# Hipbot Hipbot is a XMPP bot for HipChat, written in Ruby with EventMachine. 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Start in shell: ```shell ruby bot.rb ``` ### Behavior * On start and runtime: * Fetches details and presences of all users in Lobby * Pings XMPP server every 60 seconds to keep alive * On new message: * Invokes all matching reactions or falls back to default reaction ## Usage ### Configuration Full configuration example: ```ruby class MyBot < Hipbot::Bot configure do |c| # Account JID (required) - see https://hipchat.com/account/xmpp for your JID c.jid = 'changeme@chat.hipchat.com' # Account password (required) c.password = 'secret' # Custom helpers module (optional) - see below for examples c.helpers = MyHipbotHelpers # Logger (default: Hipbot::Logger.new($stdout)) c.logger = Hipbot::Logger.new($stdout) # Initial status message (default: '') c.status = "I'm here to help" # Storage adapter (default: Hipbot::Storages::Hash) c.storage = Hipbot::Storages::Hash # Predefined room groups (optional) c.rooms = { project_rooms: ['Project 1', 'Project 2'] } # Predefined user groups (optional) c.teams = { admins: ['John Smith'] } # Auto join criteria (default: :all) # Accepted values: :all, :public, :private, :none, "room name" c.join = :private # Makes all reactions case insensitive (default: true) c.case_insensitive = true # Auto-join on invite (default: true) c.join_on_invite = true end end ``` ### Reaction helpers Inside the reaction block you have access to following context objects: * `bot` * `room` * `sender` * `message` * `reaction` ### Joining rooms Hipbot will join all accessible rooms by default on startup and invite. To change auto join method use `join` configuration option: ```ruby configure do |c| # ... c.join = :private end ``` ```ruby configure do |c| # ... c.join = :none end ``` ```ruby configure do |c| # ... c.join = ['Project Room', :public] end ``` Notice: Archived rooms are always ignored ### Bot presence Use `bot.set_presence` method to change Hipbot presence: ```ruby on /^change status$/ do bot.set_presence("Hello humans") end ``` ```ruby on /^go away$/ do bot.set_presence("I'm away", :away) end ``` ```ruby on /^do not disturb$/ do bot.set_presence(nil, :dnd) end ``` ### Rooms Use `Hipbot::Room` for collection of available rooms. ```ruby on /^list all rooms$/ do all_rooms = Hipbot::Room.all.map(&:name) reply(all_rooms.join(', ')) end ``` ```ruby on /^get project room JID$/ do project_room = Hipbot::Room.find_by(name: 'project room') reply(project_room.id) end ``` Use `room` for current room object (it's `nil` if message is private): ```ruby on /^where am I\?$/ do reply( "You are in #{room}\n" + "JID: #{room.id}\n" + "Topic: #{room.topic}\n" + "Users online: #{room.users.count}\n" + "Privacy: #{room.privacy}\n" + "Hipchat ID: #{room.hipchat_id}\n" + "Archived?: #{room.archived? ? 'yes' : 'no'}\n" + "Guest URL: #{room.guest_url}" ) end ``` ### Users Use `Hipbot::User` for collection of all users: ```ruby on /^list all users$/ do all_users = Hipbot::User.all.map(&:name) reply(all_users.join(', ')) end ``` ```ruby on /^get John Smith's JID$/ do john = Hipbot::Room.find_by(name: 'John Smith') reply(john.id) end ``` Use `sender` for message sender object: ```ruby on /^who am I\?$/ do reply( "You are #{sender}\n" + "JID: #{sender.id}\n" + "Mention: @#{sender.mention}\n" + "E-mail: #{sender.email}\n" + "Title: #{sender.title}\n" + "Photo: #{sender.photo}" ) end ``` Use `Room#users` method for online users array: ```ruby on /^list online users$/ do reply room.users.map(&:name).join(', ') end ``` ### Replying Use `reply` method to send a message. Reply in the same room / chat: ```ruby on /^hello$/ do reply("Hello!") end ``` Reply in "help room": ```ruby on /^I need help$/ do help_room = Hipbot::Room.find_by(name: 'help room') reply("#{sender} needs help in #{room}", help_room) end ``` ### Private messaging ```ruby on /^send me private message$/ do sender.send_message("Hello, #{sender}") end ``` ```ruby on /^send private message to John$/ do john = Hipbot::User.find_by(name: 'John Smith') john.send_message("Hello, John!") end ``` ### Topics ```ruby on /^current topic$/ do reply("Current topic: #{room.topic}") end ``` ```ruby on /^change topic here$/ do room.set_topic("New Topic") end ``` ```ruby on /^change topic there$/ do there = Hipbot::Room.find_by(name: 'there') there.set_topic("New Topic") end ``` ### Regexp matchdata ```ruby on /^My name is (.