.
    # Parameters:
    # * list_id (String)  = The mailing list ID value.
    # * group   (String)  = The interest group to delete.
    # Returns:
    # An array of months and growth with the following fields:
    # * month     (String)  = The Year and Month in question using YYYY-MM format.
    # * existing  (Integer) = Number of existing subscribers to start the month.
    # * imports   (Integer) = Number of subscribers imported during the month.
    # * optins    (Integer) = Number of subscribers who opted-in during the month.
    def growth_history(list_id)
      call("listGrowthHistory", list_id)
    # Get all the information for a particular member of a list.
    # Parameters:
    # * list_id (String) = The mailing list ID value.
    # * email   (String) = the member email address to get information for OR the "id" for the member returned from listMemberInfo, Webhooks, and Campaigns
    # Returns:
    # An array of list member info with the following fields:
    # * id          (String)  = The unique id for this email address on an account.
    # * email       (String)  = The email address associated with this record.
    # * email_type  (String)  = The type of emails this customer asked to get: html, text, or mobile.
    # * merges      (Array)   = An associative array of all the merge tags and the data for those tags for this email address. Note: Interest Groups are returned as comma delimited strings - if a group name contains a comma, it will be escaped with a backslash. ie, "," => "\,"
    # * status      (String)  = The subscription status for this email address, either subscribed, unsubscribed or cleaned.
    # * ip_opt      (String)  = IP Address this address opted in from.
    # * ip_signup   (String)  = IP Address this address signed up from.
    # * campaign_id (String)  = If the user is unsubscribed and they unsubscribed from a specific campaign, that campaign_id will be listed, otherwise this is not returned.
    # * list        (Array)   = An associative array of the other lists this member belongs to - the key is the list id and the value is their status in that list.
    # * timestamp   (Date)    = The time this email address was added to the list
    def member_info(list_id, email)
      call("listMemberInfo", list_id, email)
    # Get all of the list members for a list that are of a particular status.
    # Parameters:
    # * list_id (String)    = The mailing list ID value.
    # * status  (String)    = One of subscribed, unsubscribed, cleaned, updated.
    # * since   (Datetime)  = Pull all members whose status (subscribed/unsubscribed/cleaned) has changed or whose profile (updated) has changed since this date/time (in GMT).
    # * start   (Integer)   = The page number to start at - defaults to 0.
    # * limit   (integer)   = The number of results to return - defaults to 100, upper limit set at 15000.
    # Returns:
    # An array of list member structs:
    # * email     (String)    = Member email address.
    # * timestamp (DateTime)  = timestamp of their associated status date in GMT.
    def members(list_id, status = "subscribed", since = "2000-01-01 00:00:00", start = 0, limit = 100)
      call("listMembers", list_id, status, since, start, limit)
    # Get the list of merge tags for a given list, including their name, tag, and required setting.
    # Parameters:
    # * list_id (String)  = The mailing list ID value.
    # Returns:
    # An array of merge tags for this list:
    # * name  (String)  = Name of the merge field.
    # * req   (Char)    = Denotes whether the field is required (Y) or not (N).
    # * tag   (String)  = The merge tag.
    def merge_tags(list_id)
      call("listMergeVars", list_id)
    alias :merge_vars :merge_tags
    # Allows one to test their segmentation rules before creating a campaign using them.
    # Parameters:
    # * list_id (String)  = The mailing list ID value.
    # * options (Hash)    = Please refer to the Mailchimp API documentation for more information.
    # Returns:
    def segment_test(list_id, options = {})
      call("campaignSegmentTest", list_id, options)
    # Subscribe the provided email to a list.
    # Parameters:
    # * list_id     (String) = The mailing list ID value.
    # * email       (String) = The email address to subscribe.
    # * merge_vars  (Hash)   = A hash of the merge tags that you want to include.
    # Returns:
    # True on success, false on failure.
    def subscribe(list_id, email, merge_vars = {}, options = {})
      merge_tags = clean_merge_tags merge_vars
      options = apply_defaults_to({:email_type => "html"}.merge(options))
