OS X doesn't provide kickstart-like functionality in its installer, so the template instead includes a shell script that will prepare an ISO such that it runs an automated install. This makes use of built-in support that exists to support NetInstall images built with Apple's System Image Utility. The script is located at: definitions/<%= definition_name %>/prepare_veewee_iso/prepare_veewee_iso.sh, and can be passed either the path to an "Install [OS X].app" or the InstallESD.dmg within. The output DMG is saved to a new file in veewee's 'iso' directory unless an alternate output path is given. The file is saved in the form: OSX_InstallESD_{OS_VERS}_{OS_BUILD}.dmg Depending on the host and guest OS versions, additional tools may need to be either downloaded from Apple or extracted from the source installer image, and this will take place automatically. Once the ISO is prepared, its filename will be automatically set in the definition.rb file. For more details see comments in the script.