module HappyPlace module Controller extend ActiveSupport::Concern # included do # # anything you would want to do in every controller, for example: add a class attribute # class_attribute :class_attribute_available_on_every_controller, instance_writer: false # end # module ClassMethods # # notice: no self.method_name here, because this is being extended because ActiveSupport::Concern was extended # end # instance methods to go on every controller go here def js(js_class: nil, function: nil, partials: {}, args: {}) return unless [:js, :html].include?(request.format.to_sym) js_class ||="::", ".") function ||= action_name if partials.present? built_args = "({" + (build_partials_string(partials) + hash_to_js_args(args)).join(", ") + "});" else built_args = "({" + hash_to_js_args(args).join(", ") + "});" end class_function = [js_class, function].join(".") if request.format.to_sym == :js render js: class_function + built_args elsif request.format.to_sym == :html render response_body = response.body before_body_end_index = response_body.rindex('') if before_body_end_index.present? before_body = response_body[0, before_body_end_index].html_safe after_body = response_body[before_body_end_index..-1].html_safe response.body = before_body + clean_script(class_function, built_args).html_safe + after_body end end end def clean_script(class_function, args) "" end def hash_to_js_args(args) js_args = [] args.each_pair do |k, v| js_args << (k.to_s + ": " + v.to_s) end js_args end def build_partials_string(partials) partials_strings = [] partials.each_pair do |k, v| partials_strings << (k.to_s + ": " + "'#{(render_to_string partial: v).gsub("\n", "")}'") end partials_strings end end end