# ********************************************************************************* # URBANopt™, Copyright (c) 2019-2022, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, and other # contributors. All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, # are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list # of conditions and the following disclaimer. # Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other # materials provided with the distribution. # Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be # used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific # prior written permission. # Redistribution of this software, without modification, must refer to the software # by the same designation. Redistribution of a modified version of this software # (i) may not refer to the modified version by the same designation, or by any # confusingly similar designation, and (ii) must refer to the underlying software # originally provided by Alliance as “URBANopt”. Except to comply with the foregoing, # the term “URBANopt”, or any confusingly similar designation may not be used to # refer to any modified version of this software or any modified version of the # underlying software originally provided by Alliance without the prior written # consent of Alliance. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, # INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE # OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED # OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ********************************************************************************* require 'json-schema' require 'urbanopt/core/feature_file' require 'urbanopt/geojson/building' require 'urbanopt/geojson/district_system' require 'urbanopt/geojson/logging' require 'json' module URBANopt module GeoJSON class GeoFile < URBANopt::Core::FeatureFile @@geojson_schema = nil @@schema_file_lock = Mutex.new ## # Initialize GeoJSON file and path. # # [Parameters] # # * +path+ - _Type:String_ GeoJSON File path. # * +data+ - _Type:Hash_ Contains the GeoJSON File. def initialize(geojson_file, path = nil) @path = path @geojson_file = geojson_file end ## # [Parameters] # # Used to check the GeoJSON file path. # * +path+ - _Type:String_ - GeoJSON file path. def self.from_file(path) if path.nil? || path.empty? raise "GeoJSON file '#{path}' could not be found" end if !File.exist?(path) raise "GeoJSON file '#{path}' does not exist" end geojson_file = JSON.parse( File.open(path, 'r', &:read), symbolize_names: true ) # validate geojson file against schema geojson_errors = validate(@@geojson_schema, geojson_file) unless geojson_errors.empty? raise "GeoJSON file does not adhere to the schema: \n #{geojson_errors.join('\n ')}" end # initialize @@logger @@logger ||= URBANopt::GeoJSON.logger # validate each feature against schema geojson_file[:features].each do |feature| properties = feature[:properties] type = properties[:type] errors = [] case type when 'Building' # In case detailed_model_filename present check for fewer properties if feature[:properties][:detailed_model_filename] if feature[:properties][:id].nil? raise('No id found for Building Feature') end if feature[:properties][:name].nil? raise('No name found for Building Feature') end if feature[:properties][:number_of_stories].nil? @@logger.warn("Number of stories is required to calculate shading using the UrbanGeometryCreation measure...ignoring #{feature[:properties][:id]} in shading calculations") end feature[:additionalProperties] = true # In case hpxml_directory present check for fewer properties elsif feature[:properties][:hpxml_directory] if feature[:properties][:id].nil? raise('No id found for Building Feature') end if feature[:properties][:name].nil? raise('No name found for Building Feature') end # Else validate for all required properties in the schema else errors = validate(@@building_schema, properties) end when 'District System' errors = validate(@@district_system_schema, properties) when 'Region' error = validate(@@district_system_schema, properties) when 'ElectricalJunction' errors = validate(@@electrical_junction_schema, properties) when 'ElectricalConnector' errors = validate(@@electrical_connector_schema, properties) when 'ThermalJunction' errors = validate(@@thermal_junction_schema, properties) when 'ThermalConnector' errors = validate(@@thermal_connector_schema, properties) end unless errors.empty? raise "#{type} does not adhere to schema: \n #{errors.join('\n ')}" end end return new(geojson_file, path) end def json @geojson_file end attr_reader :path ## # This method loops through all the features in the GeoJSON file, creates new # Buildings or District Systems based on the feature type, and returns the features. # def features result = [] @geojson_file[:features].each do |f| if f[:properties] && f[:properties][:type] == 'Building' result << URBANopt::GeoJSON::Building.new(f) elsif f[:properties] && f[:properties][:type] == 'District System' result << URBANopt::GeoJSON::DistrictSystem.new(f) end end return result end ## # Returns feature object by feature_id from specified GeoJSON file and creates a # new +URBANopt::GeoJSON::Building+ or +URBANopt::GeoJSON::DistrictSystem+ based on the # feature type. Before returning the feature, merge 'Site Origin' properties into the feature # # [Parameters] # * +feature_id+ - _Type:String/Number_ - Id affiliated with feature object. def get_feature_by_id(feature_id) @geojson_file[:features].each do |f| if f[:properties] && f[:properties][:id] == feature_id # merge site origin properties f = merge_site_properties(f) if f[:properties][:type] == 'Building' return URBANopt::GeoJSON::Building.new(f) elsif f[:properties] && f[:properties][:type] == 'District System' return URBANopt::GeoJSON::DistrictSystem.new(f) end end end return nil end ## # Merge Site Properties in Feature. Returns feature with site properties added to its properties section. Does not overwrite existing properties. # # [Parameters] # +feature+ - _Type:Hash_ - feature object. def merge_site_properties(feature) project = {} if @geojson_file.key?