*)$/ do |user_name| reply("Hello, #{user_name}!") end ``` ```ruby on /^My name is (\S*) (\S*)$/ do |first_name, last_name| reply("Hello, #{first_name} #{last_name}!") end ``` ### Multiple regexps ```ruby on /^My name is (.*)$/, /^I am (.*)$/ do |user_name| reply("Hello, #{user_name}!") end ``` ### Sender restriction Use `:from` option to match messages only from certain users or user groups defined in configuration. It accepts string, symbol and array values. ```ruby configure do |c| # ... c.teams = { vip: ['John Edward', 'Mike Anderson'] } end on /^report status$/, from: ['Tom Smith', 'Jane Doe', :vip] do reply('All clear') end ``` ### Room restriction Use `:room` option to match messages opny from certain HipChat rooms. It accepts string, symbol, array and boolean values. ```ruby configure do |c| # ... c.rooms = { project_rooms: ['Project 1', 'Project 2'] } end on /^hello$/, room: ['Public Room', :project_rooms] do reply('Hello!') end ``` Match only private messages: ```ruby on /^private hello$/, room: false do reply('Private hello!') end ``` Match only room messages: ```ruby on /^public hello$/, room: true do reply('Public hello!') end ``` ### Global reaction By default, Hipbot reacts only to its HipChat mention. Use `global: true` option to match all messages: ```ruby on /^Hey I just met you$/, global: true do reply('and this is crazy...') end ``` ### Conditional reaction Use `:if` option to specify certain dynamic conditions: ```ruby on /^Is it friday\?$/, if: ->{ Time.now.friday? } do reply('Yes, indeed') end ``` ```ruby admins = ['John Smith'] on /^add admin (.*)$/, if: ->(sender){ admins.include?(sender.name) } do |user_name| admins << user_name end ``` ```ruby on /^choose volunteer$/, if: ->(room){ room.users.count > 3 } do reply("Choosing #{room.users.sample}") end ``` ### Method reaction Use symbol instead of block to react with a instance method: ```ruby def hello(user_name) reply("Hello #{user_name}!") end on /^My name is (.*)$/, :hello ``` ### Presence reaction Use `on_presence` in the same way as `on` to make presence reactions: ```ruby class MyBot < Hipbot::Bot # ... on_presence do |status| case status when 'unavailable' reply("Bye bye, #{sender.name}!") when '' reply("Welcome, #{sender.name}!") end end end ``` ### Scopes Use `scope` blocks to extract common options: ```ruby configure do |c| # ... c.teams = { admins: ['John Edward', 'Mike Anderson'] } end scope from: :admins, room: true do on /^restart server$/ do # Restarting... end scope global: true do on /^deploy production$/ do # Deploying... end on /^check status$/ do # Checking... end end end ``` ### Default reactions Default reaction can take the same options as regular one. Hipbot fall backs to default reactions if there is no matching normal reaction. ```ruby default do reply("I don't understand you!") end ``` ```ruby default from: 'Mike Johnson' do reply("Not you again, Mike!") end ``` ### Descriptions Use `desc` modifier to describe following reaction: ```ruby desc '@hipbot restart server_name - Restarts the server' on /^restart (.*)$/ do |server| if server.empty? reply("Usage: #{reaction.desc}") else # Restarting... end end ``` You can fetch the descriptions and create help reaction, eg: ```ruby on /^help$/ do reply Hipbot.reactions.map(&:desc).compact.join("\n") end ``` ### User managment This behavior is experimental and not officially supported by HipChat. Bot must be an admin in order to perform these actions. ```ruby on /^kick (.*)/ do |user_name| user = Hipbot::User.find_by(name: user_name) room.kick(user) end ``` ```ruby on /^invite (.