syntax = "proto2"; package Api; // // Observation // message ObservationUI { repeated ControlGroup groups = 1; oneof panel { SinglePanel single = 2; MultiPanel multi = 3; CargoPanel cargo = 4; ProductionPanel production = 5; } } message ControlGroup { optional uint32 control_group_index = 1; optional uint32 leader_unit_type = 2; optional uint32 count = 3; } message UnitInfo { optional uint32 unit_type = 1; optional uint32 player_relative = 2; optional int32 health = 3; optional int32 shields = 4; optional int32 energy = 5; optional int32 transport_slots_taken = 6; optional float build_progress = 7; // Range: [0.0, 1.0] optional UnitInfo add_on = 8; optional int32 max_health = 9; optional int32 max_shields = 10; optional int32 max_energy = 11; } message SinglePanel { optional UnitInfo unit = 1; optional int32 attack_upgrade_level = 2; optional int32 armor_upgrade_level = 3; optional int32 shield_upgrade_level = 4; repeated int32 buffs = 5; } message MultiPanel { repeated UnitInfo units = 1; } message CargoPanel { optional UnitInfo unit = 1; repeated UnitInfo passengers = 2; optional int32 slots_available = 3; // TODO: Change to cargo size } message BuildItem { optional uint32 ability_id = 1; optional float build_progress = 2; // Range: [0.0, 1.0] } message ProductionPanel { optional UnitInfo unit = 1; // build_queue ONLY gives information about units that are being produced. // Use production_queue instead to see both units being trained as well as research in the queue. repeated UnitInfo build_queue = 2; repeated BuildItem production_queue = 3; } // // Action // message ActionUI { oneof action { ActionControlGroup control_group = 1; ActionSelectArmy select_army = 2; ActionSelectWarpGates select_warp_gates = 3; ActionSelectLarva select_larva = 4; ActionSelectIdleWorker select_idle_worker = 5; ActionMultiPanel multi_panel = 6; ActionCargoPanelUnload cargo_panel = 7; ActionProductionPanelRemoveFromQueue production_panel = 8; ActionToggleAutocast toggle_autocast = 9; } } message ActionControlGroup { enum ControlGroupAction { Recall = 1; // Equivalent to number hotkey. Replaces current selection with control group. Set = 2; // Equivalent to Control + number hotkey. Sets control group to current selection. Append = 3; // Equivalent to Shift + number hotkey. Adds current selection into control group. SetAndSteal = 4; // Equivalent to Control + Alt + number hotkey. Sets control group to current selection. Units are removed from other control groups. AppendAndSteal = 5; // Equivalent to Shift + Alt + number hotkey. Adds current selection into control group. Units are removed from other control groups. } optional ControlGroupAction action = 1; optional uint32 control_group_index = 2; } message ActionSelectArmy { optional bool selection_add = 1; } message ActionSelectWarpGates { optional bool selection_add = 1; } message ActionSelectLarva { } message ActionSelectIdleWorker { enum Type { Set = 1; // Equivalent to click with no modifiers. Replaces selection with single idle worker. Add = 2; // Equivalent to shift+click. Adds single idle worker to current selection. All = 3; // Equivalent to control+click. Selects all idle workers. AddAll = 4; // Equivalent to shift+control+click. Adds all idle workers to current selection. } optional Type type = 1; } message ActionMultiPanel { enum Type { SingleSelect = 1; // Click on icon DeselectUnit = 2; // Shift Click on icon SelectAllOfType = 3; // Control Click on icon. DeselectAllOfType = 4; // Control+Shift Click on icon. } optional Type type = 1; optional int32 unit_index = 2; } message ActionCargoPanelUnload { optional int32 unit_index = 1; } message ActionProductionPanelRemoveFromQueue { optional int32 unit_index = 1; } message ActionToggleAutocast { optional int32 ability_id = 1; }