# -*- encoding: utf-8; frozen_string_literal: true -*-
# This file is part of HexaPDF.
# HexaPDF - A Versatile PDF Creation and Manipulation Library For Ruby
# Copyright (C) 2014-2021 Thomas Leitner
# HexaPDF is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the
# following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a):
# HexaPDF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with HexaPDF. If not, see .
# The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code
# versions of HexaPDF must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required
# under Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
# In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public
# License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that
# is created or manipulated using HexaPDF.
# If the GNU Affero General Public License doesn't fit your need,
# commercial licenses are available at .
require 'hexapdf/error'
require 'hexapdf/configuration'
require 'hexapdf/content/color_space'
require 'hexapdf/content/transformation_matrix'
module HexaPDF
module Content
# Associates a name with a value, used by various graphics state parameters.
class NamedValue
# The value itself.
attr_reader :value
# The name for the value.
attr_reader :name
# Creates a new NamedValue object and freezes it.
def initialize(name, value)
@name = name
@value = value
# The object is equal to +other+ if either the name or the value is equal to +other+, or if
# the other object is a NamedValue object with the same name and value.
def ==(other)
@name == other || @value == other ||
(other.kind_of?(NamedValue) && @name == other.name && @value == other.value)
# Returns the value.
def to_operands
# Defines all available line cap styles as constants. Each line cap style is an instance of
# NamedValue, see ::normalize. For use with e.g. Content::Canvas#line_cap_style.
# See: PDF1.7 s8.4.3.3
module LineCapStyle
# Returns the argument normalized to a valid line cap style.
# * 0 or +:butt+ can be used for the BUTT_CAP style.
# * 1 or +:round+ can be used for the ROUND_CAP style.
# * 2 or +:projecting_square+ can be used for the PROJECTING_SQUARE_CAP style.
# * Otherwise an error is raised.
def self.normalize(style)
case style
when :butt, 0 then BUTT_CAP
when :round, 1 then ROUND_CAP
when :projecting_square, 2 then PROJECTING_SQUARE_CAP
raise ArgumentError, "Unknown line cap style: #{style}"
# Stroke is squared off at the endpoint of a path.
# Specify as 0 or :butt.
# #>pdf-small-hide
# canvas.line_cap_style(:butt)
# canvas.line_width(10).line(50, 20, 50, 80).stroke
# canvas.stroke_color("white").line_width(1).line(50, 20, 50, 80).stroke
BUTT_CAP = NamedValue.new(:butt, 0)
# A semicircular arc is drawn at the endpoint of a path.
# Specify as 1 or :round.
# #>pdf-small-hide
# canvas.line_cap_style(:round)
# canvas.line_width(10).line(50, 20, 50, 80).stroke
# canvas.stroke_color("white").line_width(1).line(50, 20, 50, 80).stroke
ROUND_CAP = NamedValue.new(:round, 1)
# The stroke continues half the line width beyond the endpoint of a path.
# Specify as 2 or :projecting_square.
# #>pdf-small-hide
# canvas.line_cap_style(:projecting_square)
# canvas.line_width(10).line(50, 20, 50, 80).stroke
# canvas.stroke_color("white").line_width(1).line(50, 20, 50, 80).stroke
PROJECTING_SQUARE_CAP = NamedValue.new(:projecting_square, 2)
# Defines all available line join styles as constants. Each line join style is an instance of
# NamedValue, see ::normalize For use with e.g. Content::Canvas#line_join_style.
# See: PDF1.7 s8.4.3.4
module LineJoinStyle
# Returns the argument normalized to a valid line join style.
# * 0 or +:miter+ can be used for the MITER_JOIN style.
# * 1 or +:round+ can be used for the ROUND_JOIN style.
# * 2 or +:bevel+ can be used for the BEVEL_JOIN style.
# * Otherwise an error is raised.
def self.normalize(style)
case style
when :miter, 0 then MITER_JOIN
when :round, 1 then ROUND_JOIN
when :bevel, 2 then BEVEL_JOIN
raise ArgumentError, "Unknown line join style: #{style}"
# The outer lines of the two segments continue until they meet at an angle.
# Specify as 0 or :miter.
# #>pdf-small-hide
# canvas.line_join_style(:miter)
# canvas.line_width(10).
# polyline(20, 20, 50, 80, 80, 20).stroke
# canvas.stroke_color("white").line_width(1).line_join_style(:bevel).
# polyline(20, 20, 50, 80, 80, 20).stroke
MITER_JOIN = NamedValue.new(:miter, 0)
