h1. after_commit An ActiveRecord/Rails library to add @before_commit@, @after_commit@, @before_rollback@ and @after_rollback@ callbacks. These callbacks are focused on the transactions, instead of specific model actions. This is beneficial in situations where you are doing asynchronous processing and need committed objects. h2. Installation
gem install after_commit
h2. Usage The following callbacks are provided: * before_commit * before_commit_on_create * before_commit_on_update * before_commit_on_destroy * after_commit * after_commit_on_create * after_commit_on_update * after_commit_on_destroy * before_rollback * after_rollback You can use these just like you would any other callback:
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
  after_commit :method_to_call_after_commit
  # ...
  def method_to_call_after_commit
    # Do something knowing that the transaction is committed.
h2. In Tests Keep in mind that transactions are finicky at best in tests, and so there's a helper module to make @after_commit@ play nicely in your testing context. You'll need to add these two lines to your spec/test helper:
ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, AfterCommit::AfterSavepoint)
h2. Credits This code first appeared in a blog post "by Eli Miller":http://elimiller.blogspot.com/2007/06/proper-cache-expiry-with-aftercommit.html, and was then included in "Thinking Sphinx":http://ts.freelancing-gods.com by "Pat Allan":http://freelancing-gods.com, with modifications from Joost Hietbrink. The code was then "put on GitHub as a plugin":http://github.com/GUI/after_commit by Nick Muerdter, and many people forked and added their own contributions. This version (maintained by Pat Allan) includes the following patches: * Callbacks for specific types of actions (create, update, destroy) ("DeLynn Berry":http://delynnberry.com/) * Fixes to extra callbacks ("Xavier Shay":http://rhnh.net/) * Thread-safety ("Dmitry Galinsky":http://dima-exe.ru/) * after_rollback callback ("Justin Balthrop":http://github.com/ninjudd) * Test environment fix ("Pivotal Labs":http://pivotalblabs.com/) * Scoping callbacks to specific connections ("Mat Brown":http://outofti.me/) * before_* callbacks ("Trotter Cashion":http://trottercashion.com/) * Gemspec and extended tests, works as a plugin, doesn't load ActiveRecord hooks twice, doesn't add Test environment hook automatically. ("David Yip":http://github.com/yipdw) * Exception propagation ("George Ogata":http://github.com/oggy/) * Keeping callbacks focused on the correct transactions ("Benjamin Stein":http://benjaminste.in/) * Using savepoints for test helper ("Lars Klevan":http://www.linkedin.com/in/larsklevan and "Joel Chippindale":http://blog.monkeysthumb.org/) * Only tracking objects from classes that have appropriate callbacks; Adding @after/before_commit_on_save@ to cover creates and updates but not destroys ("Jason Weathered":http://jasoncodes.com/)