/* * An example file showing the usage of the C++ libmemcached interface. */ #include <config.h> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <map> #include <string.h> #include <libmemcached/memcached.hpp> using namespace std; using namespace memcache; class DeletePtrs { public: template<typename T> inline void operator()(const T *ptr) const { delete ptr; } }; class MyCache { public: static const uint32_t num_of_clients= 10; static MyCache &singleton() { static MyCache instance; return instance; } void set(const string &key, const vector<char> &value) { time_t expiry= 0; uint32_t flags= 0; getCache()->set(key, value, expiry, flags); } vector<char> get(const string &key) { vector<char> ret_value; getCache()->get(key, ret_value); return ret_value; } void remove(const string &key) { getCache()->remove(key); } Memcache *getCache() { /* * pick a random element from the vector of clients. Obviously, this is * not very random but suffices as an example! */ uint32_t index= rand() % num_of_clients; return clients[index]; } private: /* * A vector of clients. */ std::vector<Memcache *> clients; MyCache() : clients() { /* create clients and add them to the vector */ for (uint32_t i= 0; i < num_of_clients; i++) { Memcache *client= new Memcache(""); clients.push_back(client); } } ~MyCache() { for_each(clients.begin(), clients.end(), DeletePtrs()); clients.clear(); } MyCache(const MyCache&); }; class Product { public: Product(int in_id, double in_price) : id(in_id), price(in_price) {} Product() : id(0), price(0.0) {} int getId() const { return id; } double getPrice() const { return price; } private: int id; double price; }; void setAllProducts(vector<Product> &products) { vector<char> raw_products(products.size() * sizeof(Product)); memcpy(&raw_products[0], &products[0], products.size() * sizeof(Product)); MyCache::singleton().set("AllProducts", raw_products); } vector<Product> getAllProducts() { vector<char> raw_products = MyCache::singleton().get("AllProducts"); vector<Product> products(raw_products.size() / sizeof(Product)); memcpy(&products[0], &raw_products[0], raw_products.size()); return products; } Product getProduct(const string &key) { vector<char> raw_product= MyCache::singleton().get(key); Product ret; if (! raw_product.empty()) { memcpy(&ret, &raw_product[0], sizeof(Product)); } else { /* retrieve it from the persistent store */ } return ret; } void setProduct(const string &key, const Product &product) { vector<char> raw_product(sizeof(Product)); memcpy(&raw_product[0], &product, sizeof(Product)); MyCache::singleton().set(key, raw_product); } int main() { Memcache first_client(""); map< string, map<string, string> > my_stats; first_client.getStats(my_stats); /* * Iterate through the retrieved stats. */ map< string, map<string, string> >::iterator it= my_stats.begin(); while (it != my_stats.end()) { cout << "working with server: " << (*it).first << endl; map<string, string> serv_stats= (*it).second; map<string, string>::iterator iter= serv_stats.begin(); while (iter != serv_stats.end()) { cout << (*iter).first << ":" << (*iter).second << endl; ++iter; } ++it; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }