begin; require 'oily_png'; rescue LoadError; require 'chunky_png'; end require 'bin_utils' require 'fiddle' require 'mikunyan/decoders/astc_block_decoder' module Mikunyan # Class for image decoding tools class ImageDecoder # Decode image from Mikunyan::ObjectValue # @param [Mikunyan::ObjectValue] object object to decode # @return [ChunkyPNG::Image,nil] decoded image def self.decode_object(object) return nil unless object.class == ObjectValue endian = object.endian width = object['m_Width'] height = object['m_Height'] bin = object['image data'] fmt = object['m_TextureFormat'] return nil unless width && height && bin && fmt width = width.value height = height.value bin = bin.value fmt = fmt.value case fmt when 1 decode_a8(width, height, bin) when 2 decode_argb4444(width, height, bin, endian) when 3 decode_rgb24(width, height, bin) when 4 decode_rgba32(width, height, bin) when 5 decode_argb32(width, height, bin) when 7 decode_rgb565(width, height, bin, endian) when 9 decode_r16(width, height, bin) when 13 decode_rgba4444(width, height, bin, endian) when 14 decode_bgra32(width, height, bin) when 15 decode_rhalf(width, height, bin, endian) when 16 decode_rghalf(width, height, bin, endian) when 17 decode_rgbahalf(width, height, bin, endian) when 18 decode_rfloat(width, height, bin, endian) when 19 decode_rgfloat(width, height, bin, endian) when 20 decode_rgbafloat(width, height, bin, endian) when 22 decode_rgb9e5float(width, height, bin, endian) when 34 decode_etc1(width, height, bin) when 45 decode_etc2rgb(width, height, bin) when 47 decode_etc2rgba8(width, height, bin) when 48, 54 decode_astc(width, height, 4, bin) when 49, 55 decode_astc(width, height, 5, bin) when 50, 56 decode_astc(width, height, 6, bin) when 51, 57 decode_astc(width, height, 8, bin) when 52, 58 decode_astc(width, height, 10, bin) when 53, 59 decode_astc(width, height, 12, bin) when 62 decode_rg16(width, height, bin) when 63 decode_r8(width, height, bin) else nil end end # Decode image from RGBA4444 binary # @param [Integer] width image width # @param [Integer] height image height # @param [String] bin binary to decode # @param [Symbol] endian endianness of binary # @return [ChunkyPNG::Image] decoded image def self.decode_rgba4444(width, height, bin, endian = :big) mem = width * height * 4) (width * height).times do |i| c = endian == :little ? BinUtils.get_int16_le(bin, i*2) : BinUtils.get_int16_be(bin, i*2) c = ((c & 0xf000) << 12) | ((c & 0x0f00) << 8) | ((c & 0x00f0) << 4) | (c & 0x000f) BinUtils.append_int32_be!(mem, c << 4 | c) end ChunkyPNG::Image.from_rgba_stream(width, height, mem).flip end # Decode image from ARGB4444 binary # @param [Integer] width image width # @param [Integer] height image height # @param [String] bin binary to decode # @param [Symbol] endian endianness of binary # @return [ChunkyPNG::Image] decoded image def self.decode_argb4444(width, height, bin, endian = :big) mem = width * height * 4) (width * height).times do |i| c = endian == :little ? BinUtils.get_int16_le(bin, i*2) : BinUtils.get_int16_be(bin, i*2) c = ((c & 0x0f00) << 16) | ((c & 0x00f0) << 12) | ((c & 0x000f) << 8) | ((c & 0xf000) >> 12) BinUtils.append_int32_be!