# An arc of a circle is drawn around the point where the segments meet.
# Specify as 1 or :round.
# #>pdf-small-hide
# canvas.line_join_style(:round)
# canvas.line_width(10).
# polyline(20, 20, 50, 80, 80, 20).stroke
# canvas.stroke_color("white").line_width(1).line_join_style(:bevel).
# polyline(20, 20, 50, 80, 80, 20).stroke
ROUND_JOIN = NamedValue.new(:round, 1)
# The two segments are finished with butt caps and the space between the ends is filled with a
# triangle.
# Specify as 2 or :bevel.
# #>pdf-small-hide
# canvas.line_join_style(:bevel)
# canvas.line_width(10).
# polyline(20, 20, 50, 80, 80, 20).stroke
# canvas.stroke_color("white").line_width(1).line_join_style(:bevel).
# polyline(20, 20, 50, 80, 80, 20).stroke
BEVEL_JOIN = NamedValue.new(:bevel, 2)
# The line dash pattern defines how a line should be dashed. For use with e.g.
# Content::Canvas#line_dash_pattern.
# A dash pattern consists of two parts: the dash array and the dash phase. The dash array
# defines the length of alternating dashes and gaps (important: starting with dashes). And the
# dash phase defines the distance into the dash array at which to start.
# It is easier to show. Following are dash arrays and dash phases and how they would be
# interpreted:
# [] 0 No dash, one solid line
# [3] 0 3 unit dash, 3 unit gap, 3 unit dash, 3 unit gap, ...
# [3] 1 2 unit dash, 3 unit gap, 3 unit dash, 3 unit gap, ...
# [2 1] 0 2 unit dash, 1 unit gap, 2 unit dash, 1 unit gap, ...
# [3 5] 6 2 unit gap, 3 unit dash, 5 unit gap, 3 unit dash, ...
# [2 3] 6 1 unit dash, 3 unit gap, 2 unit dash, 3 unit gap, ...
# See: PDF1.7 s8.4.3.6
class LineDashPattern
# :call-seq:
# LineDashPattern.normalize(line_dash_pattern) -> line_dash_pattern
# LineDashPattern.normalize(array, phase = 0) -> LineDashPattern.new(array, phase)
# LineDashPattern.normalize(number, phase = 0) -> LineDashPattern.new([number], phase)
# LineDashPattern.normalize(0) -> LineDashPattern.new
# Returns the arguments normalized to a valid LineDashPattern instance.
# If +array+ is 0, the default line dash pattern representing a solid line will be used. If it
# is a single number, it will be converted into an array holding that number.
def self.normalize(array, phase = 0)
case array
when LineDashPattern then array
when Array then new(array, phase)
when 0 then new
when Numeric then new([array], phase)
raise ArgumentError, "Unknown line dash pattern: #{array} / #{phase}"
# The dash array.
attr_reader :array
# The dash phase.
attr_reader :phase
# Inititalizes the line dash pattern with the given +array+ and +phase+.
# The argument +phase+ must be non-negative and the numbers in the +array+ must be
# non-negative and must not all be zero.
def initialize(array = [], phase = 0)
if phase < 0 || (!array.empty? &&
array.inject(0) {|m, n| m < 0 ? m : (n < 0 ? -1 : m + n) } <= 0)
raise ArgumentError, "Invalid line dash pattern: #{array.inspect} #{phase.inspect}"
@array = array.freeze
@phase = phase
# Returns +true+ if the other line dash pattern is the same as this one.
def ==(other)
other.kind_of?(self.class) && other.array == array && other.phase == phase
# Converts the LineDashPattern object to an array of operands for the associated PDF content
# operator.
def to_operands
[@array, @phase]
# Defines all available rendering intents as constants. For use with e.g.
# Content::Canvas#rendering_intent.
# See: PDF1.7 s8.6.5.8
module RenderingIntent
# Returns the argument normalized to a valid rendering intent.
# * If the argument is a valid symbol, it is just returned.
# * Otherwise an error is raised.
def self.normalize(intent)
case intent
raise ArgumentError, "Invalid rendering intent: #{intent}"
