require 'doozer/app' require 'doozer/view_helpers' module Doozer module Routing # Route manager for drawing and adding routes. class Routes @@parts=[] # stored as [, route.path] @@dict={} # route hash @@cache={} # lookup for matches @@magics=[] # hold raw magic routes before processing @@inner_apps={} # holds the app dedicated to processing this path def self.draw(&block) # p "draw routes" instance_eval(&block) if block_given? # init magic routes :conrtoller/:action or just /:action with predefined :controller # Routes.init_magic_routes Routes.init_view_helpers # sort routes here @@parts.sort! do |a, b| a[1].length <=> b[1].length end @@parts.reverse! puts "=> Routes drawn and sorted" # @@parts.each { | i | p i[1] } end # An empty path defaults to a path of '/' def self.add(name=nil, path=nil, args=nil) # p name # p path # p args.inspect if not name.nil? and not path.nil? and not args.nil? args = Routes::init_formats(args) formats = args[:formats] # p formats.inspect for format in formats args.delete(:formats) if name != :magic path = '/' if path == '' raise"Route name must be a symbol. #{name} given.") if not name.kind_of? Symbol raise"Route already exists with the name of #{name}.") if @@dict[name] @@parts.each { |p| raise"Route already defined with a path of '#{path}'") if p[1] == path } parts = [name, path, args] # p parts.inspect args[:format] = format route = # p route.inspect @@parts.push([, route.path]) @@dict[] = route else p "magic routes init turned off" # Routes.magic(parts) end end end end # sets up default formats to initialize a mapped route def self.init_formats(args) formats = args[:formats] formats = [] if formats.nil? formats.push(:html) if not formats.include?(:html) args[:formats] = formats return args end # return a route by name def self.get_by_name(name) # p @@dict.inspect return @@dict[name] end # return the route which matches the request path def self.match(path) # p path # p @@cache.inspect # return @@dict[@@cache[path]] if @@cache[path] for part in @@parts route = @@dict[part[0]] # p route.inspect if route.match(path) # Routes.cache_request_path(route, path) return route end end return nil end # caches the request path and with the def self.cache_request_path(route,path) # p "route cache request path" @@cache[path] = end def self.magic(route) @@magics.push(route) end def self.init_magic_routes @@controllers={} controller_files = Dir.glob(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'../app/controllers/*_controller.rb')) if controller_files.length > 0 i=0 for f in controller_files break if i==0 and f.index('application_controller.rb') if f.index('application_controller.rb') controller_files.insert(0, controller_files.delete(f)) break end i+=1 end end controller_files.each {|f| require f key = f.split("controllers/")[1].split("_controller.rb")[0] if key.index("_") value = key.split('_').each{ | k | k.capitalize! }.join('') else value = key.capitalize end @@controllers[key.to_sym] = "#{value}Controller" # p "cache controller: #{key.to_sym}" } # p @@controllers.inspect # grab all controllers routes = [] dup_lu = {} obj = Doozer::Controller obj.public_instance_methods.each { | name | dup_lu[name]=''} # p dup_lu.inspect @@magics.each { | route | path = route[1] if path.index(':controller') and path.index(':action') ## loop all controller and then loop all #methods @@controllers.each{ |key,value | klass = Object.const_get(value) methods = klass.public_instance_methods() methods.push('index') methods.uniq! # filter duplicate indexes methods.each { | val | if dup_lu[val].nil? controller= route[2][:controller] || key.to_s action = route[2][:action] || val # p "#{controller}##{action}" name = "#{controller}_#{action}".to_sym new_path = path.gsub(/:controller/, controller).gsub(/:action/,action) new_path = new_path.gsub(/\/index/) if new_path.endswith('/index') new_path = "/#{new_path}" if not new_path =~ /^\// add([name, new_path, {:controller=>controller, :action=>action, :status=>200, :formats=>route[2][:formats]}]) end } } elsif path.index(':action') and not route[2][:controller].nil? ## loop all methods on this controller #p "load route controller:" + @@controllers[route[2][:controller].to_sym].inspect controller= route[2][:controller] klass = Object.const_get(@@controllers[controller.to_sym]) methods = klass.public_instance_methods() methods.push('index') methods.uniq! # filter duplicate