describe RSpotify::Artist do describe 'Artist#find' do before(:each) do # Get Arctic Monkeys as a testing sample @artist = RSpotify::Artist.find('7Ln80lUS6He07XvHI8qqHH') end it 'should find artist with correct attributes' do expect(@artist.external_urls['spotify']) .to eq '' expect(@artist.genres) .to include 'Alternative Pop/Rock', 'Alternative/Indie Rock', 'Indie', 'Indie Rock', 'Pop/Rock' expect(@artist.href) .to eq '' expect( .to eq '7Ln80lUS6He07XvHI8qqHH' expect(@artist.images) .to include ({'height' => 1333, 'width' => 1000, 'url' => ''}) expect( .to eq 'Arctic Monkeys' expect(@artist.popularity) .to be > 0 expect(@artist.type) .to eq 'artist' expect(@artist.uri) .to eq 'spotify:artist:7Ln80lUS6He07XvHI8qqHH' end end describe 'Artist#search' do it 'should search for the right artists' do artists ='Arctic') expect(artists) .to be_an Array expect(artists.size) .to eq 20 expect(artists.first) .to be_an RSpotify::Artist expect( .to include('Arctic Monkeys', 'Arctic Moon', 'Arctic', 'Arctic Quest') end end end