module SyslogProtocol class Packet attr_reader :facility, :severity, :hostname, :tag attr_accessor :time, :content def to_s assemble end def assemble(max_size = 1024) unless @hostname and @facility and @severity and @tag raise "Could not assemble packet without hostname, tag, facility, and severity" end data = "<#{pri}>1 #{generate_timestamp} #{@hostname} #{@tag} - - - #{@content}" if string_bytesize(data) > max_size data = data.slice(0, max_size) while string_bytesize(data) > max_size data = data.slice(0, data.length - 1) end end data end def facility=(f) if f.is_a? Integer if (0..23).include?(f) @facility = f else raise "Facility must be within 0-23" end elsif f.is_a? String if facility = FACILITIES[f] @facility = facility else raise "'#{f}' is not a designated facility" end else raise "Facility must be a designated number or string" end end def tag=(t) unless t && t.is_a?(String) && t.length > 0 raise ArgumentError, "Tag must not be omitted" end if t.length > 32 raise ArgumentError, "Tag must not be longer than 32 characters" end if t =~ /\s/ raise ArgumentError, "Tag may not contain spaces" end if t =~ /[^\x21-\x7E]/ raise ArgumentError, "Tag may only contain ASCII characters 33-126" end @tag = t end def severity=(s) if s.is_a? Integer if (0..7).include?(s) @severity = s else raise "Severity must be within 0-7" end elsif s.is_a? String if severity = SEVERITIES[s] @severity = severity else raise "'#{s}' is not a designated severity" end else raise "Severity must be a designated number or string" end end def hostname=(h) unless h and h.is_a? String and h.length > 0 raise"Hostname may not be omitted") end if h =~ /\s/ raise"Hostname may not contain spaces") end if h =~ /[^\x21-\x7E]/ raise"Hostname may only contain ASCII characters 33-126") end @hostname = h end def facility_name FACILITY_INDEX[@facility] end def severity_name SEVERITY_INDEX[@severity] end def pri (@facility * 8) + @severity end def pri=(p) unless p.is_a? Integer and (0..191).include?(p) raise "PRI must be a number between 0 and 191" end @facility = p / 8 @severity = p - (@facility * 8) end def generate_timestamp time = @time || time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%k:%M:%S.%6N%z") end if "".respond_to?(:bytesize) def string_bytesize(string) string.bytesize end else def string_bytesize(string) string.length end end SEVERITIES.each do |k,v| define_method("#{k}?") { SEVERITIES[k] == @severity } end end end