# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The # ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the # License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # require 'rubygems' require 'base64' require 'restclient' require 'nokogiri' require 'digest/md5' require 'json' module RHEVM # NOTE: Injected file will be available in floppy drive inside # the instance. (Be sure you 'modprobe floppy' on Linux) FILEINJECT_PATH = "deltacloud-user-data.txt" def self.client(url) RestClient::Resource.new(url) end class BackendVersionUnsupportedException < StandardError; end class RHEVMBackendException < StandardError def initialize(message) @message = message super end def message @message end end class Client attr_reader :credentials, :api_entrypoint def initialize(username, password, api_entrypoint) @credentials = { :username => username, :password => password } @api_entrypoint = api_entrypoint end def vms(opts={}) headers = { :accept => "application/xml; detail=disks; detail=nics; detail=hosts" } headers.merge!(auth_header) if opts[:id] vm = Client::parse_response(RHEVM::client(@api_entrypoint)["/vms/%s" % opts[:id]].get(headers)).root [ RHEVM::VM::new(self, vm)] else Client::parse_response(RHEVM::client(@api_entrypoint)["/vms"].get(headers)).xpath('/vms/vm').collect do |vm| RHEVM::VM::new(self, vm) end end end def vm_action(id, action, headers={}) headers.merge!(auth_header) headers.merge!({ :content_type => 'application/xml', :accept => 'application/xml', }) if action==:delete RHEVM::client(@api_entrypoint)["/vms/%s" % id].delete(headers) else xml_response = Client::parse_response(RHEVM::client(@api_entrypoint)["/vms/%s/%s" % [id, action]].post('', headers)) return false if (xml_response/'action/status').first.text.strip.upcase!="COMPLETE" end return true end def api_version?(major) headers = { :content_type => 'application/xml', :accept => 'application/xml' } headers.merge!(auth_header) result_xml = Nokogiri::XML(RHEVM::client(@api_entrypoint)["/"].get(headers)) (result_xml/'/api/system_version').first[:major].strip == major end def cluster_version?(cluster_id, major) headers = { :content_type => 'application/xml', :accept => 'application/xml' } headers.merge!(auth_header) result_xml = Nokogiri::XML(RHEVM::client(@api_entrypoint)["/clusters/%s" % cluster_id].get(headers)) (result_xml/'/cluster/version').first[:major].strip == major end def create_vm(template_id, opts={}) opts ||= {} builder = Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do vm { name opts[:name] || "i-#{Time.now.to_i}" template_(:id => template_id) cluster(:id => opts[:realm_id] || clusters.first.id) type_ opts[:hwp_id] || 'desktop' memory opts[:hwp_memory] ? (opts[:hwp_memory].to_i*1024*1024).to_s : (512*1024*1024).to_s cpu { topology( :cores => (opts[:hwp_cpu] || '1'), :sockets => '1' ) } if opts[:user_data] and not opts[:user_data].empty? if api_version?('3') and cluster_version?((opts[:realm_id] || clusters.first.id), '3') custom_properties { # # FIXME: 'regexp' parameter is just a temporary workaround. This # is a reported and verified bug and should be fixed in next # RHEV-M release. # custom_property({ :name => "floppyinject", :value => "#{RHEVM::FILEINJECT_PATH}:#{Base64.decode64(opts[:user_data])}", :regexp => "^([^:]+):(.*)$"}) } else raise BackendVersionUnsupportedException.new end end } end headers = opts[:headers] || {} headers.merge!({ :content_type => 'application/xml', :accept => 'application/xml', }) headers.merge!(auth_header) begin vm = RHEVM::client(@api_entrypoint)["/vms"].post(Nokogiri::XML(builder.to_xml).root.to_s, headers) rescue if $!.respond_to?