# # Copyright (c) 2007-2008 RightScale Inc # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # module RightAws # # Right::Aws::SqsGen2Interface - RightScale's low-level Amazon SQS interface # for API version 2008-01-01 and later. # For explanations of the semantics # of each call, please refer to Amazon's documentation at # http://developer.amazonwebservices.com/connect/kbcategory.jspa?categoryID=31 # # This class provides a procedural interface to SQS. Conceptually it is # mostly a pass-through interface to SQS and its API is very similar to the # bare SQS API. For a somewhat higher-level and object-oriented interface, see # RightAws::SqsGen2. class SqsGen2Interface < RightAwsBase include RightAwsBaseInterface API_VERSION = "2008-01-01" DEFAULT_HOST = "queue.amazonaws.com" DEFAULT_PORT = 443 DEFAULT_PROTOCOL = 'https' REQUEST_TTL = 30 DEFAULT_VISIBILITY_TIMEOUT = 30 @@bench = AwsBenchmarkingBlock.new def self.bench_xml @@bench.xml end def self.bench_sqs @@bench.service end @@api = API_VERSION def self.api @@api end # Creates a new SqsInterface instance. This instance is limited to # operations on SQS objects created with Amazon's 2008-01-01 API version. This # interface will not work on objects created with prior API versions. See # Amazon's article "Migrating to Amazon SQS API version 2008-01-01" at: # http://developer.amazonwebservices.com/connect/entry.jspa?externalID=1148 # # sqs = RightAws::SqsGen2Interface.new('1E3GDYEOGFJPIT75KDT40','hgTHt68JY07JKUY08ftHYtERkjgtfERn57DFE379', {:multi_thread => true, :logger => Logger.new('/tmp/x.log')}) # # Params is a hash: # # {:server => 'queue.amazonaws.com' # Amazon service host: 'queue.amazonaws.com' (default) # :port => 443 # Amazon service port: 80 or 443 (default) # :multi_thread => true|false # Multi-threaded (connection per each thread): true or false (default) # :signature_version => '0' # The signature version : '0' or '1'(default) # :logger => Logger Object} # Logger instance: logs to STDOUT if omitted } # def initialize(aws_access_key_id=nil, aws_secret_access_key=nil, params={}) init({ :name => 'SQS', :default_host => ENV['SQS_URL'] ? URI.parse(ENV['SQS_URL']).host : DEFAULT_HOST, :default_port => ENV['SQS_URL'] ? URI.parse(ENV['SQS_URL']).port : DEFAULT_PORT, :default_protocol => ENV['SQS_URL'] ? URI.parse(ENV['SQS_URL']).scheme : DEFAULT_PROTOCOL }, aws_access_key_id || ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'], aws_secret_access_key || ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'], params) end #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Requests #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Generates a request hash for the query API def generate_request(action, param={}) # :nodoc: # For operation requests on a queue, the queue URI will be a parameter, # so we first extract it from the call parameters. Next we remove any # parameters with no value or with symbolic keys. We add the header # fields required in all requests, and then the headers passed in as # params. We sort the header fields alphabetically and then generate the # signature before URL escaping the resulting query and sending it. service = param[:queue_url] ? URI(param[:queue_url]).path : '/' param.each{ |key, value| param.delete(key) if (value.nil? || key.is_a?(Symbol)) } service_hash = { "Action" => action, "Expires" => (Time.now + REQUEST_TTL).utc.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"), "AWSAccessKeyId" => @aws_access_key_id, "Version" => API_VERSION } service_hash.update(param) service_params = signed_service_params(@aws_secret_access_key, service_hash, :get, @params[:server], service) request = Net::HTTP::Get.new("#{AwsUtils.URLencode(service)}?