    # Subscribe a batch of email addresses to a list at once.
    # Parameters:
    # * list_id     (String)  = The mailing list ID value.
    # * subscribers (Array)   = An array of email addresses to subscribe.
    # * merge_vars  (Hash)    = A hash of subscription options. See the Mailchimp API documentation.
    # Returns:
    # An array of result counts and errors:
    # * success_count (Integer) = Number of email addresses that were succesfully added/updated.
    # * error_count   (Integer) = Number of email addresses that failed during addition/updating.
    # * errors        (Array)   = Array of error structs. Each error struct will contain "code", "message", and the full struct that failed.
    def subscribe_many(list_id, subscribers, options = {})
      subscribers = subscribers.collect { |subscriber| clean_merge_tags(subscriber) }
      options = apply_defaults_to({:update_existing => true}.merge(options))
      call("listBatchSubscribe", list_id, subscribers, *options.values_at(:double_opt_in, :update_existing, :replace_interests))
    alias :batch_subscribe :subscribe_many
    # Unsubscribe the given email address from the list.
    # Parameters:
    # * list_id       (String)  = The mailing list ID value.
    # * current_email (String)  = The email address to unsubscribe OR the email "id".
    # * options       (Hash)    = A hash of unsubscribe options including:
    #   * :delete_member (defaults to false)
    #   * :send_goodbye (defaults to false)
    #   * :send_notify (defaults to false).
    # Returns:
    # True on success, false on failure
    def unsubscribe(list_id, current_email, options = {})
      options = apply_defaults_to({:delete_member => true}.merge(options))
      call("listUnsubscribe", list_id, current_email, *options.values_at(:delete_member, :send_goodbye, :send_notify))
    # Unsubscribe a batch of email addresses to a list.
    # Parameters:
    # * list_id (String)  = The mailing list ID value.
    # * emails  (Array)   = An array of email addresses to unsubscribe.
    # * options (Hash)    = A hash of unsubscribe options including:
    #   * :delete_member (defaults to false)
    #   * :send_goodbye (defaults to false)
    #   * :send_notify (defaults to false)
    # Returns:
    def unsubscribe_many(list_id, emails, options = {})
      options = apply_defaults_to({:delete_member => true}.merge(options))
      call("listBatchUnsubscribe", list_id, emails, *options.values_at(:delete_member, :send_goodbye, :send_notify))
    alias :batch_unsubscribe :unsubscribe_many
    # Change the name of an Interest Group.
    # Parameters:
    # * list_id  (String) = The mailing list ID value.
    # * old_name (String) = The interest group name to be changed.
    # * new_name (String) = The new interest group name to be set.
    # Returns:
    # True if successful, error code if not.
    def update_group(list_id, old_name, new_name)
      call("listInterestGroupUpdate", list_id, old_name, new_name)
    # Edit the email address, merge fields, and interest groups for a list member.
    # Parameters:
    # * list_id           (String)  = The mailing list ID value.
    # * email             (String)  = The current email address of the member to update OR the "id" for the member.
    # * merge_tags        (Hash)    = Hash of new field values to update the member with. Ex: {FNAME => 'Bob', :LNAME => 'Smith'}
    # * email_type        (String)  = One of 'html', 'text', or 'mobile'.
    # * replace_interests (Boolean) = Whether or not to replace the interest groups with the updated groups provided.
    # Returns:
    # True on success, false on failure
    def update_member(list_id, email, merge_tags = {}, email_type = "html", replace_interests = true)
      call("listUpdateMember", list_id, email, merge_tags, email_type, replace_interests)
    # Return the Webhooks configured for the given list.
    # Parameters:
    # * list_id (String)  = The mailing list ID value.
    # Returns:
    # An array of webhooks for this list including:
    # * url     (String)  = The URL for this Webhook.
    # * action  (Array)   = The possible actions and whether they are enabled.
    # * sources (Array)   = The possible sources and whether they are enabled.
    def webhooks(list_id)
      call("listWebhooks", list_id)