(:http_body) fault = (Nokogiri::XML($!.http_body)/'/fault/detail').first fault = fault.text.gsub(/\[|\]/, '') if fault end fault ||= $!.message raise RHEVMBackendException::new(fault) end RHEVM::VM::new(self, Nokogiri::XML(vm).root) end def create_template(vm_id, opts={}) opts ||= {} builder = Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do template_ { name opts[:name] description opts[:description] vm(:id => vm_id) } end headers = opts[:headers] || {} headers.merge!({ :content_type => 'application/xml', :accept => 'application/xml', }) headers.merge!(auth_header) template = RHEVM::client(@api_entrypoint)["/templates"].post(Nokogiri::XML(builder.to_xml).root.to_s, headers) RHEVM::Template::new(self, Nokogiri::XML(template).root) end def destroy_template(id, headers={}) headers.merge!({ :content_type => 'application/xml', :accept => 'application/xml', }) headers.merge!(auth_header) RHEVM::client(@api_entrypoint)["/templates/%s" % id].delete(headers) return true end def templates(opts={}) headers = { :accept => "application/xml" } headers.merge!(auth_header) if opts[:id] vm = Client::parse_response(RHEVM::client(@api_entrypoint)["/templates/%s" % opts[:id]].get(headers)).root [ RHEVM::Template::new(self, vm)] else Client::parse_response(RHEVM::client(@api_entrypoint)["/templates"].get(headers)).xpath('/templates/template').collect do |vm| RHEVM::Template::new(self, vm) end end end def clusters(opts={}) headers = { :accept => "application/xml; detail=datacenters" } headers.merge!(auth_header) if opts[:id] vm = Client::parse_response(RHEVM::client(@api_entrypoint)["/clusters/%s" % opts[:id]].get(headers)).root [ RHEVM::Cluster::new(self, vm)] else Client::parse_response(RHEVM::client(@api_entrypoint)["/clusters"].get(headers)).xpath('/clusters/cluster').collect do |vm| RHEVM::Cluster::new(self, vm) if has_datacenter?(vm) end.compact end end def datacenters(opts={}) headers = { :accept => "application/xml" } headers.merge!(auth_header) if opts[:id] vm = Client::parse_response(RHEVM::client(@api_entrypoint)["/datacenters/%s" % opts[:id]].get(headers)).root [ RHEVM::DataCenter::new(self, vm)] else Client::parse_response(RHEVM::client(@api_entrypoint)["/datacenters"].get(headers)).xpath('/data_centers/data_center').collect do |vm| RHEVM::DataCenter::new(self, vm) end end end def hosts(opts={}) headers = { :accept => "application/xml" } headers.merge!(auth_header) if opts[:id] vm = Client::parse_response(RHEVM::client(@api_entrypoint)["/hosts/%s" % opts[:id]].get(headers)).root [ RHEVM::Host::new(self, vm)] else Client::parse_response(RHEVM::client(@api_entrypoint)["/hosts"].get(headers)).xpath('/hosts/host').collect do |vm| RHEVM::Host::new(self, vm) end end end def storagedomains(opts={}) headers = { :accept => "application/xml" } headers.merge!(auth_header) if opts[:id] vm = Client::parse_response(RHEVM::client(@api_entrypoint)["/storagedomains/%s" % opts[:id]].get(headers)).root [ RHEVM::StorageDomain::new(self, vm)] else Client::parse_response(RHEVM::client(@api_entrypoint)["/storagedomains"].get(headers)).xpath('/storage_domains/storage_domain').collect do |vm| RHEVM::StorageDomain::new(self, vm) end end end def auth_header # As RDOC says this is the function for strict_encode64: encoded_credentials = ["#{@credentials[:username]}:#{@credentials[:password]}"].pack("m0").gsub(/\n/,'') { :authorization => "Basic " + encoded_credentials } end def base_url url = URI.parse(@api_entrypoint) "#{url.scheme}://#{url.host}:#{url.port}" end def self.parse_response(response) Nokogiri::XML(response) end def has_datacenter?(vm) value=!(vm/'data_center').empty? value end end class BaseObject attr_accessor :id, :href, :name attr_reader :client def initialize(client, id, href, name) @id, @href, @name = id, href, name @client = client self end end class Link attr_accessor :id, :href, :client def initialize(client, id, href) @id, @href = id, href @client = client end def follow xml = Client::parse_response(RHEVM::client(@client.base_url)[@href].get(@client.auth_header)) object_class = ::RHEVM.const_get(xml.root.name.camelize) object_class.new(@client, (xml.root)) end end class VM < BaseObject attr_reader :description, :status, :memory, :profile, :display, :host, :cluster, :template, :macs attr_reader :storage, :cores, :username, :creation_time attr_reader :ip, :vnc def initialize(client, xml) super(client, xml[:id], xml[:href], (xml/'name').first.text) @username = client.credentials[:username] parse_xml_attributes!