Puppet::Parser::Functions::newfunction(:inline_epp, :type => :rvalue, :arity => -2, :doc => "Evaluates an Embedded Puppet (EPP) template string and returns the rendered text result as a String. `inline_epp('', )` The first argument to this function should be a string containing an EPP template. In most cases, the last argument is optional; if used, it should be a [hash](/puppet/latest/reference/lang_data_hash.html) that contains parameters to pass to the template. - See the [template](/puppet/latest/reference/lang_template.html) documentation for general template usage information. - See the [EPP syntax](/puppet/latest/reference/lang_template_epp.html) documentation for examples of EPP. For example, to evaluate an inline EPP template and pass it the `docroot` and `virtual_docroot` parameters, call the `inline_epp` function like this: `inline_epp('docroot: <%= $docroot %> Virtual docroot: <%= $virtual_docroot %>', { 'docroot' => '/var/www/html', 'virtual_docroot' => '/var/www/example' })` Puppet produces a syntax error if you pass more parameters than are declared in the template's parameter tag. When passing parameters to a template that contains a parameter tag, use the same names as the tag's declared parameters. Parameters are required only if they are declared in the called template's parameter tag without default values. Puppet produces an error if the `inline_epp` function fails to pass any required parameter. An inline EPP template should be written as a single-quoted string or [heredoc](puppet/latest/reference/lang_data_string.html#heredocs). A double-quoted string is subject to expression interpolation before the string is parsed as an EPP template. For example, to evaluate an inline EPP template using a heredoc, call the `inline_epp` function like this: ~~~ puppet # Outputs 'Hello given argument planet!' inline_epp(@(END), { x => 'given argument' }) <%- | $x, $y = planet | -%> Hello <%= $x %> <%= $y %>! END ~~~ - Since 3.5 - Requires [future parser](/puppet/3.8/reference/experiments_future.html) in Puppet 3.5 to 3.8") do |arguments| function_fail(["inline_epp() is only available when parser/evaluator future is in effect"]) end