<% module_namespacing do -%> class <%= class_name %>Decorator < <%= parent_class_name %> decorates :<%= singular_name %> # Accessing Helpers # You can access any helper via a proxy # # Normal Usage: helpers.number_to_currency(2) # Abbreviated : h.number_to_currency(2) # # Or, optionally enable "lazy helpers" by including this module: # include Draper::LazyHelpers # Then use the helpers with no proxy: # number_to_currency(2) # Defining an Interface # Control access to the wrapped subject's methods using one of the following: # # To allow only the listed methods (whitelist): # allows :method1, :method2 # # To allow everything except the listed methods (blacklist): # denies :method1, :method2 # Presentation Methods # Define your own instance methods, even overriding accessors # generated by ActiveRecord: # # def created_at # h.content_tag :span, attributes["created_at"].strftime("%a %m/%d/%y"), # :class => 'timestamp' # end end <% end -%>