*)$/ do |user_name| user = Hipbot::User.find_by(name: user_name) room.invite(user) end ``` ### HTTP helpers Use `get`, `post`, `put` and `delete` helpers to preform a HTTP requests: ```ruby on /^curl (\S+)$/ do |url| get(url) do |response| reply(response.code) reply(response.headers) reply(response.body) end end ``` ```ruby on /^ping site/ do get('http://example.com', ping: '1') # GET http://example.com?ping=1 end ``` ### Custom response helpers You can define your own helpers and use them inside responses like this: ```ruby module MyHipbotHelpers def project_name "#{room.name}-project" end end class Bot < Hipbot::Bot configure do |c| # ... c.helpers = MyHipbotHelpers end on /^what's the project name\?$/ do reply(project_name) end end ``` ### Plugins To define a plugin, include `Hipbot::Plugin` module in your class: ```ruby class GreeterPlugin include Hipbot::Plugin on /^hello$/ do reply('Hello there!') end end ``` You can access plugin data inside reaction with `plugin` helper: ```ruby class GreeterPlugin include Hipbot::Plugin attr_accessor :language on /^hello$/ do case plugin.language when :en reply("Hello!") when :pl reply("Cześć!") when :jp reply("おはよう!") end end end GreeterPlugin.configure do |c| c.language = :jp end ``` For more examples, check out [hipbot-plugins](https://github.com/netguru/hipbot-plugins). ### Exception handling Define `on_exception` block in your Hipbot class to handle runtime exceptions: ```ruby class MyBot < Hipbot::Bot on_exception do |e| hipbot_room = Hipbot::Room.find_by(name: 'hipbot room') reply(e.message, hipbot_room) # If exception was raised in reaction, there are some context variables available: reply("#{e.message} raised by #{message.body} from #{sender} in #{room}", hipbot_room) end end ``` ### Preloader for EventMachine In order to use EventMachine runtime methods, define them within `on_preload` block in your Hipbot class: ```ruby class MyBot < Hipbot::Bot on_preload do EM::add_periodic_timer(60) do Updater::update_stock_prices Updater::update_server_statuses end end end ``` ### Storage Hipbot uses in-memory hash storage by default, however you can use persistent storage adapter to speed up boot time and extend the functionality. #### MongoDB In order to use MongoDB storage, enable Mongoid adapter and add `allow_dynamic_fields: true` to your Mongoid config: ```ruby require 'hipbot/storages/mongoid' configure do |c| # ... c.storage = Hipbot::Storages::Mongoid end ``` Sample config file: ```yaml sessions: default: hosts: - localhost:27017 database: hipbot options: allow_dynamic_fields: true ``` You can optionally override user and room classes with these base models: ```ruby module Hipbot class User include Mongoid::Document has_and_belongs_to_many :rooms, class_name: 'Hipbot::User', inverse_of: :users field :email, type: String field :mention, type: String field :phone, type: String field :photo, type: String field :title, type: String field :is_online, type: Boolean end end ``` ```ruby module Hipbot class Room include Mongoid::Document has_and_belongs_to_many :users, class_name: 'Hipbot::User', inverse_of: :rooms field :is_archived, type: Boolean field :guest_url, type: String field :hipchat_id, type: String field :privacy, type: String field :topic, type: String end end ``` #### Other storage Storage adapter is included in room and user classes upon loading. Make sure your adapter implements all methods from [Hipbot::Storages::Base](https://github.com/pewniak747/hipbot/blob/master/lib/hipbot/storages/base.rb) ```ruby module MyStorageAdapter include Hipbot::Storages::Base # ... end configure do |c| # ... c.storage = MyStorageAdapter end ``` ## Contributing ### To do: * add tests for Match class * add testing adapter for testing custom responses with RSpec * add HipChat API integration (?) ### Done: * ~~add extended logging~~ * ~~add plugins support~~ * ~~rewrite SimpleMUCClient~~ * ~~handle private messages callbacks~~ * ~~handle auto joining on room invite~~ * ~~add support for custom helpers~~ * ~~mentions - returns list of @mentions in message~~ * ~~sender_name - returns sender's first name~~ * ~~allow injecting custom module to response object, adding arbitrary methods~~ * ~~handle reconnecting after disconnect/failure~~ * ~~add support for multiple regexps for one response~~ * ~~add support for responses in particular room (`on //, room: ['public'] do ...`)~~ Read [the story behind creating HipBot](https://netguru.co/blog/posts/hipbot).