# # Copyright:: 2011-2018, Joshua Timberman # Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require_relative "../resource" require "chef-utils/dist" unless defined?(ChefUtils::Dist) require "corefoundation" if RUBY_PLATFORM.match?(/darwin/) autoload :Plist, "plist" class Chef class Resource class MacosUserDefaults < Chef::Resource unified_mode true # align with apple's marketing department provides(:macos_userdefaults) { true } provides(:mac_os_x_userdefaults) { true } description "Use the **macos_userdefaults** resource to manage the macOS user defaults system. The properties of this resource are passed to the defaults command, and the parameters follow the convention of that command. See the defaults(1) man page for details on how the tool works." introduced "14.0" examples <<~DOC **Specify a global domain value** ```ruby macos_userdefaults 'Full keyboard access to all controls' do key 'AppleKeyboardUIMode' value 2 end ``` **Setting a value on a specific domain** ```ruby macos_userdefaults 'Enable macOS firewall' do domain '/Library/Preferences/com.apple.alf' key 'globalstate' value 1 end ``` **Specifying the type of a key to skip automatic type detection** ```ruby macos_userdefaults 'Finder expanded save dialogs' do key 'NSNavPanelExpandedStateForSaveMode' value 'TRUE' type 'bool' end ``` DOC property :domain, String, description: "The domain that the user defaults belong to.", default: "NSGlobalDomain", default_description: "NSGlobalDomain: the global domain.", desired_state: false property :global, [TrueClass, FalseClass], description: "Determines whether or not the domain is global.", deprecated: true, default: false, desired_state: false property :key, String, description: "The preference key.", required: true property :host, [String, Symbol], description: "Set either :current, :all or a hostname to set the user default at the host level.", desired_state: false, introduced: "16.3", coerce: proc { |value| to_cf_host(value) } property :value, [Integer, Float, String, TrueClass, FalseClass, Hash, Array], description: "The value of the key. Note: With the `type` property set to `bool`, `String` forms of Boolean true/false values that Apple accepts in the defaults command will be coerced: 0/1, 'TRUE'/'FALSE,' 'true'/false', 'YES'/'NO', or 'yes'/'no'.", required: [:write] property :type, String, description: "The value type of the preference key.", equal_to: %w{bool string int float array dict}, desired_state: false, deprecated: true property :user, [String, Symbol], description: "The system user that the default will be applied to. Set :current for current user, :all for all users or pass a valid username", desired_state: false, coerce: proc { |value| to_cf_user(value) } property :sudo, [TrueClass, FalseClass], description: "Set to true if the setting you wish to modify requires privileged access. This requires passwordless sudo for the `/usr/bin/defaults` command to be setup for the user running #{ChefUtils::Dist::Infra::PRODUCT}.", default: false, desired_state: false, deprecated: true load_current_value do |new_resource| Chef::Log.debug "#load_current_value: attempting to read \"#{new_resource.domain}\" value from preferences to determine state" pref = get_preference(new_resource) current_value_does_not_exist! if pref.nil? key new_resource.key value pref end action :write, description: "Write the value to the specified domain/key." do converge_if_changed do Chef::Log.debug("Updating defaults value for #{new_resource.key} in #{new_resource.domain}") CF::Preferences.set!(new_resource.key, new_resource.value, new_resource.domain, new_resource.user, new_resource.host) end end action :delete, description: "Delete a key from a domain." do # if it's not there there's nothing to remove return if current_resource.nil? converge_by("delete domain:#{new_resource.domain} key:#{new_resource.key}") do Chef::Log.debug("Removing defaults key: #{new_resource.key}") CF::Preferences.set!(new_resource.key, nil, new_resource.domain, new_resource.user, new_resource.host) end end def get_preference(new_resource) CF::Preferences.get(new_resource.key, new_resource.domain, new_resource.user, new_resource.host) end # Return valid hostname based on the input from host property def to_cf_host(value) case value when :all CF::Preferences::ALL_HOSTS when :current CF::Preferences::CURRENT_HOST else value end end # Return valid username based on the input from user property def to_cf_user(value) case value when :all CF::Preferences::ALL_USERS when :current CF::Preferences::CURRENT_USER else value end end end end end