require 'thor' require 'envied/env_var_extractor' class ENVied class Cli < Thor include Thor::Actions source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__) desc "--version", "Shows version number" def version puts ENVied::VERSION end map %w(-v --version) => :version desc "extract", "Shows candidate variables (i.e. occurences of ENV['X'])" option :globs, type: :array, default: ENVied::EnvVarExtractor.defaults[:globs], banner: "*.* lib/*" def extract var_occurences = options[:globs]).extract puts "Found %d occurrences of %d variables:" % [var_occurences.values.flatten.size, var_occurences.size] var_occurences.sort.each do |var, occs| puts var occs.sort_by{|i| i[:path].size }.each do |occ| puts "* %s:%s" % occ.values_at(:path, :line) end puts end end desc "init", "Generates a default Envfile in the current working directory" def init puts "Writing new Envfile to #{File.expand_path('Envfile')}" template("") end desc "init:rails", "Generate all files needed for a Rails project" define_method "init:rails" do init template("", 'config/initializers/envied.rb') end desc "check", "Checks whether you environment contains required variables" long_desc <<-LONG Checks whether required variables are present and valid in your shell. On success the process will exit with status 0. Else the missing/invalid variables will be shown, and the process will exit with status 1. LONG option :groups, type: :array, default: %w(default), banner: 'default production' def check ENVied.require(*options[:groups]) puts "All variables for group(s) #{options[:groups]} are present and valid" end desc "check:heroku", "Checks whether a Heroku config contains required variables" long_desc <<-LONG Checks the config of your Heroku app against the local Envfile. The Heroku config should be piped to this task: heroku config | bundle exec envied check:heroku It's more convenient to generate a shell script using the check:heroku:binstub-task. On success the process will exit with status 0. Else the missing/invalid variables will be shown, and the process will exit with status 1. LONG option :groups, type: :array, default: %w(default production), banner: 'default production' define_method "check:heroku" do if STDIN.tty? error <<-ERR Please pipe the contents of `heroku config` to this task. I.e. `heroku config | bundle exec envied check:heroku`" ERR exit 1 end config = heroku_env = Hash[config.split("\n")[1..-1].each_with_object([]) do |i, res| res << i.split(":", 2).map(&:strip) end] ENV.replace({}).update(heroku_env) ENVied.require(*options[:groups]) puts "All variables for group(s) #{options[:groups]} are present and valid in your Heroku app" end desc "check:heroku:binstub", "Generates a shell script for the check:heroku-task" long_desc <<-LONG Generates a shell script to check the Heroku config against the local Envfile. The same as the check:heroku-task, but all in one script (no need to pipe `heroku config` to it etc.). LONG option :dest, banner: "where to put the script", default: 'bin/heroku-env-check' option :app, banner: "name of Heroku app" option :groups, type: :array, default: %w(default production), banner: 'default production' define_method "check:heroku:binstub" do require 'fileutils' @app = options[:app] @dest = @app ? File.join(*%W(bin #{@app}-env-check)) : options[:dest] @groups = options[:groups] full_dest = File.expand_path(@dest) template("", full_dest) FileUtils.chmod 0755, full_dest end end end