# Colors should be represented solely with respect to the light source.
ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC = :AbsoluteColorimetric
# Colous should be represented with respect to the combination of the light source and the
# output medium's white point.
RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC = :RelativeColorimetric
# Colors should be represented in a manner that preserves or emphasizes saturation.
SATURATION = :Saturation
# Colous should be represented in a manner that provides a pleasing perceptual appearance.
PERCEPTUAL = :Perceptual
# Defines all available text rendering modes as constants. Each text rendering mode is an
# instance of NamedValue. For use with e.g. Content::Canvas#text_rendering_mode.
# See: PDF1.7 s9.3.6
module TextRenderingMode
# Returns the argument normalized to a valid text rendering mode.
# * 0 or +:fill+ can be used for the FILL mode.
# * 1 or +:stroke+ can be used for the STROKE mode.
# * 2 or +:fill_stroke+ can be used for the FILL_STROKE mode.
# * 3 or +:invisible+ can be used for the INVISIBLE mode.
# * 4 or +:fill_clip+ can be used for the FILL_CLIP mode.
# * 5 or +:stroke_clip+ can be used for the STROKE_CLIP mode.
# * 6 or +:fill_stroke_clip+ can be used for the FILL_STROKE_CLIP mode.
# * 7 or +:clip+ can be used for the CLIP mode.
# * Otherwise an error is raised.
def self.normalize(style)
case style
when :fill, 0 then FILL
when :stroke, 1 then STROKE
when :fill_stroke, 2 then FILL_STROKE
when :invisible, 3 then INVISIBLE
when :fill_clip, 4 then FILL_CLIP
when :stroke_clip, 5 then STROKE_CLIP
when :fill_stroke_clip, 6 then FILL_STROKE_CLIP
when :clip, 7 then CLIP
raise ArgumentError, "Unknown text rendering mode: #{style}"
# Fill text.
# Specify as 0 or :fill.
# #>pdf-small-hide
# canvas.font("Helvetica", size: 13)
# canvas.stroke_color("green").line_width(0.5)
# canvas.text_rendering_mode(:fill)
# canvas.text("#{canvas.text_rendering_mode.name}", at: [10, 50])
FILL = NamedValue.new(:fill, 0)
# Stroke text.
# Specify as 1 or :stroke.
# #>pdf-small-hide
# canvas.font("Helvetica", size: 13)
# canvas.stroke_color("green").line_width(0.5)
# canvas.text_rendering_mode(:stroke)
# canvas.text("#{canvas.text_rendering_mode.name}", at: [10, 50])
STROKE = NamedValue.new(:stroke, 1)
# Fill, then stroke text.
# Specify as 2 or :fill_stroke.
# #>pdf-small-hide
# canvas.font("Helvetica", size: 13)
# canvas.stroke_color("green").line_width(0.5)
# canvas.text_rendering_mode(:fill_stroke)
# canvas.text("#{canvas.text_rendering_mode.name}", at: [10, 50])
FILL_STROKE = NamedValue.new(:fill_stroke, 2)
# Neither fill nor stroke text (invisible).
# Specify as 3 or :invisible.
# #>pdf-small-hide
# canvas.font("Helvetica", size: 13)
# canvas.stroke_color("green").line_width(0.5)
# canvas.text_rendering_mode(:invisible)
# canvas.text("#{canvas.text_rendering_mode.name}", at: [10, 50])
# canvas.stroke_color("red").line_width(20).line(30, 20, 30, 80).stroke
INVISIBLE = NamedValue.new(:invisible, 3)
# Fill text and add to path for clipping.
# Specify as 4 or :fill_clip.
# #>pdf-small-hide
# canvas.font("Helvetica", size: 13)
# canvas.stroke_color("green").line_width(0.5)
# canvas.text_rendering_mode(:fill_clip)
# canvas.text("#{canvas.text_rendering_mode.name}", at: [10, 50])
# canvas.stroke_color("red").line_width(20).line(30, 20, 30, 80).stroke
FILL_CLIP = NamedValue.new(:fill_clip, 4)
# Stroke text and add to path for clipping.
# Specify as 5 or :stroke_clip.
# #>pdf-small-hide
# canvas.font("Helvetica", size: 13)
# canvas.stroke_color("green").line_width(0.5)
# canvas.text_rendering_mode(:stroke_clip)
# canvas.text("#{canvas.text_rendering_mode.name}", at: [10, 50])
# canvas.stroke_color("red").line_width(20).line(30, 20, 30, 80).stroke
STROKE_CLIP = NamedValue.new(:stroke_clip, 5)
# Fill, then stroke text and add to path for clipping.
# Specify as 6 or :fill_stroke_clip.
# #>pdf-small-hide
# canvas.font("Helvetica", size: 13)
# canvas.stroke_color("green").line_width(0.5)
# canvas.text_rendering_mode(:fill_stroke_clip)
# canvas.text("#{canvas.text_rendering_mode.name}", at: [10, 50])
# canvas.stroke_color("red").line_width(20).line(30, 20, 30, 80).stroke
FILL_STROKE_CLIP = NamedValue.new(:fill_stroke_clip, 6)