#{service_params}") # prepare output hash { :request => request, :server => @params[:server], :port => @params[:port], :protocol => @params[:protocol] } end def generate_post_request(action, param={}) # :nodoc: service = param[:queue_url] ? URI(param[:queue_url]).path : '/' message = param[:message] # extract message body if nesessary param.each{ |key, value| param.delete(key) if (value.nil? || key.is_a?(Symbol)) } service_hash = { "Action" => action, "Expires" => (Time.now + REQUEST_TTL).utc.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"), "AWSAccessKeyId" => @aws_access_key_id, "MessageBody" => message, "Version" => API_VERSION } service_hash.update(param) # service_params = signed_service_params(@aws_secret_access_key, service_hash, :post, @params[:server], service) request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(AwsUtils::URLencode(service)) request['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' request.body = service_params # prepare output hash { :request => request, :server => @params[:server], :port => @params[:port], :protocol => @params[:protocol] } end # Sends request to Amazon and parses the response # Raises AwsError if any banana happened def request_info(request, parser) # :nodoc: thread = @params[:multi_thread] ? Thread.current : Thread.main thread[:sqs_connection] ||= Rightscale::HttpConnection.new(:exception => AwsError, :logger => @logger) request_info_impl(thread[:sqs_connection], @@bench, request, parser) end # Creates a new queue, returning its URI. # # sqs.create_queue('my_awesome_queue') #=> 'http://queue.amazonaws.com/ZZ7XXXYYYBINS/my_awesome_queue' # def create_queue(queue_name, default_visibility_timeout=nil) req_hash = generate_request('CreateQueue', 'QueueName' => queue_name, 'DefaultVisibilityTimeout' => default_visibility_timeout || DEFAULT_VISIBILITY_TIMEOUT ) request_info(req_hash, SqsCreateQueueParser.new(:logger => @logger)) rescue on_exception end # Lists all queues owned by this user that have names beginning with +queue_name_prefix+. # If +queue_name_prefix+ is omitted then retrieves a list of all queues. # Queue creation is an eventual operation and created queues may not show up in immediately subsequent list_queues calls. # # sqs.create_queue('my_awesome_queue') # sqs.create_queue('my_awesome_queue_2') # sqs.list_queues('my_awesome') #=> ['http://queue.amazonaws.com/ZZ7XXXYYYBINS/my_awesome_queue','http://queue.amazonaws.com/ZZ7XXXYYYBINS/my_awesome_queue_2'] # def list_queues(queue_name_prefix=nil) req_hash = generate_request('ListQueues', 'QueueNamePrefix' => queue_name_prefix) request_info(req_hash, SqsListQueuesParser.new(:logger => @logger)) rescue on_exception end # Deletes queue. Any messages in the queue are permanently lost. # Returns +true+ or an exception. # Queue deletion can take up to 60 s to propagate through SQS. Thus, after a deletion, subsequent list_queues calls # may still show the deleted queue. It is not unusual within the 60 s window to see the deleted queue absent from # one list_queues call but present in the subsequent one. Deletion is eventual. # # sqs.delete_queue('http://queue.amazonaws.com/ZZ7XXXYYYBINS/my_awesome_queue_2') #=> true # # def delete_queue(queue_url) req_hash = generate_request('DeleteQueue', :queue_url => queue_url) request_info(req_hash, SqsStatusParser.new(:logger => @logger)) rescue on_exception end # Retrieves the queue attribute(s). Returns a hash of attribute(s) or an exception. # # sqs.get_queue_attributes('http://queue.amazonaws.com/ZZ7XXXYYYBINS/my_awesome_queue') # #=> {"ApproximateNumberOfMessages"=>"0", "VisibilityTimeout"=>"30"} # def get_queue_attributes(queue_url, attribute='All') req_hash = generate_request('GetQueueAttributes', 'AttributeName' => attribute, :queue_url => queue_url) request_info(req_hash, SqsGetQueueAttributesParser.new(:logger => @logger)) rescue on_exception end # Sets queue attribute. Returns +true+ or an exception. # # sqs.set_queue_attributes('http://queue.amazonaws.com/ZZ7XXXYYYBINS/my_awesome_queue', "VisibilityTimeout", 10) #=> true # # From the SQS