en: lita: handlers: digitalocean: credentials_missing: >- client_id and api_key must be set in Lita's configuration to use the DigitalOcean commands. domains: create: created: "Created new DNS record set for %{name}." delete: deleted: "Deleted DNS record set." list: detail: "ID: %{id}, Name: %{name}" show: details: >- ID: %{id}, Name: %{name}, TTL: %{ttl}, Live Zone File: %{live_zone_file}, Error: %{error}, Zone File With Error: %{zone_file_with_error} domain_records: create: created: "Created new DNS record: %{id}" delete: deleted: "Deleted DNS record." edit: updated: "Updated DNS record." list: detail: "ID: %{id}, Record Type: %{record_type}, Data: %{data}" show: details: >- ID: %{id}, Record Type: %{record_type}, Data: %{data}, Name: %{name}, Priority: %{priority}, Port: %{port}, Weight: %{weight} droplets: create: created: "Created new droplet: %{id} (%{name})" delete: deleted: "Deleted droplet: %{id}" list: detail: "ID: %{id}, Name: %{name}, IP: %{ip_address}" password_reset: reset: "Password reset for droplet: %{id}" power_cycle: cycled: "Power cycled for droplet: %{id}" power_off: powered_off: "Powered off droplet: %{id}" power_on: powered_on: "Powered on droplet: %{id}" reboot: rebooted: "Rebooted droplet: %{id}" rebuild: rebuilt: "Rebuilt droplet: %{id}" resize: resized: "Resized droplet: %{id}" restore: restored: "Restored droplet: %{id}" show: details: >- ID: %{id}, Image ID: %{image_id}, Name: %{name}, Region ID: %{region_id}, Size ID: %{size_id}, Backups active: %{backups_active}, Backups: %{formatted_backups}, Snapshots: %{formatted_snapshots}, IP address: %{ip_address}, Private IP address: %{private_ip_address}, Locked: %{locked}, Status: %{status} shutdown: shut_down: "Shut down droplet: %{id}" snapshot: snapshotted: "Snapshotted droplet: %{id}" error: "DigitalOcean API error: %{message}" format: Format help: domains: create_key: do domains create NAME IP create_value: Creates a new DNS record set for domain NAME and IP. delete_key: do domains delete DOMAIN_NAME_OR_ID delete_value: Deletes the DNS record set for domain DOMAIN_NAME_OR_ID. list_key: do domains list list_value: Lists all DNS record sets. show_key: do domains show DOMAIN_NAME_OR_ID show_value: Shows the DNS record set details for domain DOMAIN_NAME_OR_ID. domain_records: create_key: >- do domain records create DOMAIN_NAME_OR_ID TYPE DATA [--name NAME] [--priority PRIORITY] [--port PORT] [--weight WEIGHT] create_value: Creates a new DNS record for domain DOMAIN_NAME_OR_ID. delete_key: do domain records delete DOMAIN_NAME_OR_ID DOMAIN_RECORD_ID delete_value: Deletes the DNS record DOMAIN_RECORD_ID for domain DOMAIN_NAME_OR_ID. edit_key: >- do domain records edit DOMAIN_NAME_OR_ID DOMAIN_RECORD_ID TYPE DATA [--name NAME] [--priority PRIORITY] [--port PORT] [--weight WEIGHT] edit_value: Edits DNS record DOMAIN_RECORD_ID for domain DOMAIN_NAME_OR_ID. list_key: do domain records list DOMAIN_NAME_OR_ID list_value: Lists all DNS records for domain DOMAIN_NAME_OR_ID. show_key: do domain records show DOMAIN_NAME_OR_ID DOMAIN_RECORD_ID show_value: Shows DNS record DOMAIN_RECORD_ID for domain DOMAIN_NAME_OR_ID. droplets: create_key: >- do droplets create HOSTNAME SIZE_ID_OR_SLUG IMAGE_ID_OR_SLUG REGION_ID_OR_SLUG [--ssh-key-ids SSH_KEY_IDS] [--private-networking] [--backups-enabled] create_value: >- Creates a droplet. The optional ssh_key_ids field is a comma-separated list of SSH key IDs. delete_key: do droplets delete ID [--scrub] delete_value: Deletes a droplet, optionally writing zeroes to the disk first. list_key: do droplets list list_value: Lists all droplets. password_reset_key: do droplets password reset ID password_reset_value: Resets the root password for a droplet. power_cycle_key: do droplets power cycle ID power_cycle_value: Powers off and then powers on a droplet. power_off_key: do droplets power off ID power_off_value: Powers off a droplet. power_on_key: do droplets power on ID power_on_value: Powers on a droplet. reboot_key: do droplets reboot ID reboot_value: Reboots a droplet. resize_key: do droplets resize ID SIZE_ID_OR_SLUG resize_value: Resizes a droplet. restore_key: do droplets restore ID IMAGE_ID restore_value: Restores a droplet from an image. show_key: do droplets show ID show_value: Shows the details of a droplet. shutdown_key: do droplets shutdown ID shutdown_value: Shuts down a droplet. snapshot_key: do droplets snapshot ID [NAME] snapshot_value: Takes a snapshot of a droplet, optionally naming the snapshot. images: delete_key: do images delete ID_OR_SLUG delete_value: Deletes an image with the given ID or slug. list_key: "do images list [FILTER]" list_value: >- Lists available images, optionally filtered by FILTER ("global" or "my_images"). show_key: do images show ID_OR_SLUG show_value: Shows the details of an image with the given ID or slug. regions: list_key: do regions list list_value: Lists all available regions. ssh_keys: add_key: do ssh keys add NAME PUBLIC_KEY add_value: Adds a new SSH key. delete_key: do ssh keys delete ID delete_value: Deletes the SSH key with the given ID. edit_key: "do ssh keys edit ID [--name NAME] [--public-key PUBLIC_KEY]" edit_value: Changes the NAME and/or PUBLIC_KEY of the SSH key with the given ID. list_key: do ssh keys list list_value: Lists all SSH keys. show_key: do ssh keys show ID show_value: Shows the public key for SSH key with the given ID. sizes: list_key: do sizes list list_value: Lists all the possible image sizes. images: details: >- ID: %{id}, Name: %{name}, Slug: %{slug}, Distribution: %{distribution}, Public: %{public}, Regions: %{formatted_regions}, Region Slugs: %{formatted_region_slugs} delete: deleted: "Deleted image: %{image_id}" regions: details: "ID: %{id}, Name: %{name}, Slug: %{slug}" sizes: details: "ID: %{id}, Name: %{name}, Slug: %{slug}" ssh_keys: add: created: "Created new SSH key: %{id} (%{name}): %{ssh_pub_key}" delete: deleted: "Deleted SSH key: %{key_id}" edit: updated: "Updated SSH key: %{id} (%{name}): %{ssh_pub_key}" list: empty: No SSH keys have been added yet.