# Add text to path for clipping.
# Specify as 7 or :clip.
# #>pdf-small-hide
# canvas.font("Helvetica", size: 13)
# canvas.stroke_color("green").line_width(0.5)
# canvas.text_rendering_mode(:clip)
# canvas.text("#{canvas.text_rendering_mode.name}", at: [10, 50])
# canvas.stroke_color("red").line_width(20).line(30, 20, 30, 80).stroke
CLIP = NamedValue.new(:clip, 7)
# A GraphicsState object holds all the graphic control parameters needed for correct
# operation when parsing or creating a content stream with a Processor object.
# While a content stream is parsed/created, operations may use the current parameters or
# modify them.
# The device-dependent graphics state parameters have not been implemented!
# See: PDF1.7 s8.4.1
class GraphicsState
# The current transformation matrix.
attr_accessor :ctm
# The current color used for stroking operations during painting.
attr_accessor :stroke_color
# The current color used for all other (i.e. non-stroking) painting operations.
attr_accessor :fill_color
# The current line width in user space units.
attr_accessor :line_width
# The current line cap style (for the available values see LineCapStyle).
attr_accessor :line_cap_style
# The current line join style (for the available values see LineJoinStyle).
attr_accessor :line_join_style
# The maximum line length of mitered line joins for stroked paths.
attr_accessor :miter_limit
# The line dash pattern (see LineDashPattern).
attr_accessor :line_dash_pattern
# The rendering intent (only used for CIE-based colors; for the available values see
# RenderingIntent).
attr_accessor :rendering_intent
# The stroke adjustment for very small line width.
attr_accessor :stroke_adjustment
# The current blend mode for the transparent imaging model.
attr_accessor :blend_mode
# The soft mask specifying the mask shape or mask opacity value to be used in the
# transparent imaging model.
attr_accessor :soft_mask
# The alpha constant for stroking operations in the transparent imaging model.
attr_accessor :stroke_alpha
# The alpha constant for non-stroking operations in the transparent imaging model.
attr_accessor :fill_alpha
# A boolean specifying whether the current soft mask and alpha parameters should be
# interpreted as shape values or opacity values.
attr_accessor :alpha_source
# The text matrix.
# This attribute is non-nil only when inside a text object.
attr_accessor :tm
# The text line matrix which captures the state of the text matrix at the beginning of a line.
# As with the text matrix the text line matrix is non-nil only when inside a text object.
attr_accessor :tlm
# The character spacing in unscaled text units.
# It specifies the additional spacing used for the horizontal or vertical displacement of
# glyphs.
attr_reader :character_spacing
# The word spacing in unscaled text units.
# It works like the character spacing but is only applied to the ASCII space character.
attr_reader :word_spacing
# The horizontal text scaling.
# The value specifies the percentage of the normal width that should be used.
attr_reader :horizontal_scaling
# The leading in unscaled text units.
# It specifies the distance between the baselines of adjacent lines of text.
attr_accessor :leading
# The font for the text.
attr_reader :font
# The font size.
attr_reader :font_size
# The text rendering mode.
# It determines if and how the glyphs of a text should be shown (for all available values
# see TextRenderingMode).
attr_accessor :text_rendering_mode
# The text rise distance in unscaled text units.
# It specifies the distance that the baseline should be moved up or down from its default
# location.
attr_accessor :text_rise
# The text knockout, a boolean value.
# It specifies whether each glyph should be treated as separate elementary object for the
# purpose of color compositing in the transparent imaging model (knockout = +false+) or if
# all glyphs together are treated as one elementary object (knockout = +true+).
attr_accessor :text_knockout
# The scaled character spacing used in glyph displacement calculations.
# This returns the character spacing multiplied by #scaled_horizontal_scaling.
# See PDF1.7 s9.4.4
attr_reader :scaled_character_spacing
# The scaled word spacing used in glyph displacement calculations.
# This returns the word spacing multiplied by #scaled_horizontal_scaling.
# See PDF1.7 s9.4.4
attr_reader :scaled_word_spacing
