module Giggly module Rest class Request include HTTParty attr_accessor :api_key, :secret_key, :uid format :xml headers 'Content-Length' => '0' # Accepts a hash of connection parameters that will be used to authenticate requests with gigya # and specify the user that the request is specific to. The keys for the has are all symbols. # The connection parameter hash requires :api_key, :secret_key, and :uid # These are the same parameters that can be passed to the constructor for +Giggly::Rest::Socialize+ # example: # @connection = # :api_key => 'api key provided from Gigya', # :secret_key => 'secret key provided from Gigya', # :user_id => 'the Gigya User ID', # ) def initialize(conn_params) @api_key = conn_params[:api_key] @secret_key = conn_params[:secret_key] @uid = conn_params[:user_id] @gigya_secret = Base64.decode64(@secret_key) end # Wraps around HTTParty's post method to make API calls. # Responsible for raising errors if they are returned from the API. # Returns response data from the post request. def post(url, params = {}) response =, :query => sign('POST', url, params)) response_key, response_data = response.shift raise_errors(response_data) response_data end def sign(http_method, api_url, params) params.merge! "apiKey" => @api_key, "uid" => @uid params.merge "sig" => signature(http_method, api_url, params) end def signature(http_method, api_url, params) timestamp = params.merge!("nonce" => "#{@uid}#{timestamp}", "timestamp" => timestamp) #### base_string = build_base_string(http_method, api_url, params) hmacsha1 = HMAC::SHA1.digest(@gigya_secret, base_string) sig = Base64.encode64(hmacsha1).chomp.to_s.gsub(/\n/,'') end private # what is this supposed to do? or when is it supposed to be used? def validate_signature(api_url, params, sig) sig === signature(api_url, params) end def params_to_string(params) params.sort {|a,b| a[0].to_s <=> b[0].to_s}.collect {|a| "#{a[0]}=#{CGI.escape a[1].to_s}"}.join('&').gsub('+', '%20') end def build_base_string(http_method, api_url, params) [http_method, api_url, params_to_string(params)].collect! {|a| CGI.escape a}.join('&') end def raise_errors(data) return if '200' == data["statusCode"] case data["statusCode"].to_i when 400 raise when 401 raise when 403 raise when 404 raise when 411 raise when 413 raise when 500 raise when 503 raise end end end end end