module CLI module UI module Spinner class SpinGroup # Initializes a new spin group # This lets you add +Task+ objects to the group to multi-thread work # # ==== Options # # * +:auto_debrief+ - Automatically debrief exceptions? Default to true # # ==== Example Usage # # spin_group = # spin_group.add('Title') { |spinner| sleep 3.0 } # spin_group.add('Title 2') { |spinner| sleep 3.0; spinner.update_title('New Title'); sleep 3.0 } # spin_group.wait # # Output: # # # def initialize(auto_debrief: true) @m = @consumed_lines = 0 @tasks = [] @auto_debrief = auto_debrief end class Task attr_reader :title, :exception, :success, :stdout, :stderr # Initializes a new Task # This is managed entirely internally by +SpinGroup+ # # ==== Attributes # # * +title+ - Title of the task # * +block+ - Block for the task, will be provided with an instance of the spinner # def initialize(title, &block) @title = title @thread = do cap =, with_frame_inset: false, &block) begin ensure @stdout = cap.stdout @stderr = cap.stderr end end @force_full_render = false @done = false @exception = nil @success = false end # Checks if a task is finished # def check return true if @done return false if @thread.alive? @done = true begin status = @thread.join.status @success = (status == false) @success = false if @thread.value == TASK_FAILED rescue => exc @exception = exc @success = false end @done end # Re-renders the task if required # # ==== Attributes # # * +index+ - index of the task # * +force+ - force rerender of the task # def render(index, force = true) return full_render(index) if force || @force_full_render partial_render(index) ensure @force_full_render = false end # Update the spinner title # # ==== Attributes # # * +title+ - title to change the spinner to # def update_title(new_title) @title = new_title @force_full_render = true end private def full_render(index) inset + glyph(index) + CLI::UI::Color::RESET.code + ' ' + CLI::UI.resolve_text(title) + "\e[K" end def partial_render(index) CLI::UI::ANSI.cursor_forward(inset_width) + glyph(index) + CLI::UI::Color::RESET.code end def glyph(index) if @done @success ? CLI::UI::Glyph::CHECK.to_s : CLI::UI::Glyph::X.to_s else GLYPHS[index] end end def inset @inset ||= CLI::UI::Frame.prefix end def inset_width @inset_width ||= CLI::UI::ANSI.printing_width(inset) end end # Add a new task # # ==== Attributes # # * +title+ - Title of the task # * +block+ - Block for the task, will be provided with an instance of the spinner # # ==== Example Usage: # spin_group = # spin_group.add('Title') { |spinner| sleep 1.0 } # spin_group.wait # def add(title, &block) @m.synchronize do @tasks <<, &block) end end # Tells the group you're done adding tasks and to wait for all of them to finish # # ==== Example Usage: # spin_group = # spin_group.add('Title') { |spinner| sleep 1.0 } # spin_group.wait # def wait idx = 0 loop do all_done = true @m.synchronize do CLI::UI.raw do @tasks.each.with_index do |task, int_index| nat_index = int_index + 1 task_done = task.check all_done = false unless task_done if nat_index > @consumed_lines print(task.render(idx, true) + "\n") @consumed_lines += 1 else offset = @consumed_lines - int_index move_to = CLI::UI::ANSI.cursor_up(offset) + "\r" move_from = "\r" + CLI::UI::ANSI.cursor_down(offset) print(move_to + task.render(idx, + move_from) end end end end break if all_done idx = (idx + 1) % GLYPHS.size sleep(PERIOD) end debrief if @auto_debrief end # Debriefs failed tasks is +auto_debrief+ is true # def debrief @m.synchronize do @tasks.each do |task| next if task.success e = task.exception out = task.stdout err = task.stderr'Task Failed: ' + task.title, color: :red) do if e puts "#{e.class}: #{e.message}" puts "\tfrom #{e.backtrace.join("\n\tfrom ")}" end CLI::UI::Frame.divider('STDOUT') out = "(empty)" if out.nil? || out.strip.empty? puts out CLI::UI::Frame.divider('STDERR') err = "(empty)" if err.nil? || err.strip.empty? puts err end end @tasks.all?(&:success) end end end end end end