(xml) self end private def parse_xml_attributes!(xml) @description = ((xml/'description').first.text rescue '') @status = (xml/'status').first.text @memory = (xml/'memory').first.text @profile = (xml/'type').first.text @template = Link::new(@client, (xml/'template').first[:id], (xml/'template').first[:href]) @host = Link::new(@client, (xml/'host').first[:id], (xml/'host').first[:href]) rescue nil @cluster = Link::new(@client, (xml/'cluster').first[:id], (xml/'cluster').first[:href]) @display = { :type => (xml/'display/type').first.text, :address => ((xml/'display/address').first.text rescue nil), :port => ((xml/'display/port').first.text rescue nil), :monitors => (xml/'display/monitors').first.text } @cores = ((xml/'cpu/topology').first[:cores] rescue nil) @storage = ((xml/'disks/disk/size').first.text rescue nil) @macs = (xml/'nics/nic/mac').collect { |mac| mac[:address] } @creation_time = (xml/'creation_time').text @ip = ((xml/'guest_info/ip').first[:address] rescue nil) unless @ip @vnc = ((xml/'display/address').first.text rescue "") @vnc += ":#{((xml/'display/port').first.text rescue "5890")}" end end end class Template < BaseObject attr_reader :description, :status, :cluster def initialize(client, xml) super(client, xml[:id], xml[:href], (xml/'name').first.text) parse_xml_attributes!(xml) self end private def parse_xml_attributes!(xml) @description = ((xml/'description').first.text rescue nil) @status = (xml/'status').first.text @cluster = Link::new(@client, (xml/'cluster').first[:id], (xml/'cluster').first[:href]) end end class Cluster < BaseObject attr_reader :description, :datacenter def initialize(client, xml) super(client, xml[:id], xml[:href], (xml/'name').first.text) parse_xml_attributes!(xml) self end private def parse_xml_attributes!(xml) @description = ((xml/'description').first.text rescue nil) @datacenter = Link::new(@client, (xml/'data_center').first[:id], (xml/'data_center').first[:href]) end end class DataCenter < BaseObject attr_reader :description, :status def initialize(client, xml) super(client, xml[:id], xml[:href], (xml/'name').first.text) parse_xml_attributes!(xml) self end private def parse_xml_attributes!(xml) @description = ((xml/'description').first.text rescue nil) @status = (xml/'status').first.text end end class Host < BaseObject attr_reader :description, :status, :cluster def initialize(client, xml) super(client, xml[:id], xml[:href], (xml/'name').first.text) parse_xml_attributes!(xml) self end private def parse_xml_attributes!(xml) @description = ((xml/'description').first.text rescue nil) @status = (xml/'status').first.text @clister = Link::new(@client, (xml/'cluster').first[:id], (xml/'cluster').first[:href]) end end class StorageDomain < BaseObject attr_reader :available, :used, :kind, :address, :path def initialize(client, xml) super(client, xml[:id], xml[:href], (xml/'name').first.text) parse_xml_attributes!(xml) self end private def parse_xml_attributes!(xml) @available = (xml/'available').first.text @used = (xml/'used').first.text @kind = (xml/'storage/type').first.text @address = ((xml/'storage/address').first.text rescue nil) @path = ((xml/'storage/path').first.text rescue nil) end end end class String unless method_defined?(:camelize) # Camelize converts strings to UpperCamelCase def camelize self.to_s.gsub(/\/(.?)/) { "::#{$1.upcase}" }.gsub(/(?:^|_)(.)/) { $1.upcase } end end end