module Cotcube module Level def tritangulate( contract: nil, # contract actually isnt needed for tritangulation, but allows much more convenient output # on some occasion here can also be given a :symbol, but this requires :sym to be set sym: nil, # sym is the id set provided by Cotcube::Helper.get_id_set side:, # :upper or :lower base:, # the base of a readily injected stencil range: (0..-1), # range is relative to base max: 90, # the range which to scan for swaps goes from deg 0 to max debug: false, min_rating: 3, # 1st criteria: swaps having a lower rating are discarded min_length: 8, # 2nd criteria: shorter swaps are discared min_ratio: # 3rd criteria: the ratio between rating and length (if true, swap is discarded) lambda {|r,l| r < l / 4.0 }, save: true, # allow saving of results cached: true, # allow loading of cached results interval: , # interval (currently) is one of %i[ daily continuous halfs ] swap_type: nil, # if not given, a warning is printed and swaps won't be saved or loaded with_flaws: 0, # the maximum amount of consecutive bars that would actually break the current swap # should be set to 0 for dailies and I suggest no more than 3 for intraday manual: false, # some triggers must be set differently when manual entry is used deviation: 2 # the maximum shift of :x-values of found members ) raise ArgumentError, "'0 < max < 90, but got '#{max}'" unless max.is_a? Numeric and 0 < max and max <= 90 raise ArgumentError, 'need :side either :upper or :lower for dots' unless [:upper, :lower].include? side ########################################################################################################################### # init some helpers # high = side == :upper first = base.to_a.find{|x| not x[:high].nil? } zero ={|x| x[:x].zero? } raise ArgumentError, "Inappropriate base, it should contain ONE, but contains #{zero.size}." unless zero.size==1 zero = zero.first contract ||= zero[:contract] sym ||= Cotcube::Helpers.get_id_set(contract: contract) if cached if interval.nil? or swap_type.nil? puts "Warning: Cannot use cache as both :interval and :swap_type must be given".light_yellow else cache = load_swaps(interval: interval, swap_type: swap_type, contract: contract, sym: sym, datetime: zero[:datetime]) # if the current datetime was already processed but nothing has been found, # an 'empty' value is saved. # that means, if neither a swap (or more) nor :empty is found, the datetime has not been processed yet selected ={|sw| sw[:datetime] == zero[:datetime] and sw[:side] == side } unless selected.empty? puts 'cache_hit'.light_white if debug return (selected.first[:empty] ? [] : selected ) end end end ########################################################################################################################### # prepare base (i.e. dupe the original, create proper :y, and reject unneeded items) # base = base. map { |x| y = x.dup y[:y] = (high ? (y[:high] - zero[:high]).round(8) : (zero[:low] - y[:low]).round(8) ) unless y[:high].nil? y }. reject{|b| b.nil? or b[:datetime] < first[:datetime] or b[:x] < 0 or b[:y].nil?}[range] # abs_peak is the absolute high / low of the base. the shearing operation ends there, # but results might be influenced when abs_peak becomes affected by :with_flaws unless manual abs_peak = base.send(high ? :max_by : :min_by){|x| x[high ? :high : :low] }[:datetime] base.reject!{|x| x[:datetime] < abs_peak} end ###########################################################################################################################z # only if (and only if) the range portion above change the underlying base # the offset has to be fixed for :x and :y unless range == (0..-1) puts "adjusting range to '#{range}'".light_yellow if debug offset_x = base.last[:x] offset_y = base.last[:y]!{|b| b[:x] -= offset_x; b[:y] -= offset_y ; b} end ########################################################################################################################### # introducing :i to the base, which provides the negative index of the :base Array of the current element # this simplifies handling during the, where I can use the members array, # that will carry just the index of the original base, regardless how many array_members have be already dropped{|i| base[i][:i] = -base.size + i } ########################################################################################################################### # LAMBDA no1: simplifying DEBUG output # present = lambda {|z| z.slice(*%i[datetime high low x y i yy dx dev near miss dev]) } ########################################################################################################################### # LAMBDA no2: all members except the pivot itself now most probably are too far to the left # finalizing tries to get the proper dx value for them # finalize = lambda do |results| do |result| result[:members].each do |member| next if member[:yy].nil? or member[:yy].round(PRECISION-5).zero? diff = (member[:x] - member[:dx]).abs / 2.0 member[:dx] = member[:x] + diff # it employs another binary-search while member[:yy].round(PRECISION-5) != 0.0 member[:yy] = shear_to_deg(deg: result[:deg], base: [ member ] ).first[:yy] diff /= 2.0 if member[:yy] > 0 member[:dx] += diff else member[:dx] -= diff end end member[:yy] = member[:yy].abs.round(PRECISION-5) end puts 'done!'