# The scaled font size used in glyph displacement calculations.
# This returns the font size multiplied by the scaling factor from glyph space to text space
# (0.001 for all fonts except Type3 fonts or the scaling specified in /FontMatrix for Type3
# fonts) and multiplied by #scaled_horizontal_scaling.
# See PDF1.7 s9.4.4, HexaPDF::Type::FontType3
attr_reader :scaled_font_size
# The scaled horizontal scaling used in glyph displacement calculations.
# Since the horizontal scaling attribute is stored in percent of 100, this method returns the
# correct value for calculations.
# See PDF1.7 s9.4.4
attr_reader :scaled_horizontal_scaling
# Initializes the graphics state parameters to their default values.
def initialize
@ctm = TransformationMatrix.new
@stroke_color = @fill_color =
GlobalConfiguration.constantize('color_space.map', :DeviceGray).new.default_color
@line_width = 1.0
@line_cap_style = LineCapStyle::BUTT_CAP
@line_join_style = LineJoinStyle::MITER_JOIN
@miter_limit = 10.0
@line_dash_pattern = LineDashPattern.new
@rendering_intent = RenderingIntent::RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC
@stroke_adjustment = false
@blend_mode = :Normal
@soft_mask = :None
@stroke_alpha = @fill_alpha = 1.0
@alpha_source = false
@tm = nil
@tlm = nil
@character_spacing = 0
@word_spacing = 0
@horizontal_scaling = 100
@leading = 0
@font = nil
@font_size = 0
@text_rendering_mode = TextRenderingMode::FILL
@text_rise = 0
@text_knockout = true
@scaled_character_spacing = 0
@scaled_word_spacing = 0
@scaled_font_size = 0
@scaled_horizontal_scaling = 1
@stack = []
# Saves the current graphics state on the internal stack.
def save
@stack.push([@ctm, @stroke_color, @fill_color,
@line_width, @line_cap_style, @line_join_style, @miter_limit,
@line_dash_pattern, @rendering_intent, @stroke_adjustment, @blend_mode,
@soft_mask, @stroke_alpha, @fill_alpha, @alpha_source,
@character_spacing, @word_spacing, @horizontal_scaling, @leading,
@font, @font_size, @text_rendering_mode, @text_rise, @text_knockout,
@scaled_character_spacing, @scaled_word_spacing, @scaled_font_size,
@ctm = @ctm.dup
# Restores the graphics state from the internal stack.
# Raises an error if the stack is empty.
def restore
if @stack.empty?
raise HexaPDF::Error, "Can't restore graphics state because the stack is empty"
@ctm, @stroke_color, @fill_color,
@line_width, @line_cap_style, @line_join_style, @miter_limit, @line_dash_pattern,
@rendering_intent, @stroke_adjustment, @blend_mode,
@soft_mask, @stroke_alpha, @fill_alpha, @alpha_source,
@character_spacing, @word_spacing, @horizontal_scaling, @leading,
@font, @font_size, @text_rendering_mode, @text_rise, @text_knockout,
@scaled_character_spacing, @scaled_word_spacing, @scaled_font_size,
@scaled_horizontal_scaling = @stack.pop
# Returns +true+ if the internal stack of saved graphic states contains entries.
def saved_states?
# :attr_accessor: stroke_color_space
# The current color space for stroking operations during painting.
# :nodoc:
def stroke_color_space
def stroke_color_space=(color_space) # :nodoc:
self.stroke_color = color_space.default_color
# :attr_accessor: fill_color_space
# The current color space for non-stroking operations during painting.
# :nodoc:
def fill_color_space
def fill_color_space=(color_space) #:nodoc:
self.fill_color = color_space.default_color
# :attr_writer: font
# Sets the font and updates the glyph space to text space scaling.
def font=(font)
@font = font
# :attr_writer: character_spacing
# Sets the character spacing and updates the scaled character spacing.
def character_spacing=(space)
@character_spacing = space
@scaled_character_spacing = space * @scaled_horizontal_scaling
# :attr_writer: word_spacing
# Sets the word spacing and updates the scaled word spacing.
def word_spacing=(space)
@word_spacing = space
@scaled_word_spacing = space * @scaled_horizontal_scaling
# :attr_writer: font_size
# Sets the font size and updates the scaled font size.
def font_size=(size)
@font_size = size
# :attr_writer: horizontal_scaling
# Sets the horizontal scaling and updates the scaled character spacing, scaled word spacing
# and scaled font size.
def horizontal_scaling=(scaling)
@horizontal_scaling = scaling
@scaled_horizontal_scaling = scaling / 100.0
@scaled_character_spacing = @character_spacing * @scaled_horizontal_scaling
@scaled_word_spacing = @word_spacing * @scaled_horizontal_scaling
# Updates the cached value for the scaled font size.
def update_scaled_font_size
@scaled_font_size = @font_size * (@font&.glyph_scaling_factor || 0.001) *