class SlackSmartBot def update_bots_file file =$0.gsub(".rb", "_bots.rb"), "w") bots_created = @bots_created.dup bots_created.each { |k, v| v[:thread] = "" } file.write bots_created.inspect file.close end def get_bots_created if File.exist?($0.gsub(".rb", "_bots.rb")) if !defined?(@datetime_bots_created) or @datetime_bots_created != File.mtime($0.gsub(".rb", "_bots.rb")) file_conf = IO.readlines($0.gsub(".rb", "_bots.rb")).join if file_conf.to_s() == "" @bots_created = {} else @bots_created = eval(file_conf) end @datetime_bots_created = File.mtime($0.gsub(".rb", "_bots.rb")) @bots_created.each do |k, v| # to be compatible with old versions v[:extended] = [] unless v.key?(:extended) end end end end def update_shortcuts_file file ="./shortcuts/#{SHORTCUTS_FILE}", "w") file.write @shortcuts.inspect file.close end def update_rules_imported file ="./rules/rules_imported.rb", "w") file.write @rules_imported.inspect file.close end def get_channels_name_and_id #todo: add pagination for case more than 1000 channels on the workspace channels = client.web_client.conversations_list( types: "private_channel,public_channel", limit: "1000", exclude_archived: "true", ).channels @channels_id = @channels_name = channels.each do |ch| unless ch.is_archived @channels_id[] = @channels_name[] = end end end def get_routines(channel = @channel_id) if File.exist?("./routines/routines_#{channel}.rb") file_conf = IO.readlines("./routines/routines_#{channel}.rb").join unless file_conf.to_s() == "" @routines = eval(file_conf) end end end def update_routines(channel = @channel_id) file ="./routines/routines_#{channel}.rb", "w") file.write (@routines.inspect) file.close end def create_routine_thread(name) t = do while @routines.key?(@channel_id) and @routines[@channel_id].key?(name) started = if @status == :on and @routines[@channel_id][name][:status] == :on if @routines[@channel_id][name][:file_path].match?(/\.rb$/i) ruby = "ruby " else ruby = "" end if @routines[@channel_id][name][:at] == "" or (@routines[@channel_id][name][:at] != "" and @routines[@channel_id][name][:running] and @routines[@channel_id][name][:next_run] != "" and >= @routines[@channel_id][name][:next_run]) if @routines[@channel_id][name][:file_path] != "" process_to_run = "#{ruby}#{Dir.pwd}#{@routines[@channel_id][name][:file_path][1..-1]}" process_to_run = ("cd #{project_folder} &&" + process_to_run) if defined?(project_folder) stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3(process_to_run) if stderr == "" unless stdout.match?(/\A\s*\z/) respond "routine *`#{name}`*: #{stdout}", @routines[@channel_id][name][:dest] end else respond "routine *`#{name}`*: #{stdout} #{stderr}", @routines[@channel_id][name][:dest] end else #command respond "routine *`#{name}`*: #{@routines[@channel_id][name][:command]}", @routines[@channel_id][name][:dest] started = treat_message({ channel: @routines[@channel_id][name][:dest], user: @routines[@channel_id][name][:creator_id], text: @routines[@channel_id][name][:command], files: nil }) end # in case the routine was deleted while running the process if !@routines.key?(@channel_id) or !@routines[@channel_id].key?(name) Thread.exit end @routines[@channel_id][name][:last_run] = started.to_s end if @routines[@channel_id][name][:last_run] == "" and @routines[@channel_id][name][:next_run] != "" #for the first create_routine of one routine with at elapsed = 0 require "time" every_in_seconds = Time.parse(@routines[@channel_id][name][:next_run]) - elsif @routines[@channel_id][name][:next_run] == "" and @routines[@channel_id][name][:at] != "" #coming from start after pause for 'at' if started.strftime("%k:%M:%S") < @routines[@channel_id][name][:at] nt = @routines[@channel_id][name][:at].split(":") next_run =, started.month,, nt[0], nt[1], nt[2]) else next_run = started + (24 * 60 * 60) # one more day nt = @routines[@channel_id][name][:at].split(":") next_run =, next_run.month,, nt[0], nt[1], nt[2]) end @routines[@channel_id][name][:next_run] = next_run.to_s elapsed = 0 every_in_seconds = next_run - started else every_in_seconds = @routines[@channel_id][name][:every_in_seconds] elapsed = - started @routines[@channel_id][name][:last_elapsed] = elapsed @routines[@channel_id][name][:next_run] = (started + every_in_seconds).to_s end @routines[@channel_id][name][:running] = true @routines[@channel_id][name][:sleeping] = every_in_seconds - elapsed update_routines() sleep(every_in_seconds - elapsed) unless elapsed > every_in_seconds else sleep 30 end end end end def build_help(path) help_message = {} Dir["#{path}/*"].each do |t| if Dir.exist?(t) help_message[t.scan(/\/(\w+)$/).join.to_sym] = build_help(t) else help_message[t.scan(/\/(\w+)\.rb$/).join.to_sym] = IO.readlines(t).join.scan(/#\s*help\s*\w*:(.*)/).join("\n") end end return help_message end def remove_hash_keys(hash, key) newh = hash.each do |k, v| unless k == key if v.is_a?(String) newh[k] = v else newh[k] = remove_hash_keys(v, key) end end end return newh end def get_help(rules_file, dest, from, only_rules = false) order = { general: [:hi_bot, :bye_bot, :bot_help, :bot_status, :use_rules, :stop_using_rules], on_bot: [:ruby_code, :add_shortcut, :delete_shortcut, :see_shortcuts], on_bot_admin: [:extend_rules, :stop_using_rules_on, :start_bot, :pause_bot, :add_routine, :see_routines, :start_routine, :pause_routine, :remove_routine, :run_routine], } # user_type: :admin, :user, :admin_master if MASTER_USERS.include?(from) user_type = :admin_master elsif ADMIN_USERS.include?(from) user_type = :admin else user_type = :user end # channel_type: :bot, :master_bot, :direct, :extended, :external if dest[0] == "D" channel_type = :direct elsif ON_MASTER_BOT channel_type = :master_bot elsif @channel_id != dest channel_type = :extended else channel_type = :bot end @help_messages ||= build_help("#{__dir__}/commands") if only_rules help = {} else help = @help_messages.deep_copy end if rules_file != "" help[:rules_file] = IO.readlines(rules_file).join.scan(/#\s*help\s*\w*:(.*)/i).join("\n") end help = remove_hash_keys(help, :admin_master) unless user_type == :admin_master help = remove_hash_keys(help, :admin) unless user_type == :admin or user_type == :admin_master help = remove_hash_keys(help, :on_master) unless channel_type == :master_bot help = remove_hash_keys(help, :on_extended) unless channel_type == :extended help = remove_hash_keys(help, :on_dm) unless channel_type == :direct txt = "" if channel_type == :bot or channel_type == :master_bot txt += "=================================== For the Smart Bot start listening to you say *hi bot* To run a command on demand even when the Smart Bot is not listening to you: *!THE_COMMAND* *@NAME_OF_BOT THE_COMMAND* *NAME_OF_BOT THE_COMMAND*\n" end if channel_type == :direct txt += "=================================== When on a private conversation with the Smart Bot, I'm always listening to you.\n" end unless channel_type == :master_bot or channel_type == :extended txt += "=================================== *Commands from Channels without a bot:* ---------------------------------------------- `@BOT_NAME on #CHANNEL_NAME COMMAND` `@BOT_NAME #CHANNEL_NAME COMMAND` It will run the supplied command using the rules on the channel supplied. You need to join the specified channel to be able to use those rules. Also you can use this command to call another bot from a channel with a running bot. The commands you will be able to use from a channel without a bot: *bot rules*, *ruby CODE*, *add shortcut NAME: COMMAND*, *delete shortcut NAME*, *see shortcuts*, *shortcut NAME* *And all the specific rules of the Channel*\n" end if help.key?(:general) unless channel_type == :direct txt += "=================================== *General commands even when the Smart Bot is not listening to you:*\n" end order.general.each do |o| txt += help.general[o] end if channel_type == :master_bot txt += help.on_master.create_bot end end if help.key?(:on_bot) unless channel_type == :direct txt += "=================================== *General commands only when the Smart Bot is listening to you or on demand:*\n" end order.on_bot.each do |o| txt += help.on_bot[o] end end if help.key?(:on_bot) and help.on_bot.key?(:admin) txt += "=================================== *Admin commands:*\n" txt += "\n\n" order.on_bot_admin.each do |o| txt += help.on_bot.admin[o] end if help.key?(:on_master) and help.on_master.key?(:admin) help.on_master.admin.each do |k, v| txt += v if v.is_a?(String) end end end if help.key?(:on_master) and help.on_master.key?(:admin_master) txt += "=================================== *Master Admin commands:*\n" help.on_master.admin_master.each do |k, v| txt += v if v.is_a?(String) end end if help.key?(:on_bot) and help.on_bot.key?(:admin_master) and help.on_bot.admin_master.size > 0 txt += "=================================== *Master Admin commands:*\n" end if help.key?(:rules_file) channel_type if channel_type == :extended or channel_type == :direct help.rules_file help.rules_file = help.rules_file.gsub(/^\s*\*These are specific commands.+NAME_OF_BOT THE_COMMAND`\s*$/im, "") end txt += help.rules_file end return txt end end