indexes methods.each { | val | if dup_lu[val].nil? action = val # p "#{controller}##{action}" name = "#{controller}_#{action}".to_sym new_path = path.gsub(/:action/,action) new_path = new_path.gsub(/\/index/,'') if new_path =~ /\/index/ new_path = "/#{new_path}" if not new_path =~ /^\// # p [name, new_path, {:controller=>controller, :action=>action, :status=>200}].inspect add([name, new_path, {:controller=>controller, :action=>action, :status=>200, :formats=>route[2][:formats]}]) end } end } ## make sure to route index to '/' ## loop route/methods pairs # save new path for action controller end def self.init_view_helpers for k, route in @@dict Doozer::ViewHelpers.module_eval(route.url_helper_method) end end end class Route attr_accessor :name, :path, :controller, :action, :layout, :status, :content_type, :tokens, :grouping, :app, :format, :view, :view_path # Initializes a route with the following parameters # route - [:name, 'path', {args}] def initialize(route) #p "Doozer::Route#new: #{route}" args = route[2] @controller = args[:controller] @action = args[:action] @layout = (args[:layout]) ? args[:layout] : 'default' @status = (args[:status]) ? args[:status] : 200 @app=args[:app] @format = (args[:format]) ? args[:format] : :html #@content_type = (args[:content_type]) ? args[:content_type] : 'text/html' case @format when :js content_type = 'text/javascript' when :xml content_type = 'text/xml' when :json content_type = 'application/json' when :rss content_type = 'application/rss+xml' when :atom content_type = 'application/atom+xml' else content_type = 'text/html' end @content_type = content_type @tokens = [] path = route[1] path = '/' if path == '' @path = (@format == :html) ? path : "#{path}.#{format}" @name = (@format == :html) ? route[0] : "#{route[0]}_#{format.to_s}".to_sym @layout = "default_#{@format.to_s}".to_sym if @format != :html and @layout == 'default' @view = "#{@action}_#{@format.to_s}" @view_path = "#{@controller}/#{@action}.#{@format.to_s}.erb" regify() end # Creates the Regex grouping for matching and parsing route tokens def regify if (@path.index('/')) grouping = [] url = @path.split('/') for part in url if /^:/.match(part) token = part.gsub(/:/,'') # part = '(?P<'+token+'>.)' # part = '(\.*)' # part = '(\w*)' part = '([a-zA-Z0-9,-.%_~;]*)' # this picks up all allowable route tokens (a-zA-Z0-9,-.%) @tokens.push(token) end grouping.push(part) end out = "^#{grouping.join('/')}" out += ".#{@format.to_s}" if @format != :html # we need to include the @grouping = Regexp.compile(out) else #handle default index route @grouping = Regexp.compile("/") end end # Matches a request path against a route.path if a direct match or route.grouping def match(path) # p "#{path} vs #{@path}" # p path =~ @grouping # short-circut for root return false if path == '/' and @path != '/' #handles root condition # short-circut for exact match with no tokens return true if path == @path # test for tokens pass=(path =~ @grouping) == 0 ? true : false # p @tokens.inspect if pass if @tokens.empty?; pass=false if @path != path; end #handles root condition '/' pass=false if path.split('/').length != @path.split('/').length #handles the root condition /:token return pass end # Parses route tokens and creates a hash of extra params def extra_params(path) hashish = {} params = @grouping.match(path) # make sure to remove the format from the last token @tokens.last.gsub!(Regexp.compile("\.#{@format.to_s}$"), '') if @format != :html if not @tokens.empty? i = 1 for token in @tokens hashish[token.to_sym] = params[i] i += 1 end return hashish end # Parses route tokens and returns a helper method which evntually module_eval'd into Doozer::ViewHelpers def url_helper_method method_name=[@name] # method_name.push(@format) if @format != :html method_name.push('url') signature = [] signature.push('(') if not @tokens.empty? t = [] for token in @tokens if token.index('.') t.push(token.split('.')[0]) else t.push(token) end end signature.push(t.join(', ')) end signature.push(')') url_method = [] url_method.push("url({:name=>:#{@name}") if not @tokens.empty? t = [] for token in @tokens if token.index('.') token = token.split('.')[0] end t.push(" :#{token.to_sym}=>#{token}") end url_method.push(",#{t.join(',')}") end url_method.push("})") method = """def #{method_name.join('_')}#{signature.join('')}; #{url_method} end""" return method end end end end