{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-} import Data.Ix (inRange) import Test.Hspec (Spec, it, shouldBe, shouldNotBe, shouldSatisfy) import Test.Hspec.Runner (configFastFail, defaultConfig, hspecWith) import Robot (mkRobot, resetName, robotName) main :: IO () main = hspecWith defaultConfig {configFastFail = True} specs {- These tests of course *can* fail since we are expected to use a random number generator. The chances of this kind of failure are very small. A real "robot generator" would use a proper serial number system and would likely not be in the business of resetting the name. -} specs :: Spec specs = do let a = ('A', 'Z') let d = ('0', '9') let matchesPattern s = length s == 5 && and (zipWith inRange [a, a, d, d, d] s) let testPersistence r = do n1 <- robotName r n2 <- robotName r n3 <- robotName r n1 `shouldBe` n2 n1 `shouldBe` n3 it "name should match expected pattern" $ mkRobot >>= robotName >>= (`shouldSatisfy` matchesPattern) it "name is persistent" $ mkRobot >>= testPersistence it "different robots have different names" $ do n1 <- mkRobot >>= robotName n2 <- mkRobot >>= robotName n1 `shouldNotBe` n2 it "new name should match expected pattern" $ do r <- mkRobot resetName r robotName r >>= (`shouldSatisfy` matchesPattern) it "new name is persistent" $ do r <- mkRobot resetName r >> testPersistence r it "new name is different from old name" $ do r <- mkRobot n1 <- robotName r resetName r n2 <- robotName r n1 `shouldNotBe` n2 it "resetting a robot affects only one robot" $ do r1 <- mkRobot r2 <- mkRobot n1 <- robotName r1 n2 <- robotName r2 n1 `shouldNotBe` n2 resetName r1 n1' <- robotName r1 n2' <- robotName r2 n1' `shouldNotBe` n2' n2 `shouldBe` n2'