.magenta if debug result[:members].each {|member| puts "finalizing #{member}".magenta } if debug result end end ########################################################################################################################### # LAMDBA no3: the actual 'function' to retrieve the slope # # the idea implemented is based on the fact, that we don't know in which exact time of the interval the value # was created. even further we know that the stencil might be incorrect. so after shearing the :x value of the # recently found new member(s) is shifted by :deviation and shearing is repeated. this is done as long as new members # are found. get_slope = lambda do |b| if debug puts "in get_slope ... SETTING BASE: ".light_green puts "Last: \t#{ b.last }".light_green puts "First:\t#{ b.first}".light_green end members = [ b.last[:i] ] loop do current_slope = detect_slope(base: b, ticksize: sym[:ticksize], format: sym[:format], debug: debug) if debug puts "CURR: #{current_slope[:deg]} " current_slope[:members].each {|x| puts "CURR: #{}" } end current_members = current_slope[:members].map{|dot| dot[:i]} new_members = current_members - members puts "New members: #{new_members} (as of #{current_members} - #{members})" if debug # the return condition is if no new members are found in slope # except lowest members are neighbours, what (recursively) causes re-run until the # first member is solitary if new_members.empty? mem_sorted=members.sort if mem_sorted[1] == mem_sorted[0] + 1 and not manual b2 = b[mem_sorted[1]..mem_sorted[-1]].map{|x| x.dup; x[:dx] = nil; x} puts 'starting recursive rerun'.light_red if debug alternative_slope = alternative = alternative_slope[:members].map{|bar| bar[:i]} # the alternative won't be used if it misses out a member that would have # been in the 'original' slope if (mem_sorted[1..-1] - alternative).empty? current_slope = alternative_slope members = alternative end end current_slope[:raw] ={|i| base[i][:x]} members.sort_by{|i| -i}.each_with_index do |i, index| puts "#{index}\t#{range}\t#{ b[i]}".light_yellow if debug current_slope[:members] << b[i] unless current_slope[:members].map{|x| x[:datetime]}.include? b[i][:datetime] current_slope[:members].sort_by!{|x| x[:datetime]} end return current_slope end # all new members found in current iteration have now receive their new :x value, depending on their distance to # to the origin. when exploring near distance, it is assumned, that the actual :y value might have an # additional distance of 1, further distant points can be distant even :deviation, what defaults to 2 # covering e.g. a holiday when using a daily base new_members.each do |mem| current_deviation = (0.1 * b[mem][:x]) current_deviation = 1 if current_deviation < 1 current_deviation = deviation if current_deviation > deviation b[mem][:dx] = b[mem][:x] + current_deviation end members += new_members end end # of lambda ########################################################################################################################### # Lambda no. 4: analyzing the slope, adding near misses and characteristics # # near misses are treated as full members, as for example stacked orders within a swap architecture might impede that the # peak runs to the maximum expansion # # first, the swap_base is created by shearing the entire base to current :deg # then all base members are selected that fit the desired :y range. # please note that here also the processing of :with_flaws takes place # # the key :dev is introduced, which is actually a ticksize-based variant of :yy analyze = lambda do |swaps| swaps.each do |swap| swap_base ={|y| x = y.slice(*%i[ datetime high low dist x y i yy dx ]) current_member = swap[:members].find{|z| z[:datetime] == x[:datetime] } x[:dx] = current_member[:dx] if current_member x } swap_base = shear_to_deg(base: swap_base, deg: swap[:deg])!{|x| x[:dev] = (x[:yy] / sym[:ticksize].to_f); x[:dev] = -( x[:dev] > 0 ? x[:dev].floor : x[:dev].ceil); x} invalids ={|x| x[:dev] < 0 } with_flaws = 0 unless with_flaws # support legacy versions, where with_flaws was boolean if with_flaws > 0 # TODO: this behaves only as expected when with_flaws == 2 last_invalid = invalids[(invalids[-2][:i] + 1 == invalids[-1][:i] ) ? -3 : -2] rescue nil else last_invalid = invalids.last end # the 'near' members are all base members found, that fit # 1. being positive (as being zero means that they are original members) # 2. match a valid :dev # 3. appeared later than :last_invalid near ={|x| x[:dev] <= [ 5, (x[:x] / 100)+2 ].min and x[:dev].positive? and (last_invalid.nil? ? true : x[:datetime] > last_invalid[:datetime]) }.map{|x| x[:near] = x[:dev]; x} # these then are added to the swap[:members] and for further processing swap_base is cleaned swap[:members] = (swap[:members] + near).sort_by{|x| x[:datetime] }!{|x| x[:datetime] >= swap[:members].first[:datetime]} ########################################################################33 # now swap characteristics are calculated # # avg_dev: the average distance of high or low to the swap_line swap[:avg_dev] = (swap_base.reject{|x| x[:dev].zero?}.map{|x| x[:dev].abs}.reduce(:+) / (swap_base.size - swap[:members].size).to_f).ceil rescue 0 # depth: the maximum distance to the swap line swap[:depth] = swap_base.max_by{|x| x[:dev]}[:dev] swap[:interval] = interval swap[:swap_type] = swap_type swap[:raw] = swap[:members].map{|x| x[:x]}.reverse swap[:size] = swap[:members].size swap[:length] = swap[:raw][-1] - swap[:raw][0] # rating: the maximum distance of the 'most middle' point of the swap to the nearer end swap[:rating] = swap[:raw][1..-2].map{ |dot| [ dot - swap[:raw][0], swap[:raw][-1] - dot].min }.max || 0 swap[:datetime] = swap[:members].last[:datetime] swap[:side] = side rat = swap[:rating] # color: to simplify human readability a standard set of colors for intraday and eod based swaps swap[:color] = (rat > 75) ? :light_blue : (rat > 30) ? :magenta : (rat > 15) ? :light_magenta : (rat > 7) ? (high ? :light_green : :light_red) : high ? :green : :red unless %i[ daily continuous ].include? interval swap[:color] = ((rat > 150) ? :light_blue : (rat > 80) ? :magenta : (rat > 30) ? :light_magenta : (rat > 15) ? :light_yellow : high ? :green : :red) end swap[:diff] = (swap[:members].last[ high ? :high : :low ] - swap[:members].first[ high ? :high : :low ]).round(8) swap[:ticks] = (swap[:diff] / sym[:ticksize]).to_i # tpi: ticks per interval, how many ticks are passed each :interval swap[:tpi] = (swap[:ticks].to_f / swap[:length]).round(3) # ppi: power per interval, how many $dollar value is passed each :interval swap[:ppi] = (swap[:tpi] * sym[:power]).round(3) end # swap end # lambda ########################################################################################################################### # after declaring lambdas, the rest is quite few code # # starting with the full range, a valid slope is searched. the found slope defines an interval of the # base array, in which again a (lower) slope can be uncovered. # # this process is repeated while the interval to be processed is large enough (:min_length) current_range = (0..-1) # RANGE set current_slope = { members: [] } # SLOPE reset current_base = base[current_range].map{|z| z.slice(*%i[datetime high low x y i ])} # BASE set current_results = [ ] # RESULTS reset binding.irb if debug while current_base.size >= min_length # LOOP puts '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' if debug while current_base.size >= min_length and current_slope[:members].size < 2 puts "---- #{current_base.size} #{current_range.to_s.light_yellow} ------" if debug # get new slope current_slope = # SLOPE call # define new range and base next_i = current_slope[:members].select{|z| z[:miss].nil? and z[:near].nil?}[-2] current_range = ((next_i.nil? ? -2 : next_i[:i])+1..-1) # RANGE adjust current_base = base[current_range].map{|z| z.slice(*%i[datetime high low x y i ])} # BASE adjust end puts "Current slope: ".light_yellow + "#{current_slope}" if debug current_results << current_slope if current_slope # RESULTS add current_slope = { members: [] } # SLOPE reset end binding.irb if debug # reject all results that do not suffice current_results.reject!{|swap| swap[:rating] < min_rating or swap[:length] < min_length or[:rating],swap[:length])} #####################################################################################################################3 # finally save results for caching and return them if save if interval.nil? or swap_type.nil? puts "WARNING: Cannot save swaps, as both :interval and :swap_type must be given".colorize(:light_yellow) else{|sw| mem = sw[:members]; sw[:slope] = (mem.last[:y] - mem.first[:y]) / (mem.last[mem.last[:dx].nil? ? :x : :dx] - mem.first[mem.first[:dx].nil? ? :x : :dx]).to_f } to_save = current_results.empty? ? [ { datetime: zero[:datetime], side: side, empty: true, interval: interval, swap_type: swap_type } ] : current_results save_swaps(to_save, interval: interval, swap_type: swap_type, contract: contract, sym: sym) end end current_results end end end