module Admin::ApplicationHelper def timestamp(datetime=nil) return 'Never' if datetime.blank? content_tag :span, determine_fancy_timestmap(datetime), title: datetime end def determine_fancy_timestmap(datetime) if > datetime # in the past if - datetime > 604800 datetime.strftime('%B %d, %Y') + ' at ' + datetime.strftime('%I:%M %p') else time_ago_in_words(datetime) + ' ago' end elsif < datetime # in the future datetime.strftime('%B %d, %Y') + ' at ' + datetime.strftime('%I:%M %p') else 'Right now' end end def url_for_admin_dashboard_application(url) if Rails.configuration.relative_url_root.blank? return url else return [Rails.configuration.relative_url_root, url].join('/').gsub(/(\/+)/, '/') end end # Build an icon with left padding to indicate nesting below the previous table row # def table_nesting_indicator(depth) if depth.positive? depth.times do concat content_tag(:span, '', class: 'nesting-spacer') end content_tag(:span, '', class: 'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right') end end # The following params will automatically be white listed for tabbed navigation # WHITE_LIST_PARAMS = [:tab, :sort, :direction, :dir, :search, :id].freeze # Build a Bootstrap nav-tabs element # # * url_helper: A symbol representing the url helper method. ie: admin_widgets_path # * tabs: An array of tab hashes with :title and :value keys # * white_list: An array of param keys that should be allowed in the tabs. Optional. # # Example: # # <%= tb_core_tabbed_navigation(:admin_vehicles_path, [ # {:title => 'All'}, # {:title => 'New', :value => 'new'}, # {:title => 'Used', :value => 'used'} # ], white_list: [:category_id]) %> # # This would generate: # # # def tb_core_tabbed_navigation(url_helper, tabs, white_list: []) key = :tab content_tag :ul, class: 'nav nav-tabs' do tabs.each do |tab| cls = params[key] == tab[:value] ? 'active' : '' url = tab.delete(:url) if url.blank? link_args = params.permit(white_list.concat(WHITE_LIST_PARAMS)).merge(key => tab[:value]) url = self.send(url_helper, link_args) end concat(content_tag(:li, class: cls){ link_to tab[:title], url }) end end end end