Dev Guide: # "Currently, you can set only the # VisibilityTimeout attribute for a queue... # When you change a queue's attributes, the change can take up to 60 seconds to propagate # throughout the SQS system." # # NB: Attribute values may not be immediately available to other queries # for some time after an update. See the SQS documentation for # semantics, but in general propagation can take up to 60 s. def set_queue_attributes(queue_url, attribute, value) req_hash = generate_request('SetQueueAttributes', 'Attribute.Name' => attribute, 'Attribute.Value' => value, :queue_url => queue_url) request_info(req_hash, SqsStatusParser.new(:logger => @logger)) rescue on_exception end # Retrieves a list of messages from queue. Returns an array of hashes in format: {:id=>'message_id', body=>'message_body'} # # sqs.receive_message('http://queue.amazonaws.com/ZZ7XXXYYYBINS/my_awesome_queue',10, 5) #=> # [{"ReceiptHandle"=>"Euvo62...kw==", "MD5OfBody"=>"16af2171b5b83cfa35ce254966ba81e3", # "Body"=>"Goodbyte World!", "MessageId"=>"MUM4WlAyR...pYOTA="}, ..., {}] # # Normally this call returns fewer messages than the maximum specified, # even if they are available. # def receive_message(queue_url, max_number_of_messages=1, visibility_timeout=nil) return [] if max_number_of_messages == 0 req_hash = generate_post_request('ReceiveMessage', 'MaxNumberOfMessages' => max_number_of_messages, 'VisibilityTimeout' => visibility_timeout, :queue_url => queue_url ) request_info(req_hash, SqsReceiveMessageParser.new(:logger => @logger)) rescue on_exception end # Sends a new message to a queue. Message size is limited to 8 KB. # If successful, this call returns a hash containing key/value pairs for # "MessageId" and "MD5OfMessageBody": # # sqs.send_message('http://queue.amazonaws.com/ZZ7XXXYYYBINS/my_awesome_queue', 'message_1') #=> "1234567890...0987654321" # => {"MessageId"=>"MEs4M0JKNlRCRTBBSENaMjROTk58QVFRNzNEREhDVFlFOVJDQ1JKNjF8UTdBRllCUlJUMjhKMUI1WDJSWDE=", "MD5OfMessageBody"=>"16af2171b5b83cfa35ce254966ba81e3"} # # On failure, send_message raises an exception. # # def send_message(queue_url, message) req_hash = generate_post_request('SendMessage', :message => message, :queue_url => queue_url) request_info(req_hash, SqsSendMessagesParser.new(:logger => @logger)) rescue on_exception end # Same as send_message alias_method :push_message, :send_message # Deletes message from queue. Returns +true+ or an exception. Amazon # returns +true+ on deletion of non-existent messages. You must use the # receipt handle for a message to delete it, not the message ID. # # From the SQS Developer Guide: # "It is possible you will receive a message even after you have deleted it. This might happen # on rare occasions if one of the servers storing a copy of the message is unavailable when # you request to delete the message. The copy remains on the server and might be returned to # you again on a subsequent receive request. You should create your system to be # idempotent so that receiving a particular message more than once is not a problem. " # # sqs.delete_message('http://queue.amazonaws.com/ZZ7XXXYYYBINS/my_awesome_queue', 'Euvo62/1nlIet...ao03hd9Sa0w==') #=> true # def delete_message(queue_url, receipt_handle) req_hash = generate_request('DeleteMessage', 'ReceiptHandle' => receipt_handle, :queue_url => queue_url) request_info(req_hash, SqsStatusParser.new(:logger => @logger)) rescue on_exception end # Given the queue's short name, this call returns the queue URL or +nil+ if queue is not found # sqs.queue_url_by_name('my_awesome_queue') #=> 'http://queue.amazonaws.com/ZZ7XXXYYYBINS/my_awesome_queue' # def queue_url_by_name(queue_name) return queue_name if queue_name.include?