(:project) project = @geojson_file[:project] end # this maps site properties to building/district system properties. add_props = [ { site: :surface_elevation, feature: :surface_elevation }, { site: :timesteps_per_hour, feature: :timesteps_per_hour }, { site: :begin_date, feature: :begin_date }, { site: :end_date, feature: :end_date }, { site: :cec_climate_zone, feature: :cec_climate_zone }, { site: :climate_zone, feature: :climate_zone }, { site: :default_template, feature: :template }, { site: :weather_filename, feature: :weather_filename }, { site: :tariff_filename, feature: :tariff_filename }, { site: :emissions, feature: :emissions }, { site: :emissions_future_subregion, feature: :emissions_future_subregion }, { site: :emissions_hourly_historical_subregion, feature: :emissions_hourly_historical_subregion }, { site: :emissions_annual_historical_subregion, feature: :emissions_annual_historical_subregion }, { site: :emissions_future_year, feature: :emissions_future_year }, { site: :emissions_hourly_historical_year, feature: :emissions_hourly_historical_year }, { site: :emissions_annual_historical_year, feature: :emissions_annual_historical_year } ] add_props.each do |prop| if project.key?(prop[:site]) && project[prop[:site]] # property exists in site if !feature[:properties].key?(prop[:feature]) || feature[:properties][prop[:feature]].nil? || feature[:properties][prop[:feature]].to_s.empty? # property does not exist in feature or is nil: add site property (don't overwrite) feature[:properties][prop[:feature]] = project[prop[:site]] end end end return feature end ## # Validate GeoJSON against schema. # # [Parameters] # * +data+ - + - _Type:Hash_ - Input GeoJSON file def self.validate(schema_json, data) errors = JSON::Validator.fully_validate(schema_json, data, errors_as_objects: true) return errors end def self.get_geojson_schema(strict) result = nil if @@geojson_schema.nil? @@schema_file_lock.synchronize do File.open(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/schema/geojson_schema.json') do |f| result = JSON.parse(f.read, symbolize_names: true) end end end return result end def self.get_building_schema(strict) result = nil File.open(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/schema/building_properties.json') do |f| result = JSON.parse(f.read) end if strict result['additionalProperties'] = true else result['additionalProperties'] = false end return result end def self.get_district_system_schema(strict) result = nil File.open(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/schema/district_system_properties.json') do |f| result = JSON.parse(f.read) end if strict result['additionalProperties'] = true else result['additionalProperties'] = false end return result end def self.get_region_schema(strict) result = nil File.open(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/schema/region_properties.json') do |f| result = JSON.parse(f.read) end if strict result['additionalProperties'] = true else result['additionalProperties'] = false end return result end def self.get_electrical_connector_schema(strict) result = nil File.open(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/schema/electrical_connector_properties.json') do |f| result = JSON.parse(f.read) end if strict result['additionalProperties'] = true else result['additionalProperties'] = false end return result end def self.get_electrical_junction_schema(strict) result = nil File.open(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/schema/electrical_junction_properties.json') do |f| result = JSON.parse(f.read) end if strict result['additionalProperties'] = true else result['additionalProperties'] = false end return result end def self.get_thermal_connector_schema(strict) result = nil File.open(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/schema/thermal_connector_properties.json') do |f| result = JSON.parse(f.read) end if strict result['additionalProperties'] = true else result['additionalProperties'] = false end return result end def self.get_thermal_junction_schema(strict) result = nil File.open(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/schema/thermal_junction_properties.json') do |f| result = JSON.parse(f.read) end if strict result['additionalProperties'] = true else result['additionalProperties'] = false end return result end strict = true @@geojson_schema = get_geojson_schema(strict) @@building_schema = get_building_schema(strict) @@district_system_schema = get_district_system_schema(strict) @@region_schema = get_region_schema(strict) @@electrical_connector_schema = get_electrical_connector_schema(strict) @@electrical_junction_schema = get_electrical_junction_schema(strict) @@thermal_connector_schema = get_thermal_connector_schema(strict) @@thermal_junction_schema = get_thermal_junction_schema(strict) end end end