(mem, c << 4 | c) end ChunkyPNG::Image.from_rgba_stream(width, height, mem).flip end # Decode image from RGB565 binary # @param [Integer] width image width # @param [Integer] height image height # @param [String] bin binary to decode # @param [Symbol] endian endianness of binary # @return [ChunkyPNG::Image] decoded image def self.decode_rgb565(width, height, bin, endian = :big) mem = width * height * 3) (width * height).times do |i| c = endian == :little ? BinUtils.get_int16_le(bin, i*2) : BinUtils.get_int16_be(bin, i*2) r = (c & 0xf800) >> 8 g = (c & 0x07e0) >> 3 b = (c & 0x001f) << 3 BinUtils.append_int8!(mem, r | r >> 5, g | g >> 6, b | b >> 5) end ChunkyPNG::Image.from_rgb_stream(width, height, mem).flip end # Decode image from A8 binary # @param [Integer] width image width # @param [Integer] height image height # @param [String] bin binary to decode # @return [ChunkyPNG::Image] decoded image def self.decode_a8(width, height, bin) mem = width * height * 3) (width * height).times do |i| c = BinUtils.get_int8(bin, i) BinUtils.append_int8!(mem, c, c, c) end ChunkyPNG::Image.from_rgb_stream(width, height, mem).flip end # Decode image from R8 binary # @param [Integer] width image width # @param [Integer] height image height # @param [String] bin binary to decode # @return [ChunkyPNG::Image] decoded image def self.decode_r8(width, height, bin) decode_a8(width, height, bin).flip end # Decode image from RG16 binary # @param [Integer] width image width # @param [Integer] height image height # @param [String] bin binary to decode # @return [ChunkyPNG::Image] decoded image def self.decode_rg16(width, height, bin) mem = width * height * 3) (width * height).times do |i| BinUtils.append_int16_int8_be!(mem, BinUtils.get_int16_be(bin, i*2), 0) end ChunkyPNG::Image.from_rgb_stream(width, height, mem).flip end # Decode image from RGB24 binary # @param [Integer] width image width # @param [Integer] height image height # @param [String] bin binary to decode # @return [ChunkyPNG::Image] decoded image def self.decode_rgb24(width, height, bin) ChunkyPNG::Image.from_rgb_stream(width, height, bin).flip end # Decode image from RGBA32 binary # @param [Integer] width image width # @param [Integer] height image height # @param [String] bin binary to decode # @return [ChunkyPNG::Image] decoded image def self.decode_rgba32(width, height, bin) ChunkyPNG::Image.from_rgba_stream(width, height, bin).flip end # Decode image from ARGB32 binary # @param [Integer] width image width # @param [Integer] height image height # @param [String] bin binary to decode # @return [ChunkyPNG::Image] decoded image def self.decode_argb32(width, height, bin) mem = width * height * 4) (width * height).times do |i| c = BinUtils.get_int32_be(bin, i*4) BinUtils.append_int32_be!(mem, ((c & 0x00ffffff) << 8) | ((c & 0xff000000) >> 24)) end ChunkyPNG::Image.from_rgba_stream(width, height, mem).flip end # Decode image from BGRA32 binary # @param [Integer] width image width # @param [Integer] height image height # @param [String] bin binary to decode # @return [ChunkyPNG::Image] decoded image def self.decode_bgra32(width, height, bin) mem = width * height * 4) (width * height).times do |i| c = BinUtils.get_int32_le(bin, i*4) BinUtils.append_int32_be!(mem, ((c & 0x00ffffff) << 8) | ((c & 0xff000000) >> 24)) end ChunkyPNG::Image.from_rgba_stream(width, height, mem).flip end # Decode image from R16 binary # @param [Integer] width image width # @param [Integer] height image height # @param [String] bin binary to decode # @param [Symbol] endian endianness of binary # @return [ChunkyPNG::Image] decoded image def self.decode_r16(width, height, bin, endian = :big) mem = width * height * 3) (width * height).times do |i| c = endian == :little ? BinUtils.get_int16_le(bin, i*2) : BinUtils.get_int16_be(bin, i*2) c = f2i(r / 65535.0) BinUtils.append_int8!