class Ussd::Menus::<%= paginating_menu_name.camelcase %>Menu < JoyUssdEngine::PaginateMenu def on_validate # User input validation end def before_render # Implement before call backs @field_name="<%= paginating_menu_name.underscore %>" # Store paginating items in @paginating_items array variable # @paginating_items = [ # {title: "Data Structures", item: {id: 1}}, # {title: "Excel Programming", item: {id: 2}}, # {title: "Economics", item: {id: 3}}, # {title: "Big Bang", item: {id: 4}}, # {title: "Democracy Building", item: {id: 5}}, # {title: "Python for Data Scientist", item: {id: 6}}, # {title: "Money Mind", item: {id: 7}}, # {title: "Design Patterns In C#", item: {id: 8}} # ] # Call the paginate method and store the return value in paginated_list # paginated_list = paginate # Use the show menu method to get the paginated list items and return them as text and store in @menu_text # @menu_text = show_menu(paginated_list, title: "Welcome to the <%= paginating_menu_name.camelcase %> menu", key: 'title') # Get the selected item from the user with the `get_selected_item` method and save in state with @context.set_state # if has_selected? # selected_book = get_selected_item # @context.set_state(selected_book: selected_book) # end end def on_error # Render error # @menu_text = "#{@error_text}\n#{@menu_text }" end def after_render # Implement after call backs end def render # Render paginating menu here or load the next menu after user has made a selection # load_menu(Ussd::Menus::ShowBook) end end