#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'trollop' require 'enumerator' require "sup"; Redwood::check_library_version_against "0.10.2" class Float def to_s; sprintf '%.2f', self; end def to_time_s infinite? ? "unknown" : super end end class Numeric def to_time_s i = to_i sprintf "%d:%02d:%02d", i / 3600, (i / 60) % 60, i % 60 end end def time startt = Time.now yield Time.now - startt end opts = Trollop::options do version "sup-tweak-labels (sup #{Redwood::VERSION})" banner <* where * is zero or more source URIs. Supported source URI schemes can be seen by running "sup-add --help". Options: EOS opt :add, "One or more labels (comma-separated) to add to every message from the specified sources", :default => "" opt :remove, "One or more labels (comma-separated) to remove from every message from the specified sources, if those labels are present", :default => "" opt :query, "A Sup search query", :type => String text < "auto" opt :verbose, "Print message ids as they're processed." opt :very_verbose, "Print message names and subjects as they're processed." opt :all_sources, "Scan over all sources.", :short => :none opt :dry_run, "Don't actually modify the index. Probably only useful with --verbose.", :short => "-n" opt :version, "Show version information", :short => :none end opts[:verbose] = true if opts[:very_verbose] add_labels = opts[:add].to_set_of_symbols "," remove_labels = opts[:remove].to_set_of_symbols "," Trollop::die "nothing to do: no labels to add or remove" if add_labels.empty? && remove_labels.empty? Redwood::start index = Redwood::Index.init opts[:index] index.lock_interactively or exit begin index.load source_ids = if opts[:all_sources] Redwood::SourceManager.sources else ARGV.map do |uri| Redwood::SourceManager.source_for uri or Trollop::die "Unknown source: #{uri}. Did you add it with sup-add first?" end end.map { |s| s.id } Trollop::die "nothing to do: no sources" if source_ids.empty? query = "+(" + source_ids.map { |id| "source_id:#{id}" }.join(" OR ") + ")" if add_labels.empty? ## if all we're doing is removing labels, we can further restrict the ## query to only messages with those labels query += " +(" + remove_labels.map { |l| "label:#{l}" }.join(" ") + ")" end query += ' ' + opts[:query] if opts[:query] parsed_query = index.parse_query query parsed_query.merge! :load_spam => true, :load_deleted => true, :load_killed => true ids = Enumerable::Enumerator.new(index, :each_id, parsed_query).map num_total = ids.size $stderr.puts "Found #{num_total} documents across #{source_ids.length} sources. Scanning..." num_changed = num_scanned = 0 last_info_time = start_time = Time.now ids.each do |id| num_scanned += 1 m = index.build_message id old_labels = m.labels.dup m.labels += add_labels m.labels -= remove_labels unless m.labels == old_labels num_changed += 1 puts "From #{m.from}, subject: #{m.subj}" if opts[:very_verbose] puts "#{m.id}: {#{old_labels.to_a.join ','}} => {#{m.labels.to_a.join ','}}" if opts[:verbose] puts if opts[:very_verbose] index.update_message_state m unless opts[:dry_run] end if Time.now - last_info_time > 60 last_info_time = Time.now elapsed = last_info_time - start_time pctdone = 100.0 * num_scanned.to_f / num_total.to_f remaining = (100.0 - pctdone) * (elapsed.to_f / pctdone) $stderr.puts "## #{num_scanned} (#{pctdone}%) read; #{elapsed.to_time_s} elapsed; #{remaining.to_time_s} remaining" end end $stderr.puts "Scanned #{num_scanned} / #{num_total} messages and changed #{num_changed}." unless num_changed == 0 $stderr.puts "Optimizing index..." index.optimize unless opts[:dry_run] end rescue Exception => e File.open("sup-exception-log.txt", "w") { |f| f.puts e.backtrace } raise ensure index.save Redwood::finish index.unlock end