# Copyright 2010 Savonix Corporation # Author Albert L. Lash, IV # License MIT module Rack class XSLView class XSLViewError < StandardError ; end def initialize(app, options) @app = app @options = {:myxsl => nil}.merge(options) if @options[:myxsl].nil? require 'rexml/document' @xslt = XML::XSLT.new() @xslt.xsl = REXML::Document.new '' else @xslt = @options[:myxsl] end end def call(env) # No matter what, @app will be called status, headers, body = @app.call(env) original_response = Array[status, headers, body] exluded_status = Array[204, 301, 302, 304] return original_response if exluded_status.include?(status) || body.nil? return original_response unless headers["Content-Type"].to_s.match(/(ht|x)ml/) # If setup includes paths to exclude from xslt processing, check them checknoxsl(env) if @options[:noxsl] # Obtain entire request body, ensuring sure it can be processed myxml = getResponse(body) # One more check for an empty respone return original_response if myxml.empty? # Should XSL file be reloaded? unless @options[:reload] == true @xslt = XML::XSLT.new() @xslt.xsl = REXML::Document.new @options[:xslfile] end # Set XML for stylesheet @xslt.xml = myxml # If setup includes env vars to pass through as params, do so unless @options[:passenv].nil? @myhash = {} @options[:passenv].each { |envkey| # Does env var exist? @myhash[envkey] = "#{env[envkey]}" if env[envkey] } @xslt.parameters = @myhash unless @myhash.empty? end # Perform the transformation newbody = Array.[](@xslt.serve) # If we've made it this far, we can alter the headers headers.delete('Content-Length') headers['Content-Length'] = newbody[0].length.to_s # Content type override? unless @options[:content_type].nil? headers["Content-Type"] = @options[:content_type] end [status, headers, newbody] rescue XSLViewError # TODO Log: "Rack XSLView not processed" if env['RACK_ENV'] == 'development' original_response end private def checknoxsl(env) @options[:noxsl].each { |path| raise XSLViewError if env["PATH_INFO"].index(path) } end def getResponse(body) newbody = [] body.each { |part| # Only check the first chunk to ensure 1) its not HTML and 2) its XML checkForXml(part) if newbody.empty? newbody << part.to_s } return newbody.join('') end def checkForXml(x) # Abort processing if content cannot be processed by libxslt #puts "test for xml" #puts x[0] raise XSLViewError unless x[0] == '<' #puts "end xml test" if @options[:excludehtml] == true raise XSLViewError if x.include? '