<% provide :page_title, t("hyrax.admin.sidebar.collections") %> <% provide :head do %> <%= rss_feed_link_tag route_set: hyrax %> <%= atom_feed_link_tag route_set: hyrax %> <% end %> <% provide :page_header do %>

<%= t("hyrax.admin.sidebar.collections") %>

<% end %>
<% if can?(:create_any, Collection) && @collection_type_list_presenter.any? %> <% if @collection_type_list_presenter.many? %> <% # modal to select type %> <% else @collection_type_list_presenter.any? %> <% # link directly to create collection form with type %> <%= link_to(t('helpers.action.collection.new'), "#{new_dashboard_collection_path}&collection_type_id=#{@collection_type_list_presenter.first_collection_type.id}", class: 'btn btn-primary') %> <% end %> <% end %>
<%# Collections list %>

<%= @response.docs.count %> collections in the repository

Collections listing

<%= render 'search_header' %> <%= render 'hyrax/my/document_list' %> <%= render 'results_pagination' %>
<%= render 'modal_add_to_collection', source: "my" %> <%= render 'modal_add_to_collection_deny' %> <%= render 'modal_add_to_collection_permission_deny' %> <%= render 'modal_collection_types_to_create' %> <%= render 'modal_delete_admin_set_deny' %> <%= render 'modal_delete_collection' %> <%= render 'modal_delete_collection_deny' %> <%= render 'modal_delete_deny' %> <%= render 'modal_delete_empty_collection' %> <%= render 'modal_delete_selected_collections' %> <%= render 'modal_edit_deny' %>