(mem, c, c, c) end ChunkyPNG::Image.from_rgb_stream(width, height, mem).flip end # Decode image from RGB9e5 binary # @param [Integer] width image width # @param [Integer] height image height # @param [String] bin binary to decode # @param [Symbol] endian endianness of binary # @return [ChunkyPNG::Image] decoded image def self.decode_rgb9e5float(width, height, bin, endian = :big) mem = width * height * 3) (width * height).times do |i| n = endian == :little ? BinUtils.get_int32_le(bin, i*4) : BinUtils.get_int32_be(bin, i*4) e = (n & 0xf8000000) >> 27 r = (n & 0x7fc0000) >> 9 g = (n & 0x3fe00) >> 9 b = n & 0x1ff r = (r / 512r + 1) * (2**(e-15)) g = (g / 512r + 1) * (2**(e-15)) b = (b / 512r + 1) * (2**(e-15)) BinUtils.append_int8!(mem, f2i(r), f2i(g), f2i(b)) end ChunkyPNG::Image.from_rgb_stream(width, height, mem).flip end # Decode image from R Half-float binary # @param [Integer] width image width # @param [Integer] height image height # @param [String] bin binary to decode # @param [Symbol] endian endianness of binary # @return [ChunkyPNG::Image] decoded image def self.decode_rhalf(width, height, bin, endian = :big) mem = width * height * 3) (width * height).times do |i| c = f2i(n2f(endian == :little ? BinUtils.get_int16_le(bin, i*2) : BinUtils.get_int16_be(bin, i*2))) BinUtils.append_int8!(mem, c, c, c) end ChunkyPNG::Image.from_rgb_stream(width, height, mem).flip end # Decode image from RG Half-float binary # @param [Integer] width image width # @param [Integer] height image height # @param [String] bin binary to decode # @param [Symbol] endian endianness of binary # @return [ChunkyPNG::Image] decoded image def self.decode_rghalf(width, height, bin, endian = :big) mem = width * height * 3) (width * height).times do |i| r = f2i(n2f(endian == :little ? BinUtils.get_int16_le(bin, i*4) : BinUtils.get_int16_be(bin, i*4))) g = f2i(n2f(endian == :little ? BinUtils.get_int16_le(bin, i*4+2) : BinUtils.get_int16_be(bin, i*4+2))) BinUtils.append_int8!(mem, r, g, 0) end ChunkyPNG::Image.from_rgb_stream(width, height, mem).flip end # Decode image from RGBA Half-float binary # @param [Integer] width image width # @param [Integer] height image height # @param [String] bin binary to decode # @param [Symbol] endian endianness of binary # @return [ChunkyPNG::Image] decoded image def self.decode_rgbahalf(width, height, bin, endian = :big) mem = width * height * 4) (width * height).times do |i| r = f2i(n2f(endian == :little ? BinUtils.get_int16_le(bin, i*8) : BinUtils.get_int16_be(bin, i*8))) g = f2i(n2f(endian == :little ? BinUtils.get_int16_le(bin, i*8+2) : BinUtils.get_int16_be(bin, i*8+2))) b = f2i(n2f(endian == :little ? BinUtils.get_int16_le(bin, i*8+4) : BinUtils.get_int16_be(bin, i*8+4))) a = f2i(n2f(endian == :little ? BinUtils.get_int16_le(bin, i*8+6) : BinUtils.get_int16_be(bin, i*8+6))) BinUtils.append_int8!(mem, r, g, b, a) end ChunkyPNG::Image.from_rgba_stream(width, height, mem).flip end # Decode image from R float binary # @param [Integer] width image width # @param [Integer] height image height # @param [String] bin binary to decode # @param [Symbol] endian endianness of binary # @return [ChunkyPNG::Image] decoded image def self.decode_rfloat(width, height, bin, endian = :big) mem = width * height * 3) unpackstr = endian == :little ? 'e' : 'g' (width * height).times do |i| c = f2i(bin.byteslice(i*4, 4).unpack(unpackstr)[0]) BinUtils.append_int8!(mem, c, c, c) end ChunkyPNG::Image.from_rgb_stream(width, height, mem).flip end # Decode image from RG float binary # @param [Integer] width image width # @param [Integer] height image height # @param [String] bin binary to decode # @param [Symbol] endian endianness of binary # @return [ChunkyPNG::Image] decoded image def self.decode_rgfloat(width, height, bin, endian = :big) mem = width * height * 3) unpackstr = endian == :little ? 'e2' : 'g2' (width * height).times do |i| r, g = bin.byteslice(i*8, 8).unpack(unpackstr) BinUtils.append_int8!(mem, f2i(r), f2i(g), 0) end ChunkyPNG::Image.from_rgb_stream(width, height, mem).flip end # Decode image from RGBA float binary # @param [Integer] width image width # @param [Integer] height image height # @param [String] bin binary to decode # @param [Symbol] endian endianness of binary # @return [ChunkyPNG::Image] decoded image def self.decode_rgbafloat(width, height, bin, endian = :big) mem = width * height * 4) unpackstr = endian == :little ? 'e4' : 'g4' (width * height).times do |i| r, g, b, a = bin.byteslice(i*16, 16).unpack(unpackstr) BinUtils.append_int8!(mem, f2i(r), f2i(g), f2i(b), f2i(a)) end ChunkyPNG::Image.from_rgba_stream(width, height, mem).flip end # Decode image from ETC1 compressed binary # @param [Integer] width image width # @param [Integer] height image height # @param [String] bin binary to decode # @return [ChunkyPNG::Image] decoded image def self.decode_etc1(width, height, bin) bw = (width + 3) / 4 bh = (height + 3) / 4 ret = * 4, bw * 4) bh.times do |by| bw.times do |bx| block = decode_etc1_block(BinUtils.get_sint64_be(bin, (bx + by * bw) * 8)) ret.replace!(ChunkyPNG::Image.from_rgb_stream(4, 4, block), by * 4, bx * 4) end end ret.crop(0, 0, height, width).rotate_left end # Decode image from ETC2 compressed binary # @param [Integer] width image width # @param [Integer] height image height # @param [String] bin binary to decode # @return [ChunkyPNG::Image] decoded image def self.decode_etc2rgb(width, height, bin) bw = (width + 3) / 4 bh = (height + 3) / 4 ret = * 4, bw * 4) bh.times do |by| bw.times do |bx| block = decode_etc2_block(BinUtils.get_sint64_be(bin, (bx + by * bw) * 8)) ret.replace!(ChunkyPNG::Image.from_rgb_stream(4, 4, block.join), by * 4, bx * 4) end end ret.crop(0, 0, height, width).rotate_left end # Decode image from ETC2 Alpha8 compressed binary # @param [Integer] width image width # @param [Integer] height image height # @param [String] bin binary to decode # @return [ChunkyPNG::Image] decoded image def self.decode_etc2rgba8(width, height, bin) bw = (width + 3) / 4 bh = (height + 3) / 4 ret = * 4, bw * 4) bh.times do |by| bw.times do |bx| alpha = decode_etc2alpha_block(BinUtils.get_int64_be(bin, (bx + by * bw) * 16)) block = decode_etc2_block(BinUtils.get_int64_be(bin, (bx + by * bw) * 16 + 8)) mem = 64) 16.times{|i| mem << block[i] + alpha[i]} ret.replace!(ChunkyPNG::Image.from_rgba_stream(4, 4, mem), by * 4, bx * 4) end end ret.crop(0, 0, height, width).rotate_left end # Decode image from ASTC compressed binary # @param [Integer] width image width # @param [Integer] height image height # @param [Integer] blocksize block size # @param [String] bin binary to decode # @return [ChunkyPNG::Image] decoded image def self.decode_astc(width, height, blocksize, bin) bw = (width + blocksize - 1) / blocksize bh = (height + blocksize - 1) / blocksize ret = * blocksize, bh * blocksize) bh.times do |by| bw.times do |bx| block = * bw + bx) * 16, 16), blocksize, blocksize).data ret.replace!(ChunkyPNG::Image.from_rgba_stream(blocksize, blocksize, block), bx * blocksize, by * blocksize) end end ret.crop(0, 0, width, height).flip end # Create ASTC file data from ObjectValue # @param [Mikunyan::ObjectValue,Hash] object target object # @return [String,nil] created file def self.create_astc_file(object) astc_list = { 48 => 4, 49 => 5, 50 => 6, 51 => 8, 52 => 10, 53 => 12, 54 => 4, 55 => 5, 56 => 6, 57 => 8, 58 => 10, 59 => 12 } width = object['m_Width'] height = object['m_Height'] fmt = object['m_TextureFormat'] bin = object['image data'] width = width.value if width.class == ObjectValue height = height.value if height.class == ObjectValue fmt = fmt.value if fmt.class == ObjectValue bin = bin.value if bin.class == ObjectValue if width && height && fmt && astc_list[fmt] header = "\x13\xAB\xA1\x5C".force_encoding('ascii-8bit') header << [astc_list[fmt], astc_list[fmt], 1].pack("C*") header << [width].pack("V").byteslice(0, 3) header << [height].pack("V").byteslice(0, 3) header << "\x01\x00\x00" header + bin else nil end end private Etc1ModifierTable = [[2, 8], [5, 17], [9, 29], [13, 42], [18, 60], [24, 80], [33, 106], [47, 183]] Etc1SubblockTable = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1]] Etc2DistanceTable = [3, 6, 11, 16, 23, 32, 41, 64] Etc2AlphaModTable = [ [-3, -6, -9, -15, 2, 5, 8, 14], [-3, -7, -10, -13, 2, 6, 9, 12], [-2, -5, -8, -13, 1, 4, 7, 12], [-2, -4, -6, -13, 1, 3, 5, 12], [-3, -6, -8, -12, 2, 5, 7, 11], [-3, -7, -9, -11, 2, 6, 8, 10], [-4, -7, -8, -11, 3, 6, 7, 10], [-3, -5, -8, -11, 2, 4, 7, 10], [-2, -6, -8, -10, 1, 5, 7, 9], [-2, -5, -8, -10, 1, 4, 7, 9], [-2, -4, -8, -10, 1, 3, 7, 9], [-2, -5, -7, -10, 1, 4, 6, 9], [-3, -4, -7, -10, 2, 3, 6, 9], [-1, -2, -3, -10, 0, 1, 2, 9], [-4, -6, -8, -9, 3, 5, 7, 8], [-3, -5, -7, -9, 2, 4, 6, 8] ] def self.decode_etc1_block(bin) colors = [] codes = [bin >> 37 & 7, bin >> 34 & 7] subblocks = Etc1SubblockTable[bin[32]] if bin[33] == 0 colors[0] = bin >> 40 & 0xf0f0f0 colors[0] = colors[0] | colors[0] >> 4 colors[1] = bin >> 36 & 0xf0f0f0 colors[1] = colors[1] | colors[1] >> 4 else colors[0] = bin >> 40 & 0xf8f8f8 dr = (bin >> 56 & 3) - (bin >> 56 & 4) dg = (bin >> 48 & 3) - (bin >> 48 & 4) db = (bin >> 40 & 3) - (bin >> 40 & 4) colors[1] = colors[0] + (dr << 19) + (dg << 11) + (db << 3) colors[0] = colors[0] | (colors[0] >> 5 & 0x70707) colors[1] = colors[1] | (colors[1] >> 5 & 0x70707) end mem = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(48) 16.times do |i| modifier = Etc1ModifierTable[codes[subblocks[i]]][bin[i]] mem[i * 3, 3] = etc1colormod(colors[subblocks[i]], bin[i + 16] == 0 ? modifier : -modifier) end mem.to_str end def self.etc1colormod(color, modifier) r = (color >> 16 & 0xff) + modifier g = (color >> 8 & 0xff) + modifier b = (color & 0xff) + modifier r.clamp(0, 255).chr + g.clamp(0, 255).chr + b.clamp(0, 255).chr end def self.decode_etc2_block(bin) if bin[33] == 0 # individual colors = [0, 0] colors[0] = bin >> 40 & 0xf0f0f0 colors[0] = colors[0] | colors[0] >> 4 colors[1] = bin >> 36 & 0xf0f0f0 colors[1] = colors[1] | colors[1] >> 4 codes = [bin >> 37 & 7, bin >> 34 & 7] subblocks = Etc1SubblockTable[bin[32]] (0...16).map do |i| modifier = Etc1ModifierTable[codes[subblocks[i]]][bin[i]] etc1colormod(colors[subblocks[i]], bin[i + 16] == 0 ? modifier : -modifier) end else r = bin >> 59 dr = (bin >> 56 & 3) - (bin >> 56 & 4) g = bin >> 51 & 0x1f dg = (bin >> 48 & 3) - (bin >> 48 & 4) b = bin >> 43 & 0x1f db = (bin >> 40 & 3) - (bin >> 40 & 4) if r + dr < 0 || r + dr > 31 # T mode base1 = (bin >> 49 & 0xc00) | (bin >> 48 & 0x3ff) base1 = (base1 & 0xf00) << 8 | (base1 & 0xf0) << 4 | (base1 & 0xf) base1 = (base1 << 4) | base1 base2 = bin >> 36 & 0xfff base2 = (base2 & 0xf00) << 8 | (base2 & 0xf0) << 4 | (base2 & 0xf) base2 = (base2 << 4) | base2 d = Etc2DistanceTable[(bin >> 33 & 6) + bin[32]] colors = [[base1].pack('N')[1,3], etc1colormod(base2, d), [base2].pack('N')[1,3], etc1colormod(base2, -d)] (0...16).map{|i| colors[bin[i] + bin[i + 16] * 2]} elsif g + dg < 0 || g + dg > 31 # H mode base1 = (bin >> 51 & 0xfe0) | (bin >> 48 & 0x18) | (bin >> 47 & 7) base1 = (base1 & 0xf00) << 8 | (base1 & 0xf0) << 4 | (base1 & 0xf) base1 = (base1 << 4) | base1 base2 = bin >> 35 & 0xfff base2 = (base2 & 0xf00) << 8 | (base2 & 0xf0) << 4 | (base2 & 0xf) base2 = (base2 << 4) | base2 d = Etc2DistanceTable[bin[34] * 2 + bin[32]] colors = [etc1colormod(base1, d), etc1colormod(base1, -d), etc1colormod(base2, d), etc1colormod(base2, -d)] (0...16).map{|i| colors[bin[i] + bin[i + 16] * 2]} elsif b + db < 0 || b + db > 31 # planar mode color_or = (bin >> 55 & 0xfc) | (bin >> 61 & 0x03) color_og = (bin >> 49 & 0x80) | (bin >> 48 & 0x7e) | bin[56] color_ob = (bin >> 41 & 0x80) | (bin >> 38 & 0x60) | (bin >> 37 & 0x1c) | (bin >> 47 & 2) | bin[44] color_hr = (bin >> 31 & 0xf8) | (bin >> 30 & 0x04) | (bin >> 37 & 0x03) color_hg = (bin >> 24 & 0xfe) | bin[31] color_hb = (bin >> 17 & 0xfc) | (bin >> 23 & 0x03) color_vr = (bin >> 11 & 0xfc) | (bin >> 17 & 0x03) color_vg = (bin >> 5 & 0xfe) | bin[12] color_vb = (bin << 2 & 0xfc) | (bin >> 4 & 0x03) (0...16).map do |i| x = i / 4 y = i % 4 r = (x * (color_hr - color_or) + y * (color_vr - color_or) + 4 * color_or + 2) >> 2 g = (x * (color_hg - color_og) + y * (color_vg - color_og) + 4 * color_og + 2) >> 2 b = (x * (color_hb - color_ob) + y * (color_vb - color_ob) + 4 * color_ob + 2) >> 2 r.clamp(0, 255).chr + g.clamp(0, 255).chr + b.clamp(0, 255).chr end else # differential mode colors = [0, 0] colors[0] = bin >> 40 & 0xf8f8f8 colors[1] = colors[0] + (dr << 19) + (dg << 11) + (db << 3) colors[0] = colors[0] | (colors[0] >> 5 & 0x70707) colors[1] = colors[1] | (colors[1] >> 5 & 0x70707) codes = [bin >> 37 & 7, bin >> 34 & 7] subblocks = Etc1SubblockTable[bin[32]] (0...16).map do |i| modifier = Etc1ModifierTable[codes[subblocks[i]]][bin[i]] etc1colormod(colors[subblocks[i]], bin[i + 16] == 0 ? modifier : -modifier) end end end end def self.decode_etc2alpha_block(bin) if bin & 0xf0000000000000 == 0, (bin >> 56).chr) else base = bin >> 56 mult = bin >> 52 & 0xf table = Etc2AlphaModTable[bin >> 48 & 0xf] (0...16).map{|i| (base + table[bin >> i*3 & 7] * mult).clamp(0, 255).chr} end end # convert 16bit float def self.n2f(n) case n when 0x0000 0.0 when 0x8000 -0.0 when 0x7c00 Float::INFINITY when 0xfc00 -Float::INFINITY else s = n & 0x8000 != 0 e = n & 0x7c00 f = n & 0x03ff case e when 0x7c00 Float::NAN when 0 (s ? -f : f) * 2.0**-24 else (s ? -1 : 1) * (f / 1024.0 + 1) * (2.0 ** ((e >> 10)-15)) end end end # [0.0,1.0] -> [0,255] def self.f2i(d) (d * 255).round.clamp(0, 255) end end end