module Arel module Visitors class Teradata < Arel::Visitors::ToSql def visit_Arel_Nodes_SelectStatement o if !o.limit && o.offset raise ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError, "You must specify :limit with :offset." end order = "ORDER BY #{ { |x| visit x }.join(', ')}" unless o.orders.empty? if o.limit if select_count?(o) subquery = true sql = do |x| x = x.dup x.projections = ["*")] visit_Arel_Nodes_SelectCore x end.join else sql = { |x| visit_Arel_Nodes_SelectCore x }.join end order ||= "ORDER BY #{determine_order_clause(sql)}" replace_limit_offset!(sql, limit_for(o.limit).to_i, o.offset && o.offset.value.to_i, order) sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count_id FROM (#{sql}) AS subquery" if subquery else sql = super end sql end # # Lots of this code was pulled from the activerecord JDBC MSSQL driver def get_table_name(sql) if sql =~ /^\s*insert\s+into\s+([^\(\s,]+)\s*|^\s*update\s+([^\(\s,]+)\s*/i $1 elsif sql =~ /\bfrom\s+([^\(\s,]+)\s*/i $1 else nil end end def determine_order_clause(sql) return $1 if sql =~ /ORDER BY (.*)$/ table_name = get_table_name(sql) "#{table_name}.#{determine_primary_key(table_name)}" end def determine_primary_key(table_name) table_name = table_name.gsub('"', '') primary_key = @connection.columns(table_name).detect { |column| column.primary } return if primary_key # Look for an id column. Return it, without changing case, to cover dbs with a case-sensitive collation. @connection.columns(table_name).each { |column| return if =~ /^id$/i } # Give up and provide something which is going to crash almost certainly @connection.columns(table_name)[0].name end def add_limit_offset!(sql, options) if options[:limit] order = "ORDER BY #{options[:order] || determine_order_clause(sql)}" sql.sub!(/ ORDER BY.*$/i, '') replace_limit_offset!(sql, options[:limit], options[:offset], order) end end def replace_limit_offset!(sql, limit, offset, order) if limit offset ||= 0 start_row = offset + 1 end_row = offset + limit.to_i find_select = /\b(SELECT(?:\s+DISTINCT)?)\b(.*)/im whole, select, rest_of_query = find_select.match(sql).to_a rest_of_query.strip! if rest_of_query[0...1] == "1" && rest_of_query !~ /1 AS/i rest_of_query[0] = "*" end if rest_of_query[0] == "*" from_table = get_table_name(rest_of_query) rest_of_query = from_table + '.' + rest_of_query end new_sql = "#{select} t.* FROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(#{order}) AS _row_num, #{rest_of_query}" new_sql << ") AS t WHERE t._row_num BETWEEN #{start_row.to_s} AND #{end_row.to_s}" sql.replace(new_sql) end sql end def limit_for(limit_or_node) limit_or_node.respond_to?(:expr) ? limit_or_node.expr.to_i : limit_or_node end def select_count? o sel = o.cores.length == 1 && o.cores.first projections = sel && sel.projections.length == 1 && sel.projections projections && Arel::Nodes::Count === projections.first end # end end end