('/') queue_urls = list_queues(queue_name) queue_urls.each do |queue_url| return queue_url if queue_name_by_url(queue_url) == queue_name end nil rescue on_exception end # Returns short queue name by url. # # RightSqs.queue_name_by_url('http://queue.amazonaws.com/ZZ7XXXYYYBINS/my_awesome_queue') #=> 'my_awesome_queue' # def self.queue_name_by_url(queue_url) queue_url[/[^\/]*$/] rescue on_exception end # Returns short queue name by url. # # sqs.queue_name_by_url('http://queue.amazonaws.com/ZZ7XXXYYYBINS/my_awesome_queue') #=> 'my_awesome_queue' # def queue_name_by_url(queue_url) self.class.queue_name_by_url(queue_url) rescue on_exception end # Returns approximate number of messages in queue. # # sqs.get_queue_length('http://queue.amazonaws.com/ZZ7XXXYYYBINS/my_awesome_queue') #=> 3 # def get_queue_length(queue_url) get_queue_attributes(queue_url)['ApproximateNumberOfMessages'].to_i rescue on_exception end # Removes all visible messages from queue. Return +true+ or an exception. # # sqs.clear_queue('http://queue.amazonaws.com/ZZ7XXXYYYBINS/my_awesome_queue') #=> true # def clear_queue(queue_url) while (pop_messages(queue_url, 10).length > 0) ; end # delete all messages in queue true rescue on_exception end # Pops (retrieves and deletes) up to 'number_of_messages' from queue. Returns an array of retrieved messages in format: [{:id=>'message_id', :body=>'message_body'}]. # # sqs.pop_messages('http://queue.amazonaws.com/ZZ7XXXYYYBINS/my_awesome_queue', 3) #=> # [{"ReceiptHandle"=>"Euvo62/...+Zw==", "MD5OfBody"=>"16af2...81e3", "Body"=>"Goodbyte World!", # "MessageId"=>"MEZI...JSWDE="}, {...}, ... , {...} ] # def pop_messages(queue_url, number_of_messages=1) messages = receive_message(queue_url, number_of_messages) messages.each do |message| delete_message(queue_url, message['ReceiptHandle']) end messages rescue on_exception end # Pops (retrieves and deletes) first accessible message from queue. Returns the message in format {:id=>'message_id', :body=>'message_body'} or +nil+. # # sqs.pop_message('http://queue.amazonaws.com/ZZ7XXXYYYBINS/my_awesome_queue') #=> # {:id=>"12345678904GEZX9746N|0N9ED344VK5Z3SV1DTM0|1RVYH4X3TJ0987654321", :body=>"message_1"} # def pop_message(queue_url) messages = pop_messages(queue_url) messages.blank? ? nil : messages[0] rescue on_exception end #----------------------------------------------------------------- # PARSERS: Status Response Parser #----------------------------------------------------------------- class SqsStatusParser < RightAWSParser # :nodoc: def tagend(name) if name == 'ResponseMetadata' @result = true end end end #----------------------------------------------------------------- # PARSERS: Queue #----------------------------------------------------------------- class SqsCreateQueueParser < RightAWSParser # :nodoc: def tagend(name) @result = @text if name == 'QueueUrl' end end class SqsListQueuesParser < RightAWSParser # :nodoc: def reset @result = [] end def tagend(name) @result << @text if name == 'QueueUrl' end end class SqsGetQueueAttributesParser < RightAWSParser # :nodoc: def reset @result = {} end def tagend(name) case name when 'Name' ; @current_attribute = @text when 'Value' ; @result[@current_attribute] = @text end end end #----------------------------------------------------------------- # PARSERS: Messages #----------------------------------------------------------------- class SqsReceiveMessageParser < RightAWSParser # :nodoc: def reset @result = [] end def tagstart(name, attributes) @current_message = {} if name == 'Message' end def tagend(name) case name when 'MessageId' ; @current_message['MessageId'] = @text when 'ReceiptHandle' ; @current_message['ReceiptHandle'] = @text when 'MD5OfBody' ; @current_message['MD5OfBody'] = @text when 'Body'; @current_message['Body'] = @text; @result << @current_message end end end class SqsSendMessagesParser < RightAWSParser # :nodoc: def reset @result = {} end def tagend(name) case name when 'MessageId' ; @result['MessageId'] = @text when 'MD5OfMessageBody' ; @result['MD5OfMessageBody'] = @text end end end end end