require 'spec_helper' describe Controller::Base do it "should perform job" do,2)).perform.should eql(3) end it "should rescue all raised job actions" do [ReleaseJob, DeleteJob, BuryJob].each do |job| lambda{ }.should_not raise_exception end end end describe Controller::Beanstalk do before(:all) do @q = Backend::Beanstalk.configure(:host => "localhost:11300", :queue => "quebert-test-jobs-actions") end before(:each) do @q.drain! end it "should delete job off queue after succesful run" do @q.put, 2) @q.peek(:ready).should_not be_nil @q.reserve.perform.should eql(3) @q.peek(:ready).should be_nil end it "should bury job if an exception occurs in job" do @q.put @q.peek(:ready).should_not be_nil lambda{ @q.reserve.perform }.should raise_exception @q.peek(:buried).should_not be_nil end it "should bury an AR job if an exception occurs deserializing it" do tube = @q.send(:default_tube) tube.put({:foo => "bar"}.to_json) tube.peek(:ready).should_not be_nil lambda{ @q.reserve.perform }.should raise_exception tube.peek(:buried).should_not be_nil end context "job actions" do it "should delete job" do @q.put @q.peek(:ready).should_not be_nil @q.reserve.perform @q.peek(:ready).should be_nil end it "should release job" do @q.put @q.peek(:ready).should_not be_nil @q.reserve.perform @q.peek(:ready).should_not be_nil end it "should bury job" do @q.put @q.peek(:ready).should_not be_nil @q.peek(:buried).should be_nil @q.reserve.perform @q.peek(:ready).should be_nil @q.peek(:buried).should_not be_nil end end it "should retry a job with a delay and then bury" do TimeoutJob.backend = @q @q.peek(:ready).should_not be_nil job = @q.reserve job.beanstalk_job.stats["releases"].should eql(0) job.beanstalk_job.stats["delay"].should eql(0) lambda{job.perform}.should raise_exception(Quebert::Job::Timeout) @q.peek(:ready).should be_nil beanstalk_job = @q.peek(:delayed) beanstalk_job.should_not be_nil beanstalk_job.stats["releases"].should eql(1) beanstalk_job.stats["delay"].should eql(Quebert::Controller::Beanstalk::TIMEOUT_RETRY_GROWTH_RATE**beanstalk_job.stats["releases"]) sleep(3) # lets set the max retry delay so it should bury instead of delay redefine_constant Quebert::Controller::Beanstalk, :MAX_TIMEOUT_RETRY_DELAY, 1 lambda{@q.reserve.perform}.should raise_exception(Quebert::Job::Timeout) @q.peek(:ready).should be_nil @q.peek(:delayed).should be_nil @q.peek(:buried).should_not be_nil end end