project "Niku Test" 2010-02-01 +3m {
timezone "America/Denver"
extend task {
text ClarityPID "Clarity PID"
text ClarityPName "Clarity Project Name"
extend resource {
text ClarityRID "Clarity Resource ID"
# The ClarityPID and ClarityPName must be always kept in sync. The
# easiest way to achieve this, is by using such macros.
macro PID_p1 [ ClarityPID "p1" ClarityPName "Project 1" ]
macro PID_p2 [ ClarityPID "p2" ClarityPName "Project 2" ]
macro PID_p3 [ ClarityPID "p3" ClarityPName "Project 3" ]
macro Resource [
resource ${1} "${1}" {
ClarityRID "${1}"
${Resource "r1"}
${Resource "r2"}
${Resource "r3"}
supplement resource r2 {
vacation 2010-02-15 +1w
task "T1" {
allocate r1
effort 5w
task t2 "T2" {
allocate r2
effort 10d
task "T3" {
depends !t2
allocate r2
effort 10d
task "T4" {
allocate r3
effort 3w
nikureport "niku" {
formats niku, html, csv
headline "This is a test report"
period 2010-02-01-8:00 - %{2010-03-01 -6h}
timeoff "vacations" "Vacation time"
# Depending on your Clarity configuration, you may need to add this
# CustomInformation section in the report. It's raw XML code and
# will be embedded into each <Project> section of the resulting
# report. This is just an example and it must be customized to work!
title -8<-
<ColumnValue name="foo_state">foo_active</ColumnValue>
<ColumnValue name="partition_code">foo_eng</ColumnValue>