#!/usr/bin/env ruby # examples/registry.rb require 'debug_me' include DebugMe require 'sinatra' require 'json' require 'securerandom' # In-memory registry to store agent capabilities # Array(Hash) # TODO: change this data store to a sqlite database # maybe with a vector search capability. # AGENT_REGISTRY = [] # Health check endpoint get '/healthcheck' do content_type :json { agent_count: AGENT_REGISTRY.size }.to_json end # Endpoint to register an agent post '/register' do request.body.rewind agent_info = JSON.parse(request.body.read, symbolize_names: true) agent_name = agent_info[:name] capabilities = agent_info[:capabilities] agent_uuid = SecureRandom.uuid AGENT_REGISTRY << agent_info.merge({uuid: agent_uuid}) status 201 content_type :json { uuid: agent_uuid }.to_json end # Endpoint to discover agents by capability # TODO: This is a simple keyword matcher. Looking # => for a semantic match process. get '/discover' do capability = params['capability'] matching_agents = AGENT_REGISTRY.select do |agent| agent[:capabilities].include?(capability) end content_type :json matching_agents.to_json end # Withdraw an agent from the registry delete '/withdraw/:uuid' do uuid = params['uuid'] how_many = AGENT_REGISTRY.size AGENT_REGISTRY.delete_if { |agent_info| agent_info[:uuid] == uuid } if AGENT_REGISTRY.size == how_many status 404 # Not Found content_type :json { error: "Agent with UUID #{uuid} not found." }.to_json else status 204 # No Content end end # Display all registered agents get '/' do content_type :json AGENT_REGISTRY.to_json end # Start the Sinatra server if __FILE__ == $PROGRAM_NAME Sinatra::Application.run! end