# frozen_string_literal: true # https://github.com/lsegal/yard/blob/2d197a381c5d4cc5c55b2c60fff992b31c986361/docs/CodeObjects.md require "erb" require "csv" include Helpers::ModuleHelper def init options.objects = objects = run_verifier(options.objects) options.delete(:objects) options.delete(:files) options.serializer.extension = "md" generate_method_list objects.each do |object| next if object.name == :root begin Templates::Engine.with_serializer(object, options.serializer) { serialize(object) } rescue => e path = options.serializer.serialized_path(object) log.error "Exception occurred while generating '#{path}'" log.backtrace(e) end end serialize_index(objects) end def serialize_index(objects) filepath = "#{options.serializer.basepath}/index.csv" CSV.open(filepath, "wb") do |csv| csv << %w[name type path] objects.each do |object| next if object.name == :root if object.type == :class csv << [object.path, "Class", options.serializer.serialized_path(object)] elsif object.type == :module csv << [object.path, "Module", options.serializer.serialized_path(object)] end if constant_listing.size.positive? constant_listing.each do |cnst| csv << [ "#{object.path}.#{cnst.name(false)}", "Constant", (options.serializer.serialized_path(object) + "#" + aref(cnst)), ] end end if (insmeths = public_instance_methods(object)).size > 0 insmeths.each do |item| csv << [ "#{object.path}.#{item.name(false)}", "Method", options.serializer.serialized_path(object) + "#" + aref(item), ] end end if (pubmeths = public_class_methods(object)).size > 0 pubmeths.each do |item| csv << [ "#{object.path}.#{item.name(false)}", "Method", options.serializer.serialized_path(object) + "#" + aref(item), ] end end if (attrs = attr_listing(object)).size > 0 attrs.each do |item| csv << [ item.name(false), "Attribute", options.serializer.serialized_path(object) + "#" + aref(item), ] end end end end end # @param object [YARD::CodeObjects::Base] # @return [String] markdown formatted string # # @todo Extract template out of setup.rb class. def serialize(object) template = ERB.new( '# <%= format_object_title object %> <% if CodeObjects::ClassObject === object && object.superclass %> **Inherits:** <%= object.superclass %> <% end %><% [[:class, "Extended by"], [:instance, "Includes"]].each do |scope, name| %> <% if (mix = run_verifier(object.mixins(scope))).size > 0 %> **<%= name %>:** <%= mix.sort_by {|o| o.path }.join(", ") %> <% end %><% end %> <% unless object.root? %> **Defined in:** <%= object.file ? object.file.sub(Dir.pwd, "") : "(unknown)" %> <% end %> <%= rdoc_to_md object.docstring %> <%= render_tags object %> <% if (insmeths = public_instance_methods(object)).size > 0 %> # Public Instance Methods <% insmeths.each do |item| %> ## <%= item.name(false) %>(<%= item.parameters.map {|p| p.join("") }.join(", ")%>) [](#<%=aref(item)%>) <%= rdoc_to_md item.docstring %> <%= render_tags item %> <% end %><% end %> <% if (pubmeths = public_class_methods(object)).size > 0 %> # Public Class Methods <% pubmeths.each do |item| %> ## <%= item.name(false) %>(<%= item.parameters.map {|p| p.join(" ") }.join(", ") %>) [](#<%=aref(item)%>) <%= rdoc_to_md item.docstring %> <%= render_tags item %> <% end %> <% end %> <% if (attrs = attr_listing(object)).size > 0 %> # Attributes <% attrs.each do |item|%> ## <%= item.name %><%= item.reader? ? "[RW]" : "[R]" %> [](#<%=aref(item)%>) <%= rdoc_to_md item.docstring %> <%= render_tags item %> <% end %> <% end %> <% if constant_listing.size > 0 %> <% groups(constant_listing, "Constants") do |list, name| %> # <%= name %> <% list.each do |cnst| %> ## <%= cnst.name %> [](#<%=aref(cnst)%>) <%= rdoc_to_md cnst.docstring %> <%= render_tags cnst %> <% end %><% end %><% end %>', trim_mode: "<>", ) template.result(binding) end require "rdoc" ## # Converts rdoc to markdown. # # I didn't found a way to detect yard/rdoc docstrings, so we're running docstrings through rdoc to markdown converter in all cases. If it's yard docstring, it doesn't seem to have any negative effect on end results. But absense of bugs, doesn't mean that there are no issues. # # @param docstring [String, YARD::Docstring] # @return [String] markdown formatted string def rdoc_to_md(docstring) RDoc::Markup::ToMarkdown.new.convert(docstring) end ## # Formats yard tags belonging to a object. # # This is mostly a feature of yard and rdoc doesn't have any of that. Rdoc supports ":nodoc:" and other tags. Yard claims to have full support for rdoc, doesn't really handle tags like ":nodoc:" or anything else from rdoc. # # There is an attempt to handle @example tag differently, we surround it with a code block. # # @see https://rubydoc.info/gems/yard/file/docs/TagsArch.md # # @param object [YARD::CodeObjects::Base] # @return [String] markdown formatted string of Tags def render_tags(object) result = String.new("") object.tags.each do |tag| result << if !(tag.tag_name == "example") "**@#{tag.tag_name}** [#{tag.types&.join(', ')}] #{tag.text}\n" else "" end end object.tags.each do |tag| result << if (tag.tag_name == "example") "\n**@#{tag.tag_name}**\n```ruby\n#{tag.text}\n```" else "" end end result end def aref(object) if object.type == :constant "constant-#{object.name(false)}" elsif !object.attr_info.nil? "attribute-#{object.scope[0]}-#{object.name(false)}" else "#{object.type}-#{object.scope[0]}-#{object.name(false)}" end end def constant_listing return @constants if defined?(@constants) && @constants @constants = object.constants(included: false, inherited: false) @constants += object.cvars @constants end def public_method_list(object) prune_method_listing( object.meths(inherited: false, visibility: [:public]), included: false, ).sort_by { |m| m.name.to_s } end def public_class_methods(object) public_method_list(object).select { |o| o.scope == :class } end def public_instance_methods(object) public_method_list(object).select { |o| o.scope == :instance } end def attr_listing(object) @attrs = [] object .inheritance_tree(true) .each do |superclass| next if superclass.is_a?(CodeObjects::Proxy) next if !options.embed_mixins.empty? && !options.embed_mixins_match?(superclass) %i[class instance].each do |scope| superclass.attributes[scope].each do |_name, rw| attr = prune_method_listing([rw[:read], rw[:write]].compact, false).first @attrs << attr if attr end end break if options.embed_mixins.empty? end sort_listing @attrs end def generate_method_list @items = prune_method_listing(Registry.all(:method), false) @items = @items.reject { |m| m.name.to_s =~ /=$/ && m.is_attribute? } @items = @items.sort_by { |m| m.name.to_s } # @list_title = "Method List" # @list_type = "method" # generate_list_contents # binding.irb end def sort_listing(list) list.sort_by { |o| [o.scope.to_s, o.name.to_s.downcase] } end def groups(list, type = "Method") groups_data = object.groups if groups_data list.each { |m| groups_data |= [m.group] if m.group && owner != m.namespace } others = list.select { |m| !m.group || !groups_data.include?(m.group) } groups_data.each do |name| items = list.select { |m| m.group == name } yield(items, name) unless items.empty? end else others = [] group_data = {} list.each { |itm| itm.group ? (group_data[itm.group] ||= []) << itm : others << itm } group_data.each { |group, items| yield(items, group) unless items.empty? } end return if others.empty? if others.first.respond_to?(:scope) scopes(others) { |items, scope| yield(items, "#{scope.to_s.capitalize} #{type}") } else yield(others, type) end end